OpenSCAD Minkowski

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OpenSCAD Minkowski

Menu location
OpenSCAD → Minkowski‏‎
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also


Applies a minkowski sum to selected shapes.

Mathematical Definition:
Add each element of subset A to each element of subset B to get minkowski sum.
Geometrical Definition:
Sweep element A along all boundaries of element B. Resulting space which is occupied by both elements is minkowski sum.

An example of a minkowski sum
Example of minkowski sum applied to cylinder and cube.
Note that the height of minkowski sum is height of cylinder plus height of cube.


  1. Select shapes in Tree-View or in 3D-View
  2. Click on or choose OpenSCAD Minkowski from the top menu.


Feature needs OpenSCAD installed and configured in Edit Preferences
