Jak zainstalować dodatkowe środowiska pracy

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 17:38, 7 July 2023 by Kaktus (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Podczas Google Summer of Code 2016 student Mandeep Singh rozpoczął pracę nad ulepszoną wersją ([https://github.com/mandeeps708/PluginManager dostępne tutaj]), ale ta wersja wymaga dalszych prac, zanim będzie mogła zostać w pełni zintegrowana z FreeCAD.")
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Zaawansowani użytkownicy rozszerzyli FreeCAD o różne niestandardowe zewnętrzne środowiska pracy, które nie są zintegrowane z podstawowym kodem źródłowym, ale są łatwe do zainstalowania na istniejącej dystrybucji FreeCAD. Tutaj omówimy metody instalacji dla różnych systemów operacyjnych.

Uwaga: Począwszy od wersji 0.17, FreeCAD posiada Menadżer dodatków w menu Przybory → Menadżer dodatków, który umożliwia instalację zarówno makrodefinicji, jak i środowisk pracy. Poniższe instrukcje są wymagane tylko wtedy, gdy chcesz zainstalować środowisko pracy samodzielnie. Może to być konieczne, jeśli z jakiegoś powodu Menedżer dodatków nie działa, ale masz dostęp do środowiska roboczego pobranego jako pakiet .zip.

Instalacja w środowisku Windows

Jak zainstalować dodatkowe środowiska pracy i dodatki w systemie Windows


Uwaga: Używanie addons-installer nie jest już zalecane. Zalecanym sposobem jest instalacja przez Menadżera dodatków we wszystkich systemach.

Użyj addons-installer z Github.

Podczas Google Summer of Code 2016 student Mandeep Singh rozpoczął pracę nad ulepszoną wersją (dostępne tutaj), ale ta wersja wymaga dalszych prac, zanim będzie mogła zostać w pełni zintegrowana z FreeCAD.

Manual Install

Note: This method is possible but not necessary with the introduction of the Addon Manager. Nevertheless, the information here may still be useful to some.

  • Download the workbench from github by clicking on the button Clone or Download on the github page (upper right corner) and choosing "Download ZIP"
  • Unpack the downloaded archive on your local hard disk
  • Within FreeCAD, locate the macro path by choosing Edit → Preferences → General → Macro and look for the ”Macro path”
  • Supposed your Windows-Login is “username” the default macro path is %APPDATA%\FreeCAD\ which is usually C:\Users\username\Appdata\Roaming\FreeCAD
  • Within the macro-directory create (if not already present) a folder called “Mod
  • Within the Mod folder, create a folder with the name of the workbench, for example “Curves”
  • Now move the unpacked files and sub-folders of the workbench to the just created workbench-folder
  • After restart of FreeCAD you should now have an entry in the workbench selector

Additional Recommendation for updating workbenches

On windows, when updating an already installed workbench, Windows keeps the old .py files as .pyc. Since this may lead to trouble, it is recommended to uninstall the workbench, restart FreeCAD and install the new version of the workbench.

Installing on Linux

How to install additional workbenches and addons on Linux

Using git

Adding the community-ppa within the ppa-manager.
Installing the workbenches via Synaptic Packet Manager.

$ sudo apt-get install git python-numpy python-pyside
$ mkdir ~/.FreeCAD/Mod
$ cd ~/.FreeCAD/Mod
$ git clone  https://github.com/tomate44/CurvesWB.git

In FreeCAD you will now have a new workbench-entry called "CurvesWB". Once installed, use git to upgrade to the latest version:

$ cd ~/.FreeCAD/Mod/CurvesWB
$ git pull
$ rm *.pyc

Manual Installation

Note: This method is possible but not necessary with the introduction of the Addon Manager. Nevertheless, the information here may still be useful to some.

  • Download the workbench from github by clicking on the button Clone or Download on the github page (upper right corner) and choosing "Download ZIP"
  • Unpack the downloaded archive on your local hard disk
  • Within FreeCAD, locate the macro path by choosing Edit → Preferences → General → Macro and look for the ”Macro path”
  • By default, the macro directory is the (hidden) ./.FreeCAD/ directory in your home-directory
  • Within the macro-directory create (if not already present) a folder called “Mod
  • Within the Mod/ folder, create a folder with the name of the workbench, for example “Curves”
  • Now move the unpacked files and sub-folders of the workbench to the just created workbench-folder
  • After restart of FreeCAD you should now have an entry in the workbench selector

Installing on Mac

How to install additional workbenches and addons on macOS

Manual Installation

Note: This method is possible but not necessary with the introduction of the Addon Manager. Nevertheless, the information here may still be useful to some.

For the sake of this example, say you've chosen the Curves Workbench as the external workbench you want to install:

  • Choose and download the git repository of your chosen external workbench as a ZIP file
  • There are two possible locations for your Addon workbench 'Mods':
  1. All Users: /Applications/FreeCAD.app/Contents/Resources/Mod
  2. Current user only: /Users/myusername/Library/Application Support/FreeCAD/Mod
  • If you use Finder to navigate manually to the All Users location in Applications you will need to
    • go to /Applications" and select FreeCAD.app
    • right-mouse-click and select "Show Package Contents", a new window will appear with a folder named "Contents"
    • single-click on the folder "Contents" then on "Resources" and double-click to open the folder "Mod"
  • Once you are in whichever "Mod" folder you want to use, create a New Folder named "Curves"
  • Unzip downloaded repository in the folder "Mod/Curves"

General troubleshooting

  • Don't use special characters (for example German umlauts) in your windows user name, otherwise FreeCAD will not recognize files and folders in the macro path.
  • If you have already set up a user name with special characters either create a new user name or point the macro path to a directory not using special characters.
  • Go to Tools → Customize → Workbenches and make sure the workbench is not set to invisible.
  • With 32-bit systems and FreeCAD 0.16.6706, after attempts to install, the additional Workbenches may not be available. In this case