
From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 17:41, 30 November 2014 by Renatorivo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==== Sistema de unidades ==== Debido a la ''hipótesis uno'', es posible y relevante definir un sistema de unidades. Un sistema de unidades se aplica a: * Una ejecución de F...")

Aquí hay algunos enlaces con información sobre unidades:


 # -- some examples of the FreeCAD unit translation system --
# make a shortcut for the examples

# 10 meters in internal numbers
tu('10 m')
# doing math
tu('3/8 in')
# combined stuff
tu('100 km/h')
# transfer to other units
tu('100 km/h')/tu('m/s')
# derived units (Ohm)
# or
# angles 
tu('2*pi rad') # full circle
# as gon
tu('2*pi rad') / tu('gon')
# more imperial
# or 
tu('1\'(3+7/16)"') # the ' we have to escape because of python
# trigonometry
# Using translated units as parameters, this command will create a 50.8mm x 20mm x 10mm box
b = Part.makeBox(tu('2in'),tu('2m')/100,10)

Unidades soportadas

Aquí están las unidades definidas en FreeCAD hasta el momento. Es sencillo añadir una nueva unidad definida por el usuario. La definición está Aquí.

Métricas de longitud

"mm"    1.0;        // millimeter       (internal standard length)
"m"     1000.0;     // meter
"cm"    10.0;       // centimeter
"dm"    100.0;      // decimeter
"km"    1000000.0;  // kilometer

Británicas de longitud

"in" "\""  25.4;       // inch
"ft" "'"   304.8;      // foot
"th"       0.0254;     // thou
"yr"       914.4;      // yard

Métricas de masa

"kg"    1.0;        // kilogram       (internal standard mass)
"g"     0.001;      // gram
"mg"    0.000001;   // milligram
"t"     1000.0;     // ton 

Británicas de masa

"lb"    0.45359237; // pound
"oz"    0.45359237; // ounce
"st"    6.35029318; // Stone
"cwt"   50.80234544;// hundredweights


"deg"   1.0;        // degree         (internal standard angle)
"rad"   180/M_PI;   // radian         
"gon"   360.0/400.0;// gon 


"s"     1.0;        // second         (internal standard time)
"min"   60.0;       // minute
"h"     3600.0;     // hour  

El resto del SI

"A"     1.0;        // Ampere         (internal standard electric current)
"K"     1.0;        // Kelvin         (internal standard thermodynamic temperature)
"cd"    1.0;        // Candela        (internal standard luminous intensity)        
"mol"   1.0;        // Mole           (internal standard amount of substance)   

Métricas de volumen

"µl"    1.0;        // microliter mm^3(derived  standard volume)
"ml"    1000.0;     // milliliter cm^3    
"l"     1000000.0;  // Liter      dm^3

Propósito y principios: Propuesta de una extensión del sistema de gestión de unidades

En las próximas secciones se propone un sistema de gestión de unidades, desarrollando el concepto de sistema de unidades, activado durante la ejecución de FreeCAD. El interés de definir tal concepto es trabajar de forma más sencilla con diversos tipos de unidades físicas (incluso creadas por el usuario), sin incrementar la complejidad de la gestión de unidades para el usuario, o para los desarrolladores de FreeCAD.

En resumen, los eventos de escalado de unidades están localizados de forma precisa, y llevados de un modo genérico.

Lograr tal flexibilidad se requiere principalmente cuando se empieza a trabajar con propiedades de materiales que pueden tener unidades muy diferentes, dificiles de manejar una a una manualmente.

El razonamiento propuesto permite manejar las unidades como se describe en la Guía para el uso de las unidades del Sistema Internacional (SI) y en el Sistema internacional de unidades (SI) ambos de NIST.

En esta propuesta, se requiere en la sección Tormenta de ideas un primer recordatorio de los posibles contextos en los que se podría utilizar la gestión de unidades.

En la sección Organización, presentamos el modelo de datos retenido para lograr la gestión de unidades, basado en 3 objetos, la unidad, el diccionario de unidades, y el sistema de unidades. Finalmente, también se presenta una breve API de un cuarto objeto denominado gestor de unidades.


Gracias a esta extensión, una de las intenciones es hacer más sencillo el escalado de unidades que puede suceder entre diferentes tareas. Por ejemplo, los dibujos técnicos se pueden realizar en el sistema de unidades estándar, mientras que el modelado para elementos finitos se puede gestionar en un sistema de unidades que se ajuste mejor a él.

El intercambio de datos entre estos dos tipos de actividades se hace más sencilla con esta extensión.

Tormenta de ideas

En esta sección se destacan los contextos del uso del sistema de gestión de unidades. Desde estops contextos, podemos definir sus especificaciones técnicas.

Esencialmente se dan 2 contextos como ejemplo.

Contexto 1: Apertura de un archivo de datos

Este es posiblemente el caso más frecuente. Recibes un archivo que contiene por ejemplo un modelo geométrico, o describiendo un material con bastantes propiedades. El modelo geométrico se expresa en metros, o las propiedades del material de acuerdo al sistema internacional de unidades.

Que mal..

Esperabas un modelado para cálculo por elementos finitos, y trabajas en milimetros para la longitud y MegaPascales para la tensión, toneladas para la masa...

En este contexto, la gestión de unidades se requiere para escalar los datos de un sistema de unidades inicial definido en el archivo de entrada a un sistema de unidades objetivo definido por el usuario.

Contexto 2: Cambiando el sistema de unidades durante la ejecución

En este caso, puedes ser al mismo tiempo el que realiza el dibujo, y el que maneja el modelo para cálculo por elementos finitos. De modo similar al caso anterior, el sistema de unidades para estas dos tareas no es la misma, y necesitas cambiar el sistema de unidades inicial a tu preferido en tiempo de ejecución.


Escalado lógico de unidades

En la sección Tormenta de ideas se han presentado 2 contextos de utilización del escalado de unidades. Algunos aspectos deberían destacarse de estos dos contextos.

Coherencia de unidades a través de la ejecución de FreeCAD

El sistema propuesto está basado en una suposición fundamental: el usuario está trabajando en un sistema de unidades coherente. Por ejemplo, esto significa que si el usuario expresa las longitudes en milímetros, necesariamente las áreas se expresarán en milímetros cuadrados, no metros cuadrados. Esta es la Hipótesis uno.

Sistema de unidades

Debido a la hipótesis uno, es posible y relevante definir un sistema de unidades. Un sistema de unidades se aplica a:

  • Una ejecución de FreeCAD en la que estés trabajando
  • o se puede aplicar globalmente al contexto de un archivo de entrada

De acuerdo con la Guía para el uso del Sistema Internacional de Unidades (SI) de NIST, hay 7 unidades físicas base. Seleccionamos expresar un sistema de unidades en términos de dichas 7 unidades base.

When working within an instance of FreeCAD, the user has thus to define first the unit system according to which she/he is working before she/he decides to switch to another unit system, or before importing data from an input file.

This unit system will apply till the user decides to change it. If she/he does, all data with dimensions will be scaled.

Considering hypothesis one, all data that the user will input manually in FreeCAD are assumed to be coherent with the chosen unit system.

The benefit to work with a unit system defined at a FreeCAD running instance level, or at data file level (instead of unit which are defined at the data level) is then that unit management is considerably simplified.

Here are some examples of unit systems.

  • meter, kilogram, second, ampere, Kelvin, mole, candela
  • millimeter, tonne, millisecond, ampere, Kelvin, mole, candela
  • millimeter, kilogramme, millisecond, ampere, Kelvin, mole, candela
  • ...

Base and derived units

Derived units are created by combination of base units. For instance, an acceleration (m/s) combines at the same time length and time. An interesting picture presenting the relationships between base and derived units can be seen here also from NIST.

Thanks to the definition of unit system, it is possible for the user to work with any kind of derived units, without the need for FreeCAD developpers to foresee them in advance.

Base and derived unit symbols

According to The International System of Units (SI), the symbols to specify a units are officially approved. Two consequences can be highlighted from this.

  • it is not easy for a computer program to work with unit symbols because some are greek letters for instance. Hence they can be a bit difficult to process by a program
  • while some units and their symbols can be used widely, they may be not approved officially, like for instance tonne unit (see p32 of The International System of Units (SI))

To overcome these limitations and remain flexible, the proposed system favors the use of unit magnitudes instead of unit symbols, which remain nonetheless available for an ergonomy reason.

Data model

The three core objects of the unit management system are presented, namely the unit, the unit dictionary and the unit system.


As a foreword, it is important to highlight that a unit object in itself only indicates a dimension like length, mass, time... It doesn't specify a magnitude like meter, millimeter, kilometer... This last information is specified through the unit system.


Compulsory string indicating the dimension of the unit. The dimension of the 7 base units are indicated below (from Guide for the Use of the International System of Units (SI)).

  • MASS
  • TIME

Dimension attribute allows identifying the unit. Two units cannot share the same dimension.


Compulsory integer array of size 7 (number of base units) that defines what the unit is. The signature of the 7 base units are:

  • LENGTH: [1,0,0,0,0,0,0]
  • MASS: [0,1,0,0,0,0,0]
  • TIME: [0,0,1,0,0,0,0]
  • ELECTRIC CURRENT: [0,0,0,1,0,0,0]
  • AMOUNT OF SUBSTANCE: [0,0,0,0,0,1,0]
  • LUMINOUS INTENSITY: [0,0,0,0,0,0,1]

From these 7 units, we are then able to express all derived units defined in Guide for the Use of the International System of Units (SI) and create new ones as needed such as for instance:

  • MASS DENSITY: [-3,1,0,0,0,0,0]
  • AREA: [0,2,0,0,0,0,0]

Signature is the attribute thanks to which unit scaling can be achieved in a generic way.


Array of [real, string] (meaning [magnitude, symbol]) that lists all symbols known by FreeCAD. Thanks to this array, the unit scaling API becomes more ergonomic because symbols and related magnitudes are linked.

This array can be extended as required.

For instance, the list of symbols of the LENGTH unit, and their related magnitudes is:


Standard symbols can be found on NIST website and p23 to 26 and p32 (metric ton or tonne) of The International System of Units (SI).

Unit dictionary

All the units available in FreeCAD, and new ones created by the user, should be stored in unit dictionary, which is an XML file (FreeCAD configuration file), so as to be retrieved when needed, i.e. when achieving unit scaling.


Array of units, contained in the unit dictionary.

Unit system

A unit system is the object that allows the user defining the current unit magnitude of each base units with which she/he is working. For instance, knowing that the user is working with millimeter, tonne, and second, thanks to the use of a unit system, FreeCAD can know that energy is expressed in terms of milliJoule, force in terms of Newton, and stress in terms of MegaPascal. Hence a unit system is only defined by a name (for instance Standard unit system) and a magnitude table specifying for each of the 7 base units, what is its corresponding magnitude.


String allowing to the user identifying what is the unit system.


By specifying the magnitude of the 7 base units, a unit system is defined.

For instance [1e-03, 1e+03, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], meaning millimeter, tonne, second, ampere, Kelvin, mole, candela

Unit management API

Only the logic of some methods is presented, in order to highlight some features. These methods could belong to an object called Unit manager.

Checking the unit dictionary

The unit dictionary can be an XML file (FreeCAD configuration file). It contains a list of defined units. Such a dictionary is required for the proposed unit management system to work.

It must fulfills some conditions that should be checked before activating the unit management system. These conditions are:

  • check that all base units are defined
  • check that a dimension is not defined twice through the units
  • check that a symbol is not defined twice in all the existing symbols
  • check that the signatures of all units have all the same size
  • chacke that a standard symbol (for which magnitude is 1) is defined for all units

A unit dictionary defines a set of units and their known magnitudes. When managing a unit, it is relevant to check that its signature is compatible with the set of units registered in the unit dictionary, so as to process it. This check includes:

  • check that the input signature length is of the same size than the unit dictionary unit signatures
Scaling units

Knowing a value, an initial unit by its symbol, the target unit by its symbol, scale the value.


Knowing a value, an initial unit by its symbol, the target unit system, scale the value.


Knowing a value, an initial unit system, the target unit by its symbol, scale the value.

Motivations for such a management: example of application

Let's assume that we are going to setup a finite element model. To build our model, we need the mesh, material properties, and to define numerical parameters. Considering that they can be tens of material properties to manage, expressed with different units, sometimes not always very common, it is interesting for the user to only have to specify a global unit system, without caring much.

FreeCAD would then just do the job.

As FreeCAD developpers and FreeCAD users do not necessarily know all units that can be defined in the material property files, it is interesting to rely on a generic system.

Let's assume that in such a file we have a fair number of exotic material properties expressed with exotic units, and that we want to work in a specific unit system.

It is easy with the proposed extension to scale any of these properties by knowing their signatures, magnitudes, and the target unit system.

For each of the properties, the scaling is obtained by multiplying the initial property value with the factor .

The targetMagnitude is then simply obtained with the operation , bu standing for base unit.

It becomes thus very easy to manage any number of properties with any kind of units with very few lines of Python.

Next actions

  • Implementing Quantity and Unit classes (mostly done)
  • Implementing InputField as User front end (in progress)
  • UnitsCalculator as test bed (in progress)
  • Quantity documentation (in progress)
  • UnitsCalculator documentation
  • Update Material framework to work only with Quantities
  • Test Cases