FEM Equation de chaleur

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FEM Equation de chaleur

Emplacement du menu
Solveur → Equation de chaleur
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Introduit dans la version
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Tutoriel FEM


Cette équation décrit le transfert de chaleur dans les corps rigides et fluides.

Pour plus d'informations sur les mathématiques de l'équation, voir Elmer models manual, section Heat Equation.


  1. Après avoir ajouté un solveur Elmer comme décrit ici, sélectionnez-le dans la Vue en arborescence
  2. Utilisez maintenant le bouton de la barre d'outils ou le menu Solveur → Equation de chaleur.
  3. Modifiez les paramètres du solveur de l'équation ou les paramètres généraux du solveur si nécessaire.

Paramètres du solveur

For the general solver settings, see the Elmer solver settings.

The heat equation provides these special settings:

  • DonnéesBubbles: There is also a residual-free-bubbles formulation of the stabilized finite-element method. It is more accurate and does not include any ad hoc terms. However, it may be computationally more expensive. If both DonnéesBubbles and Données Stabilize are false, no stabilization is used and then the results might easily be nonsensical.


  • DonnéesConvection: The type of convection to be used in the heat equation.
  • DonnéesPhase Change Model: The model use for phase changes (ice to water etc.). The model Spatial 1 is the apparent-heat-capacity method, Spatial 2 and Temporal are effective-heat-capacity methods.
    For more info about the models, see this paper (section (is in German). In the paper it was also shown that Spatial 1 has numerical problems on larger temperature gradients and that Spatial 2 was preferred for the phase change ice to water.

Constraint Information

The elasticity equation takes the following constraints into account if they are set:


For the temperature constraints it is important that they act on a face. Constraints set to lines or vertices are not recognized by the Elmer solver.


The result is the temperature in Kelvin.