Środowisko pracy MES

From FreeCAD Documentation
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Ikonka FreeCAD dla środowiska pracy MES


Środowisko pracy MES zapewnia nowoczesną analizę metodą elementów skończonych (FEA) dla FreeCAD. Głównie oznacza to, że wszystkie narzędzia do wykonania analizy są połączone w jeden graficzny interfejs użytkownika (GUI).

Przepływ pracy

Kroki przeprowadzania analizy metodą elementów skończonych:

  1. Preprocessing: ustawienie zagadnienia analizy.
    1. Modelowanie geometrii: tworzenie geometrii za pomocą programu FreeCAD lub importowanie jej z innej aplikacji.
    2. Tworzenie analizy.
      1. Dodawanie do modelu geometrycznego uwarunkowań symulacyjnych, takich jak obciążenia i podpory stałe.
      2. Dodawanie materiałów do części poza modelem geometrycznym.
      3. Tworzenie siatki elementów skończonych dla modelu geometrycznego lub importowanie jej z innej aplikacji.
  2. Rozwiązywanie: uruchamianie zewnętrznego solwera z poziomu FreeCAD.
  3. Postprocessing: wizualizacja wyników analizy z poziomu FreeCAD lub eksportowanie wyników, aby można je było przetworzyć w innej aplikacji.

Środowisko pracy MES może być używane w systemach Linux, Windows i Mac OSX. Ponieważ korzysta z zewnętrznych solverów, zakres ręcznej konfiguracji zależy od systemu operacyjnego, z którego korzystasz. Instrukcje dotyczące konfiguracji zewnętrznych narzędzi znajdują się na stronie Instalacja środowiska MES.

Przepływ pracy w środowisku MES. Środowisko to wywołuje dwa zewnętrzne środowiska w celu wykonania siatkowania obiektu bryłowego oraz rozwiązania problemu metodą elementów skończonych.

Menu: Model

  • Analysis container: Creates a new container for a mechanical analysis. If a solid is selected in the tree view before clicking on it, the meshing dialog will be opened next.


Geometria elementu

Electrostatic Constraints

Fluid Constraints

Geometrical Constraints

Mechanical Constraints

  • Constraint force: Used to define a force in [N] applied uniformly to a selectable face in a definable direction.

Thermal Constraints

Constraints without solver

Overwrite Constants

Menu: Siatka

  • FEM mesh region: Creates a localized area(s) to mesh which highly optimizes analysis time.
  • FEM mesh group: Groups and labels elements of a mesh (vertex, edge, surface) together, useful for exporting the mesh to external solvers.
  • Nodes set: Creates/defines a node set from FEM mesh.

Menu: Solve

  • Solver CalculiX Standard: Creates a new solver for this analysis. In most cases the solver is created together with the analysis.
  • Solver Elmer: Creates the solver controller for Elmer. It is independent from other solver objects.
  • Solver Z88: Creates the solver controller for Z88. It is independent from other solver objects.

Menu: Wyniki

  • Show result: Used to display the result of an analysis.
  • Post pipeline from result: Used to add a new graphical representation of FEM analysis results (color scale and more display options).
  • Warp filter: Used to visualize the scaled deformed shape of the model.
  • Function cut filter: Used to display the results on a sphere or a plane cutting through the model.
  • Region clip filter: Used to clip a field with a sphere or a plane cutting through the model.

Menu: Utilities

Context Menu

  • Clear FEM mesh: Deletes the mesh file from the FreeCAD file. Useful to make a FreeCAD file lighter.
  • Display FEM mesh info: Displays basic statistics of existing mesh - number of nodes and elements of each type.



The following pages explain different topics of the FEM Workbench.

FEM Install: a detailed description on how to set up the external programs used in the workbench.

FEM Mesh: further information on obtaining a mesh for finite element analysis.

FEM Solver: further information on the different solvers available in the workbench, and those that could be used in the future.

FEM CalculiX: further information on CalculiX, the default solver used in the workbench for structural analysis.

FEM Concrete: interesting information on the topic of simulating concrete structures.


Tutorial 1: FEM CalculiX Cantilever 3D; basic simply supported beam analysis.

Tutorial 2: FEM Tutorial; simple tension analysis of a structure.

Tutorial 3: FEM Tutorial Python; set up the cantilever example entirely through scripting in Python, including the mesh.

Tutorial 4: FEM Shear of a Composite Block; see the deformation of a block that is comprised of two materials.

Tutorial 5: Transient FEM analysis

Tutorial 6: Post-Processing_of_FEM_Results_with_Paraview

Tutorial 7: FEM Example Capacitance Two Balls; Elmer's GUI tutorial 6 "Electrostatics Capacitance Two Balls" using FEM Examples.

Coupled thermal mechanical analysis tutorials by openSIM

Video tutorial 1: FEM video for beginner (including YouTube link)

Video tutorial 2: FEM video for beginner (including YouTube link)

Many video tutorials: anisim Open Source Engineering Software (in German)

Extending the FEM Workbench

The FEM Workbench is under constant development. An objective of the project is to find ways to easily interact with various FEM solvers, so that the end user can streamline the process of creating, meshing, simulating, and optimizing an engineering design problem, all within FreeCAD.

The following information is aimed at power users and developers who want to extend the FEM Workbench in different ways. Familiarity with C++ and Python is expected, and also some knowledge of the "document object" system used in FreeCAD is necessary; this information is available in the Power users hub and the Developer hub. Please notice that since FreeCAD is under active development, some articles may be too old, and thus obsolete. The most up to date information is discussed in the FreeCAD forums, in the Development section. For FEM discussions, advice or assistance in extending the workbench, the reader should refer to the FEM subforum.

The following articles explain how the workbench can be extended, for example, by adding new types of boundary conditions (constraints), or equations.

A developer's guide has been written to help power users in understanding the complex FreeCAD codebase and the interactions between the core elements and the individual workbenches. The book is hosted at github so multiple users can contribute to it and keep it updated.

Extending the FEM Workbench documentation