Książki o FreeCAD

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 05:02, 25 September 2022 by Kaktus (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Ponieważ FreeCAD jest wolnym oprogramowaniem, jego użytkownicy mogą dodawać do niego dodatki, pisząc rozszerzenia do programu, aby dostosować go do swoich potrzeb. Te do...")

Na tej stronie znajduje się lista znanych nam książek o programie FreeCAD:

FreCAD dla majsterkowiczów

Opracowanie: Jo Hinchliffe, wyd. wrzesień 2022, bezpłatny ebook

FreeCAD jest numerem jeden wśród darmowych programów do projektowania 3D, a ten przewodnik PDF jest najlepszym sposobem na rozpoczęcie pracy z nim. Przeprowadzimy Cię od absolutnego początkującego do zaawansowanego użytkownika, przechodząc od podstaw rysowania linii i tworzenia jej w 3D aż do projektowania parametrycznego, importowania obiektów ze zdjęć, projektowania dla blach i wielu innych.

Ponieważ FreeCAD jest wolnym oprogramowaniem, jego użytkownicy mogą dodawać do niego dodatki, pisząc rozszerzenia do programu, aby dostosować go do swoich potrzeb. Te dodatki, znane jako środowiska pracy, obejmują szereg zastosowań, w tym projektowanie płytek drukowanych, rur, konstrukcji drewnianych, projektów architektonicznych... lista praktycznych zastosowań jest długa. Tak więc, cokolwiek Cię interesuje w budowaniu, znajdziesz dla tego celu odpowiednie środowisko pracy FreeCAD.


FreeCAD for architectural drawing

By Allan Brito, published August 2020, ebook/paperback

Do you want to start using a free and open-source software to work in your CAD related projects? Meet FreeCAD and their incredible array of options to create both technical drawings and 3D models for architecture, engineering, and more.

In this book, you will learn how to use FreeCAD to create traditional technical drawings for architecture. As an example of project development, you will learn how to draw a full featured floor plan using FreeCAD. We will add to that floor plan all traditional elements from an architectural drawing like furniture, dimension lines, text annotations, and much more.

In the final chapters, we can take this floor plan design and export it using either the DXF format or as a PDF. You will be able to add the floor plan to page layout for print featuring a title block from a template in FreeCAD.

You don't need any previous experiences with FreeCAD, since we will start from the beginning. From the user interface basics to drawing a floor plan!


FreeCAD for Inventors

By Brad Collette, published September 2018, ebook/paperback

This book introduces novice and intermediate users to the most frequently used tools and techniques in FreeCAD. Part one introduces new users to FreeCAD concepts and User Interface. Part two teaches various modeling techniques with a handful of examples. Part three uses the examples to explore FreeCAD's ability to generate: Technical Drawings, Gcode for CNC machines, Ray-traced images and more.


FreeCAD How-to

By Daniel Falck, Brad Collette, published September 2012, ebook/paperback

FreeCAD is a general purpose platform for CAD development. It can be extended to use different workbenches to solve different problems. Targeted squarely at the engineering community, FreeCAD is an open source design application built to be extended. Python, the powerful scripting language, is woven deeply into FreeCAD’s DNA and gives users unprecedented power to automate and invent.

"FreeCAD [How-to]" is a lean, fast tour of FreeCAD's major workbenches and design philosophy. The reader will get a hands-on introduction to several modeling techniques and learn how Python makes macro automation and design possible.

FreeCAD allows users to design in a variety of ways; from drawing 2D designs as lines and circles to combining primitive solids into complex 3D shapes. Objects can even be created or modified by code you write in Python. FreeCAD even allows power users to extend the application itself with new dialogs, panels, and scripts. This book will not only show you how to get started using FreeCAD in a traditional GUI mode, but will teach you how to harness its powerful scripting language for more power.
