FreeCAD MitErwartungenUmgehen

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 06:49, 30 June 2022 by FBXL5 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''<big>A: Nein, ganz bestimmt nicht.</big>''' Es gibt [ Fehler] in FreeCAD die behoben werden müssen. Da wir ein FOSS-Projekt sind...")
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June 29, 2022: We understand that Fusion360 has raised their prices again (this is becoming a yearly thing). We expect a lot of Fusion folk to be seeking alternatives. We want to let y'all know that we're sorry you've been squeezed and begrudgingly need to find alternate software + go through the process of learning it. Please check your attitude and do not vent your frustration on the FreeCAD community though. We're doing our own thing. If you want to help us build a FLOSS CAD/CAM/FEM please join us. But for those of you who are angry and want to vent, please do so on the Fusion forums not on the FreeCAD forums.


Diese Wiki-Seite ist für neue FreeCAD-Nutzer gedacht, die von anderen CAD/CAM-Anwendungen kommen.

FreeCAD ist FreeCAD

Wenn man FreeCAD als Ersatz für ein anderes CAD-Programm einsetzen möchte, wird man sich fragen, warum FreeCAD so anders ist. Die einfache Antwort ist, dass FreeCAD eben so ist. Es ist nicht das Ziel Anwendung X, Y oder Z nachzubauen, es hat eigene Wege Dinge zu erledigen, eigene Arbeitsabläufe, seine eigene Geschichte.

Q: Heißt das, dass FreeCAD-Entwickler glauben, dass FreeCAD perfekt ist, so wie es ist??

A: Nein, ganz bestimmt nicht.

Es gibt Fehler in FreeCAD die behoben werden müssen. Da wir ein FOSS-Projekt sind, können wir offen darüber reden aber auch über Neuerungen, die Programmierer einführen wollen. Und wenn man nach einer Ergänzung fragt, werde Entwickler diese wahrscheinlich berücksichtigen. Aber man sollte bitte nicht erwarten, dass sie alles stehen und liegen lassen, was sie gerade tun. Oder dass sie dafür ihren bezahlten Job opfern; die meisten arbeiten hier nach wie vor freiwillig. Es ist fertig, wenn es fertig ist ist das FreeCAD-Motto.

What can I expect?

At its core FreeCAD is parametric modeler. It uses a workbench concept, where each workbench is responsible for specific tasks and functions. As such it can be used for many purposes. It is actively used in production and quite stable. But, like any other CAD program, FreeCAD is not 100% stable.

Coming from another CAD program you may have to change your workflow, or use a workaround or a macro, but in many cases you will be able to achieve what you want. And if you need help: we have a very active and responsive forum willing to assist. And among the forum member there are bound to be (former) users of you current CAD program. So do not hesitate to tap into that resource.

Can FreeCAD be used for 2D drafting?

Can FreeCAD be used for non-parametric modeling?

Can FreeCAD be used for mesh modeling?

How can I contribute?

There are many ways: you can make a donation, help with forum questions, or write documentation or code. See Help FreeCAD.

What FreeCAD is not

Non Parametric

  • FreeCAD can be used non-parametrically. But the user needs to know how.
  • Blender is the ideal free libre opensource tool for non-parametric design.

Mesh Modeler

  • Again, Blender is the more appropriate application for mesh modeling.

Common Perspectives

FreeCAD has not reached v1.0

FreeCAD is not stable

This is true to of any of many CAD applications. FreeCAD suffers from this as well. Although the community works to address catastrophic crashes quickly, users are encouraged to employ a workflow in which they save their work often and utilize the backup features (available in preferences) to recover or roll-back from problematic issues. An important point here to consider is that many users aren't always using the most up to date version of FreeCAD and end up complaining of deprecated or already addressed instability problems. FreeCAD also has a very long release cycle and in the past has not backported fixes due to time and 3rd-party dependency complexity. In short, many bugs get fixed in the development version and so users need to make the unorthodox decision of running a development version of FreeCAD instead of the 'stable'.

FreeCAD UI is ugly

  • At its core, this is relegated to 'Eye of the beholder' (subjective) perspective. FreeCAD has been around a very long time, its dedicated users have grown familiar with the user interface.
  • The topic of changes to UI/UX is very contentious. Changes to the UI/UX require proof of concepts, popularity in the community, and effectiveness to eventually make it in to the mainline FreeCAD code. This takes time and diplomacy.
  • Is it really? Thanks to customization possibilities (as of v0.20) there is an ability to customize the UI (see Preference Packs). At some point very soon, FreeCAD will be provide a comprehensive flexibility to customize its UI, something other CAD packages would not be able to boast.


OpenCascade Kernel

OpenCascade (OCC/OCCT) is a core external CAD kernel dependency that FreeCAD is utterly dependent on. There are many open 'upstream' bugs that the FreeCAD community has identified and track regarding OCC. We track them via the:

