Macro Colorize

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 13:02, 12 December 2021 by David69 (talk | contribs)
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Quickly and easily set colors of individual faces, edges, and vertices, including transparency

Macro version: 1.01
Last modified: 2021-12-10
FreeCAD version: 0.19 and later
Download: ToolBar Icon
Author: TheMarkster
ToolBar Icon
Macro Version
Date last modified
FreeCAD Version(s)
0.19 and later
Default shortcut
See also


Allows to quickly and easily set the colors and transparency levels for individual faces, edges, and vertices. Usage: Select the subobjects and run the macro. The standard Qt color picker dialog will appear. Select the color and set the desired alpha (255 = fully opaque, 0 = fully transparent), click OK to close the dialog and use the color, or Cancel to cancel the macro. If more than one object is selected a different dialog will appear for each object.


ToolBar Icon


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#Colorize macro v1.01, 2021, by <TheMarkster> LGPL2.1 or later
#Usage: Select subobjects, run macro
#A color picker dialog will appear
#Select the color for the selected subobjects.
#The alpha channel corresponds to the transparency, but it
#is inverted since the default would be fully transparent
from PySide import QtGui,QtCore
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning)

def getIdx(sen):
    '''get subelement index from sub element name, e.g. from "Face6"  we get 5'''
    if 'Face' in sen or 'Edge' in sen or 'Wire' in sen:
        val = int(sen[4:])
    elif 'Vertex' in sen:
        val = int(sen[6:])
    return val-1

def buildDefaultColorArray(color, count):
    return[color] * count

def setColors():
    selx = Gui.Selection.getSelectionEx()
    for sel in selx:
        if sel.HasSubObjects:
            defaultColor = QtCore.Qt.gray if "Face" in sel.SubElementNames[0] else

            subs = sel.SubElementNames
            faces = [name for name in subs if "Face" in name]
            edges = [name for name in subs if "Edge" in name]
            vertices = [name for name in subs if "Vertex" in name]
            col = QtGui.QColorDialog.getColor(defaultColor,None,'Alpha = transparency, 0 = fully transparent, 255 = fully opaque',QtGui.QColorDialog.ShowAlphaChannel.__or__(QtGui.QColorDialog.DontUseNativeDialog))
            if not col.isValid(): #user canceled
            col = col.getRgbF()
            alpha = 1.0 - col[-1] #invert since default is fully transparent
            col = tuple(list(col[:3])+[alpha])
            if faces:
                dc = sel.Object.ViewObject.DiffuseColor
                if len(dc) == 1:
                    dc = buildDefaultColorArray(dc[0], len(sel.Object.Shape.Faces))
                indices = [getIdx(name) for name in faces]
                for idx in indices:
                    dc[idx] = col
                sel.Object.ViewObject.DiffuseColor = dc
            if edges:
                lca = sel.Object.ViewObject.LineColorArray
                if len(lca) == 1:
                    lca = buildDefaultColorArray(lca[0], len(sel.Object.Shape.Edges))
                indices = [getIdx(name) for name in edges]
                for idx in indices:
                    lca[idx] = col
                sel.Object.ViewObject.LineColorArray = lca

            if vertices:
                pca = sel.Object.ViewObject.PointColorArray
                if len(pca) == 1:
                    pca = buildDefaultColorArray(pca[0], len(sel.Object.Shape.Vertexes))
                indices = [getIdx(name) for name in vertices]
                for idx in indices:
                    pca[idx] = col
                sel.Object.ViewObject.PointColorArray = pca
            FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("No subobjects selected\n")
