Translations:TechDraw TemplateGenerator/14/en

From FreeCAD Documentation
xmlns="": External link to the xml name space to look up standard xml commands
version="1.1": Used xml version is 1.1
xmlns:freecad="...=Svg_Namespace": External link to FreeCAD's Svg Namespace wiki page. The link is not used to retrieve information or values at runtime, but it is the key to activate the custom attributes, e.g. those for editable texts.
"freecad:" will be prefixed to said custom attribute names.
width="420mm": Width of the drawing area
height="297mm": Height of the drawing area
viewBox="0 0 420 297": Position of the upper left corner (0;0) and the lower right corner (420;297) in the svg construction space (in svg units).
Width, height, and viewBox in this combination set 1 svg-unit to 1 mm for the whole document. A dimensional unit can be omitted from now on.
In this case 420 and 297 give an A3 page. Customise these values to generate other page sizes.