Translations:TechDraw Balloon/16/en

From FreeCAD Documentation
  • DataText: Text to be displayed.
  • DataSource View: Source View for the balloon.
  • DataOrigin X: Balloon origin x-position relative to the View.
  • DataOrigin Y: Balloon origin y-position relative to the View.
  • DataEnd Type: End symbol for the balloon line. Options: Filled Arrow, Open Arrow, Tick, Dot, Open Circle, Fork, Filled Triangle, None.
  • DataEnd Type Scale: Scale factor for the End Type.
  • DataBubble Shape: Shape of the balloon bubble. Options: Circular, None, Triangle, Inspection, Hexagon, Square, Rectangle.
  • DataShape Scale: Scale factor for the Shape.
  • DataText Wrap: Text wrap length; -1 means the text will never be wrapped and the result is in every case a single line.
  • DataKink Length: Distance from the Shape to the leader line kink.
  • DataX: Horizontal position of the balloon bubble relative to the View.
  • DataY: Vertical position of the balloon bubble relative to the View.