Translations:Sketcher Workbench/15/ko

From FreeCAD Documentation
  • 일련의 간단한 스케치는 복잡한 단일 스케치보다 관리하기가 더 쉽습니다. 예를 들어, 첫 번째 스케치는 기본 3D 도형의 특징(깔판 또는 회전)을 위해 만들고 두 번째 스케치에는 구멍이나 잘라내기(오목 자리)를 포함할 수 있습니다. 일부 세부 사항은 나중에 3D 도형특징으로 구현하기 위해 생략할 수 있습니다. 스케치에 모깎기가 너무 많은 경우 이를 피하고 3D 도형특징으로 추가하도록 선택할 수 있습니다.
  • Always create a closed profile, or your sketch won't produce a solid, but rather a set of open faces. If you don't want some of the objects to be included in the solid creation, turn them to construction elements with the Construction Mode tool.
  • Use the Auto constraints feature to limit the number of constraints you'll have to add manually.
  • As a general rule, apply geometric constraints first, then dimensional constraints, and lock your sketch last. But remember: rules are made to be broken. If you're having trouble manipulating your sketch, it may be useful to constrain a few objects first before completing your profile.
  • If possible, center your sketch at the origin (0,0) with the Lock constraint. If your sketch is not symmetric, locate one of its points at the origin, or choose nice round numbers for the lock distances.
  • If you have the possibility to choose between the Length constraint and the Horizontal or Vertical distance constraints, prefer the latter. Horizontal and Vertical distance constraints are computationally cheaper.
  • In general, the best constraints to use are: Horizontal and Vertical constraints; Horizontal and Vertical length constraints; point-to-point Tangency. If possible, limit the use of these: the general Length constraint; edge-to-edge Tangency; Point on object constraint; Symmetric constraint.
  • If in doubt about the validity of a sketch once it is complete (features turn green), close the Sketcher dialog and use Validate sketch.