Translations:Sketcher SketchObject/17/en

From FreeCAD Documentation
  • ViewEditing Workbench (String): name of the workbench to activate when editing the sketch; it defaults to SketcherWorkbench.
  • ViewForce Ortho (Bool): if true the camera will be forced to orthographic view mode when the sketch is opened.
  • ViewHide Dependent (Bool): if true all objects that depend on the sketch are hidden when the sketch is opened.
  • ViewRestore Camera (Bool): if true the camera position is saved before opening the sketch, and is restored after closing it.
  • ViewSection View (Bool): if true only (parts of) objects behind the sketch plane are visible while the sketch is being edited.
  • ViewShow Links (Bool): if true all objects used in links to external geometry are shown when the sketch is opened.
  • ViewShow Support (Bool): if true all objects this sketch is attached to are shown when the sketch is opened.
  • View (Hidden)Tempo Vis (PythonObject): a custom class associated with this object, that handles hiding and showing other objects when opening and closing the sketch.