Translations:Release notes 1.0/64/en

From FreeCAD Documentation
  • Sections based on other sections now use the original (uncut) shape by default. This can be changed in section settings to use the previous section instead. Pull request #10281
  • Cosmetic objects and centerlines can now be deleted by selecting them and pressing the Delete key. Previously, this resulted in the whole view being deleted. Pull request #10695 and Pull request #10813
  • A new, more intuitive icon was added for the WeldSymbol tool. Pull request #10936
  • The behavior of the point + edge mode of the LengthDimension was corrected. Pull request #10860
  • A checked state was added for the ToggleFrame button so that a user can see whether the button is activated or not. Pull request #11240
  • The behavior of the DecorateLine tool was improved. Now double-clicking a line invokes this tool. And line styles are correctly restored if the user presses Cancel. Previously, there was no difference between pressing OK and Cancel. Pull request #11188
  • Color and transparency of faces can now be set per view. Pull request #11315
  • Multiselection mode was added and can be enabled in Preferences. In this mode, multiple vertices, edges and faces can be selected by left-clicking on them, without having to keep the Ctrl key pressed. Pull request #11417
  • ExtensionAreaAnnotation can now calculate areas of arbitrary faces. Pull request #11473
  • Non-continuous lines will now follow the ISO/ANSI standards instead of a Qt line style. A new preference was added to select the standard. Pull request #11594
  • The behavior of the AxoLengthDimension tool was improved. Now, when dimensioning edges parallel to the global coordinate system axes, the actual (3D) value is calculated automatically and inserted into the Format Spec property (as text). Pull request #11678
  • The ExtensionPositionSectionView tool can now be used by selecting an edge in a section view and a vertex in the source view. Pull request #11797
  • Small but important usability improvements were made - double-clicking on the TechDraw page now enters this workbench and the TechDraw MoveView tool was replaced by simple drag and drop in the tree. The TechDraw ClipGroupAdd and TechDraw ClipGroupRemove tools were also replaced by tree drag and drop behavior. Pull request #13063
  • The drawing templates are now automatically filled with available information (like date and title). Pull request #13005
  • The Project shape tool was removed from TechDraw as it's inherited from the old Drawing workbench and has nothing to do with a TechDraw page. Pull request #13655
  • The Insert View tool was improved so that it can handle more object types and settings. This allowed the following tools to be removed from the toolbar: SpreadsheetView, ArchView, Symbol, Image and ProjectionGroup. Pull request #13219
  • Snapping was added to allow automatic alignment of views and dimensions. Pull request #13659
  • Handling of cosmetics was improved in various ways. Pull request #14216