Translations:PartDesign Examples/42/en

From FreeCAD Documentation
Parameter Iso View Top View
Standard Standard iso view
Location and orientation follow the path.
Standard top view
(If the object is twisted in an unexpected way, try Frenet)
Fixed Fixed iso view
Location follows the path and orientation stays the same as basic shape.
Fixed top view
This tends to cause self intersections which lead to further errors: a ghost face in this case.
Frenet Frenet iso view
Location and orientation follow the path, based on a different algorithm than Standard.
Frenet top view
The basic shape follows the line orientation.
Auxiliary Auxiliary iso view
Location follows the path with a twist around the path that is controlled by an auxiliary curve (blue).
Auxiliary top view
(It is hard to recognise but there is an angle between the planes of auxiliary curve and path that is responsible for the twist)