Translations:Manual:Using spreadsheets/19/en

From FreeCAD Documentation
  • We can now close the spreadsheet tab (under the 3D view). This is not mandatory, there is no problem in keeping several spreadsheet windows open.
  • Press the New Spreadsheet button again
  • Change the name of the new spreadsheet to something more meaningful, such as Input (do this by right-clicking the new spreadsheet object, and choosing Rename).
  • Double-click the Input spreadsheet to open the spreadsheet editor.
  • In cell A1, let's put a descriptive text, for example: "Cube dimensions"
  • In cell B1, write =5mm (using the = sign makes sure the value is interpreted as a unit value, not a text).
  • Now to be able to use this value outside the spreadsheet, we need to give a name, or alias, to the B1 cell. Right-click the cell, click Properties and select the Alias tab. Give it a name, such as cubedims: