Translations:Macro documentation/16/en

From FreeCAD Documentation
  • Just like a Gui Command, explain what the macro does, its inputs, outputs, options, and limitations, if any.
  • Include a personalized icon in SVG or PNG format for your macro so that other users can include it in a custom toolbar.
  • Add one or more images to clarify the usage of your tool.
  • If the macro performs a complex task, consider adding an animated GIF to showcase its capabilities. The GIF image should have a maximum size of 500 x 500 pixels; if the GIF is bigger, the animation may not work. Do not resize the GIF as the wiki will not play resized GIFs.
  • Mention related macros and workbenches that complement the function of this tool.
  • Mention the version of FreeCAD used to create the macro. This information can be gathered from Help → About FreeCAD → Copy to clipboard.