Translations:Macro FCInfo/21/en

From FreeCAD Documentation
  • Color on point clicked.
    • value 0.0 to 1.0
  • Line Edit display the color value in different formats: "3435973887" , "#cccccc" , "0xcccccc" , "204,204,204" , "(0.8,0.8,0.8)"
    • 3435973887 : Mode RVBA Int unsigned (format in FreeCAD preferences) Alpha = 255
    • #cccccc : Mode RVB Hexadecimal (Qt: setStyleSheet("color : #cccccc"))
    • 0xcccccc : Mode RVB Hexadecimal (Python: hex(0xcccccc)
    • "204,204,204 " : RVB decim: Mode RVB (Qt: setStyleSheet(u"QLineEdit {"background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204)};"))
    • (0.8,0.8,0.8) : RVB float: Mode RVB format float de 0.0 à 1.0
    • (The number of decimals depend of the option "x (Decimals)")
  • Sub.Objet : Change the color of the selected object or subobject. If this box is activated Sub.Objet the face or sub Object selected is modified or duplicated. If it is not activated (default) the object is modified (color) or duplicated
  • Coul. Obj : Change the color of the shape or the face depend of the choice. In case object Mesh or Points the complete object is colored.
  • Dupl. Obj : Duplicates the face or the object depend to the chosen option. In the case of a Mesh object or Points the complete object is colored. Duplicate a Mesh object keeps the original and creates a solid shape. Duplicate a Points object keeps the original and creates a copy.
  • 0  : Degree of transparency of the selected face or object depend on the option chosen 0 = opaque , 100 = transparent

(you can checked to false the variable switch_setVisible_GBox_003_Color for hidden the Box)