
From FreeCAD Documentation
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원의 한 부분과 같은 선.
프리캐드 프로그램의 내부 수준 The FreeCAD App layer.
주로 건물과 구조물의 모델링에 사용되는 건축(Architectual)작업대를 줄여서 쓴 용어. 설계도 작업대와 매우 밀접하게 연관되어 있습니다.
1.  A set of parts that have defined positions in relation to each other.
2.  A workbench which aims to facilitate the creation of assemblies. FreeCAD currently does not have such a workbench built-in, but there are several external assembly workbenches.
Plural of Axis
An imaginary line through the origin of the workspace. There are 3 normal axes. They have the classic names of X, Y and Z. X is side to side. Y is up and down. Z is in and out of the page/screen.