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Section (단면)
Cross section (geometry)
Self Intersection
A condition where a curve crosses over itself (ex.'8','&'). This confuses geometric kernel algorithms and generally produces an error condition.
Shape (형상)
FreeCAD에서 (meshes를 제외한) 도형의 대부분의 요소를 설명하기 위해 사용되는 일반적인 용어입니다.
Shape made of two or more contiguous faces. A manifold (enclosed) shell can be converted into a solid.
Sketch (스케치)
평면 또는 면(Face)에 고정된 개체의 구속된 2D 그림입니다. FreeCAD에서 스케치는 항상 3D 공간의 어딘가에 있는 2차원 개체입니다.
A workbench used to create 2D geometry by use of elements and constraints.
Sketcher Solver
The internal FreeCAD mechanism that calculates inter-dependencies and effects of adding, deleting, and modifying geometry and associated constraints in each Sketch. Sketcher Solver also calculates the arrangement of all geometry in each Sketch so it can be displayed correctly.
Smooth Line
In a Drawing, a line indicating a change between tangent surfaces, as in the transition from a flat surface to a fillet. Also "tangent edge". See Drawing View
Solid (고체)
Shells로 둘러싸인 3D 공간의 일부입니다. 고체에는 질량이 있는 개체와 관련된 부피 및 기타 속성이 있습니다.
See Sketcher Solver.
A nickname for the last general release version of the FreeCAD software. This is typically the version available from sources other than the FreeCAD project. Compare with Unstable.
STereoLithography, also known as Standard Tessellation Language. A mesh file format defining only the surface of a 3D object. File extensions is *.stl
An ISO standard (ISO 10303) for the exchange of 3D data and product manufacturing information. It replaces IGES. File extensions are *.step, *.stp.
Scalable Vector Graphics. A vector graphics file format.
A 3D shape generated from at least one 2D cross-section that traces along a trajectory (path). Commonly used to define the tool as well as the created shape. See Solid modeling