Translations:Curves SketchOnSurface/5/en

From FreeCAD Documentation
  1. Switch to the Curves workbench (install from Addon Manager is necessary, if not previously installed)
  2. There are 2 methods to use the SketchOnSurface tool:
    You already have a sketch that you want to map on a face
    1. Attach the sketch to the target face:
      • In the attachment dialog selet the face
      • Set the mode to Deactivated while leaving the face as the first reference
      • Close the Attachment dialog
      • Set Placement.z=0
    2. Edit the sketch and add a Construction (blue) rectangle around the geometries. This rectangle will be the parametric bounds of the face.
    3. Exit edit mode.
    4. Select the sketch.
    5. Activate SketchOnSurface by either:
      • Pressing on the button
      • Using the Surfaces → Sketch on Surface entry in the Curves menu
    You have no sketch to map yet
    1. Select the target face in the 3D view
    2. Activate SketchOnSurface by either:
      • Pressing on the button
      • Using the Surfaces → Sketch on Surface entry in the Curves menu
    3. A Sketch_On_Surface object appears in the Tree view.
    4. Expand this object to make the Mapped_Sketch appear below.
    5. Edit the sketch and add geometries inside the blue construction bounds.
    6. A SketchOnSurface object will be created on the surface of your object based on this sketch.