Translations:Assembly3 Workbench/76/en

From FreeCAD Documentation
  • Locked: Add a "Locked" constraint to fix one or more parts.
    You must select a geometry element of the part.
    If you fix a vertex or an edge the part is still free to rotate around the vertex or edge.
    Fixing a face will completely lock the part.
  • Plane Alignment: Add a "Plane alignment" constraint to align planar faces of two or more parts.
    The faces become coplanar or parallel with an optional distance.
  • Plane Coincidence: Add a "Plane coincidence" constraint to coincide planar faces of two or more parts.
    The faces are coincided at their centers with an optional distance.
  • Attachment. This has two settings
    • Attachment: Add an "Attachment" constraint to attach two parts with the selected geometry elements.
      This constraint completely fixes the parts relative to each other.
    • AttachmentOffset: Same as "Attachment" constraint, but maintaining the current relative placement of the involved parts by applying an element offset.
      This constraint completely fixes the parts relative to each other.
  • Axial Alignment: Add an "Axial alignment" constraint to align edges/faces of two or more parts.
    The constraint accepts
    linear edges, which become collinear,
    planar faces, which are aligned using their surface normal axis,
    and cylindrical face, which are aligned using the axial direction.
    Different types of geometry elements can be mixed.
  • Same orientation: Add a "Same orientation" constraint to align faces of two or more parts.
    The planes are aligned to have the same orientation (i.e. rotation)
  • Multi parallel: Add a "Multi parallel" constraint to make planar faces or linear edges of two or more parts parallel.
  • Angle: Add an "Angle" constraint to set the angle of planar faces or linear edges of two parts.
  • Perpendicular: Add a "Perpendicular" constraint to make planar faces or linear edges of two parts perpendicular.
  • Points coincident: Add a "Point coincident" constraint to coincide two points in 2D or 3D.
  • Point on plane: Add a "Point on plane" to constrain one or more point onto a plane.
  • Point on line: Add a "Point on line" to constrain a point onto a line in 2D or 3D.
  • Point on circle: Add a "Point on circle" to constrain one or more points on to a clyndrical surface defined by a cricle.
    Note that you must select a point (any geometry element can define a point), and then select the circle (or clyndrical surface),
    after which you can add more points to your selection if you want.
  • Points distance: Add a "Points distance" to constrain the distance of two or more points.
  • Point plane distance: Add a "Point plane distance" to constrain the distance between one or more points and a plane.
  • Point line distance: Add a "Point line distance" to constrain the distance between a point and a linear edge in 2D or 3D.
  • Symmetric: Add a "Symmetric" constraint to make geometry elements of two parts symmetric about a plane.
    The supported elements are linear edge and planar face.
  • More: Toggle toolbars for more constraints
    Not really a constraint but a toggle switch to show/hide the Additional Constraints Toolbars.