Part: Colore per faccia

From FreeCAD Documentation
This page is a translated version of the page Part ColorPerFace and the translation is 40% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Part Colore per faccia

Posizione nel menu
Visualizza → Colore per faccia
Part, PartDesign
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Introdotto nella versione
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Lo strumento Part Colore per faccia consente di definire un colore per ciascuna faccia o superficie di un oggetto. In questo modo si può assegnare più colori a una parte. Per colorare intere parti, utilizzare invece Impostare l'aspetto degli oggetti.

This page has been updated for version 1.0.

The Set appearance per face task panel


  1. Select a single object.
  2. There are several ways to invoke the command:
    • Select the View → Color per face option from the menu.
    • Select the Set appearance per face... option from the Tree view context menu.
  3. The Set appearance per face task panel opens.
  4. Select one or more faces:
    • Hold down Ctrl to select mutliple faces.
    • Optionally press the Box selection button, click in an empty area and drag a rectangle to select all faces belonging to the object that are (partially) inside the rectangle. Multiple box selections can be specified.
  5. Do one of the following:
    • Select a material from the list.
      1. Optionally press the Launch editor button to launch the Materials editor.
    • Specify a Custom appearance:
      1. Press the ... button.
      2. The Material properties dialog box opens:
      3. The ambient, diffuse, emissive and specular color, as well as the shininess can be edited.
      4. Optionally press the Reset button to change the appearance to that defined by the material.
      5. Optionally press the Default button to change the appearance to match the current preferences.
      6. Press the Close button when done.
    • Press the Set to default button to change the appearance to that defined by the material.
  6. Optionally select one or more new faces whose properties you want to change.
  7. Press the OK button to close the task panel and finish the command.