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Arch Grid

Menu location
Annotation → Grid
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
Arch Axis, Arch AxisSystem


The Arch Grid tool allows you to place a grid-like object in the document. This object is meant to serve as a base to build Arch objects that need a regular but complex frame, such as windows, curtain walls, column grids, railings, etc. The Grid object is editable like a spreadsheet, where you can add or remove columns and rows, define their size, and merge cells.

The Grid is a 2D object, and can therefore be used anywhere a 2D shape such as a Draft or Sketch is needed, but it can also behave as a Arch AxisSystem, and be used to propagate the placement of other Arch objects.

An array of columns, a railing system, and a window, each based on an Arch Grid object.


  1. Press the Grid button.
  2. Set the Width and Height of the grid in the properties.
  3. Enter edit mode by double-clicking the grid object in the tree view.
  4. Add rows and columns.
  5. Set the desired width and height of rows and columns by double-clicking the row or column headers.


  • A column width or row height of 0 means its size will be adapted automatically to fit the total width/height of the grid.
  • Cells can be merged and unmerged by selecting them and clicking the appropriate button.
  • When used as the DadosAxis property of other Arch objects, the grid will drive the positioning of these objects. The DadosPoints Output property defines how the other objects are placed on the grid: At vertices, edge midpoints or face centers.
  • By setting the DadosAuto Height or DadosAuto Width properties to a non-zero value, the total number of rows/columns and their individual heights/widths is ignored. Instead, the maximum number of columns or rows of the given auto width/height get automatically created.


  • DadosRows: The number of rows
  • DadosColumns: The number of columns
  • DadosRow Size: The sizes for rows
  • DadosColumn Size: The sizes of columns
  • DadosPoints Output: The type of 3D points produced by this grid object
  • DadosWidth: The total width of this grid
  • DadosHeight: The total height of this grid
  • DadosAuto Width: Creates automatic column divisions (set to 0 to disable)
  • DadosAuto Height: Creates automatic row divisions (set to 0 to disable)
  • DadosReorient: When in edge midpoint mode, if this grid must reorient its children along edge normals or not
  • DadosHidden Faces: The indices of faces to hide


See also: Arch API and FreeCAD Scripting Basics.

The Grid tool can be used in macros and from the Python console by using the following function:

Grid = makeGrid(name="Grid")
  • Creates a Grid object.

Its Width, Height, Rows, and Columns attributes can be changed directly to define the appearance of the grid.

import FreeCAD, Draft, Arch
Grid = Arch.makeGrid()

Grid.Width = 5000
Grid.Height = 5000
Grid.Rows = 4
Grid.Columns = 6

Structure = Arch.makeStructure(length=200, width=200, height=100)
Draft.move(Structure, FreeCAD.Vector(-100, 0, 0))
Structure.Axis = Grid