Sketcher CompCreateRegularPolygon/es

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Croquizador Polígonos regulares

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Crear un polígono regular es un botón de icono en la barra de herramientas de Geometrías de Croquizador que agrupa herramientas para crear un polígono regular. Haz clic en la flecha hacia abajo a su derecha para expandir los iconos que están debajo y selecciona una herramienta.

Types of regular polygons

  • Create equilateral triangle: Draws a equilateral triangle by picking two points, the center and one corner.
  • Create square: Draws a square by picking two points, the center and one corner.
  • Create pentagon: Draws a pentagon by picking two points, the center and one corner.
  • Create hexagon: Draws a hexagon by picking two points, the center and one corner.
  • Create heptagon: Draws a heptagon by picking two points, the center and one corner.
  • Create octagon: Draws an octagon by picking two points, the center and one corner.
  • Create Regular Polygon: Draws a regular polygon by selecting the number of sides and picking two points, the center and one corner.