Háló munkafelület

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Mesh workbench icon


A háló munkafelület háromszöghálókat kezel. A hálók különleges típusú 3D objektumok, amelyek a szélüknél és sarkaiknál kapcsolódó háromszögekből állnak (verticle néven is ismertek).

Many 3D applications, like Sketchup, Blender, Maya and 3D Studio Max, use meshes as their primary type of 3D object. Since meshes are very simple objects, containing only vertices (points), edges and triangular faces, they are very easy to create, modify, subdivide, stretch, and can easily be passed from one application to another without any loss of details. In addition, since meshes contain very simple data, 3D applications can usually manage very large quantities of them without using a lot of resources. For these reasons, meshes are often the 3D object type of choice for applications dealing with movies, animation, and image creation.

However, in the field of engineering meshes present one big limitation: they are only made of surfaces, and have no mass information, so they don't behave as solids. This means that all solid-based operations, such as addition or subtraction, are difficult to perform on meshes. The Mesh Workbench is useful to import 3D data in mesh format, to analyse it, detect errors, and finally convert it to a solid, for use with the Part Workbench.

A háló modul használata

The Mesh Workbench has a simple interface; all its functions are grouped in the Mesh menu.

General tools


Analysis of curvature, faces, and check if a mesh can be safely converted into a solid

  • Szabályos tömör test… Hálóalaptestek létrehozása, mint például kockák, hengerek, kúpok vagy gömbök:
    • Egy kockaháló létrehozása.
    • Egy hengerháló létrehozása.
    • Egy kúpháló létrehozása.
    • Egy gömbháló létrehozása.
    • Egy ellipszoidháló létrehozása.
    • Egy tóruszháló létrehozása.


  • Union: Does a union (fusion) on meshes
  • Intersection: Does an intersection (common) on meshes
  • Difference: Does a difference (cut) on meshes




More mesh tools are available in the OpenSCAD Workbench.

Meshes can also be handled via Python using Mesh Scripting.


PartDesign Workbench
OpenSCAD modul