Macro Build Utility

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 09:58, 23 January 2015 by Piffpoof (talk | contribs)

File:Macro Build Utility Macro Build Utility

This macro provides a Build Utility to assemble multiple project files into one project file.

Author: Piffpoof
Macro Version
Date last modified
FreeCAD Version(s)
Default shortcut
See also


This macro is intended for use on large projects, ones involving hundreds of objects. It's use on a small single file project would be pointless and unnecessary. However on a large project with many objects and many files to be merged into the final one, it will save time, avoid the user being involved in repetitive actions, and remove human errors.


All the code for buildUtility.FCMacro is in one macro. So installation is comprised of copying the code to the appropriate Macro directory and invoking the Build Utility from the Macro menu, the Python console or a toolbar button (the preferred method).


The Build Utility works on the same principals as the build files that are used to assemble large software system (like FreeCAD). A text editor is used to create a text file which adheres to the formats required by the Build Utility. The Build Utility then simply reads each line of the text file and performs the actions specified by that text file.

The macro asks the user for a "build file". It then parses that build file, there are 3 legal line types:

  • lines starting with the comment character "#" which are ignored as being comments or remarks
  • lines starting with the subfile character "@" which are ignored
    Note: the "@" character is for future enhancement when sub-build files will be handled
  • all other lines which may be a project file or a sub-directory

If the line starts with a directory then the project file is read from that subfolder. Otherwise it is assumed the line specifies a project file. Directories within directories are supported so nesting of arbitrary depths is possible. The file specification format is the "Unix" style with different levels separated by the forward slash character "/".

A new document is created and each project is "Project Merged" into that new and empty document. The document is not saved at the end, this is left for the user if desired. If the file does not exist then the file name is Printed to the Report view

User Interface

There really isn't a GUI at all for this macro. The macro reads a text file that has been prepared with a text editor and produces a model in an output document. Other than clicking the button on the toolbar to start the process, there is no user interaction.


The diagram below shows a file organisation for a project spanning different organizational groups in a company

The diagram below shows the file structure for the project described above. This is the text file which represents the file structure and how it will be built into a single complete system.

#this is the build file for the complete assembly
@sub-build-files - not presently implemented
# first the top-level file
# now some misc files
# file does not exist
# folder does not exist
# multiple files in one sub-folder
#multiple files in hierarchical folders
#./externalModules/red/stackerAssembly - commented out as not currently loading

A summary of the file and how it is processed is:




none (so far)


not here yet, coming soon