Macro BoundingBox Tracing/it: Difference between revisions

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{{Macro/it|Icon=BoundBoxTracing.png|Name=Traccia contenitore|Description=Questa macro crea una traccia rossa (modificabile) intorno al BoundingBox con 6 rettangoli.|Author=Mario52|Version=0.9|Date=2018-10-12}}
<div class="mw-translate-fuzzy">
{{Macro/it|Icon=BoundBoxTracing|Name=Macro BoundingBox Tracing|Name/it=Traccia contenitore|Description=Questa macro crea una traccia rossa (modificabile) intorno al BoundingBox con 6 rettangoli.|Author=Mario52|Version=0.9|Date=2018-10-12}}


Revision as of 10:41, 14 December 2018

Traccia contenitore

Questa macro crea una traccia rossa (modificabile) intorno al BoundingBox con 6 rettangoli.

Versione macro: 0.9
Ultima modifica: 2018-10-12
Autore: Mario52
Versione macro
Data ultima modifica
Versioni di FreeCAD
Vedere anche


Questa macro crea una traccia rossa di 6 rettangoli (modificabile) del parallelepipedo contenitore dell'oggetto.



Selezionare l'oggetto e lanciare la macro. Vengono creati 6 rettangoli rossi attorno all'oggetto, il colore può essere cambiato.

Info contener

Se createVol = 1 (Linea 33) viene creato un volume


Scaricare il file immagine e copiarlo nel proprio repertorio macro.

Cliccare sull'immagine con il tasto destro del mouse e salvarla nella nuova posizione selezionando "Salva oggetto con nome ..."




# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# cette macro trace en rouge (modifiable) le tour du boundingbox avec 6 rectangles
# si "createVol" = 1 il sera cree un volume (rouge) de la dimension du BoundBox
# this macro red trace (editable) around the BoundingBox with 6 rectangles
# if "createVol" = 1 on volume (red) is created 
# Macro_BoundingBox_Tracing
#OS: Windows Vista     #OS: Windows 8.1                                #OS: Windows 10                                 #OS: Windows 10
#Platform: 32-bit      #Word size of OS: 64-bit                        #Word size of OS: 64-bit                        #Word size of OS: 64-bit
#Version: 0.14.3389    #Word size of FreeCAD: 64-bit                   #Word size of FreeCAD: 64-bit                   #Word size of FreeCAD: 64-bit
#Python version: 2.6.2 #Version: 0.15.4671 (Git)                       #Version: 0.16.6700 (Git)                       #Version: 0.17.13528 (Git)
#Qt version: 4.5.2     #Branch: releases/FreeCAD-0-15                  #Build type: Release                            #Build type: Release
#Coin version: 3.1.0   #Hash: 244b3aef360841646cbfe80a1b225c8b39c8380c #Branch: releases/FreeCAD-0-16                  #Branch: releases/FreeCAD-0-17
#SoQt version: 1.4.1   #Python version: 2.7.8                          #Hash: 7b925d11aa69ac405b423635adb1e2833f18a817 #Hash: 5c3f7bf8ec51e2c7187789f7edba71a7aa82a88b
#OCC version: 6.5.1    #Qt version: 4.8.6                              #Python version: 2.7.8                          #Python version: 2.7.14
#                      #Coin version: 4.0.0a                           #Qt version: 4.8.6                              #Qt version: 4.8.7
#                      #OCC version: 6.8.0.oce-0.17                    #Coin version: 4.0.0a                           #Coin version: 4.0.0a
#                                                                      #OCC version: 6.8.0.oce-0.17                    #OCC version: 7.2.0

__title__   = "BoundingBox_Tracing"
__author__  = "Mario52"
__url__     = ""
__Wiki__    = ""
__version__ = "0.9"
__date__    = "12/10/2018" # 

import FreeCAD, FreeCADGui, Draft, Part
App = FreeCAD

##### Section configuration begin ##################
##### for volume begin ###################
createVol         = 1           # give 1 for create Volume # mettre a 1 pour creer un volume
createDimVol      = 1           # 1 = create dimension info : 0 = not dimension info
##### for volume end   ###################

##### for dimensions info begin ##########
createDim         = 1           # 1 = create dimension info : 0 = not create dimension info

if int(FreeCAD.Version()[1]) > 17:      # Version de FreeCAD
    DisplayModeText   = str(u"2D text") # available : u"2D text" or u"3D text" 
    DisplayModeText   = str(u"Screen")  # available : u"Screen" or u"World" 

JustificationText = "Center"    # available : "Center" or "Left" or "Right"
FontSizeText      = 10.0        # text info dimension
TextColorText_R   = 0.0         # text color info red      1 = 255
TextColorText_G   = 0.0         # text color info green    1 = 255
TextColorText_B   = 0.0         # text color info blue     1 = 255
arondi            = 3           # round the info ex: 3 = 3 decimals

##### for dimensions info end   ##########
##### Section configuration end ####################

def objectRealPlacement3D(obj, mode = 0):    # search the real Placement
        objectPlacement      = obj.Shape.Placement
        objectPlacementBase  = FreeCAD.Vector(objectPlacement.Base)

        if   mode == 0:    # Base
            objectWorkCenter     = objectPlacementBase
        elif mode == 1:    # BoundBox
            objectBoundBoxCenter = FreeCAD.Vector(obj.Shape.BoundBox.Center)
            objectWorkCenter     = objectBoundBoxCenter
        elif mode == 2:    # CenterOfMass
            objectCenterOfMass   = FreeCAD.Vector(obj.Shape.CenterOfMass)
            objectWorkCenter     = objectCenterOfMass
        if hasattr(obj, "getGlobalPlacement"):
            globalPlacement       = obj.getGlobalPlacement()
            globalPlacementBase   = FreeCAD.Vector(globalPlacement.Base)
#            objectRealPlacement3D = globalPlacementBase.add(objectWorkCenter).sub(objectPlacementBase)#ori
            objectRealPlacement3D = globalPlacementBase.sub(objectWorkCenter)# adapte pour BB
            objectRealPlacement3D = objectWorkCenter

        return objectRealPlacement3D
    except Exception:
        return FreeCAD.Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

sel   = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()
selEx = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelectionEx()
objs  = [selobj.Object for selobj in selEx]
if len(objs) >= 1:
    if hasattr(objs[0], "Shape"):
        s = objs[0].Shape
    elif hasattr(objs[0], "Mesh"):      # upgrade with wmayer thanks #
        s = objs[0].Mesh
    elif hasattr(objs[0], "Points"):
        s = objs[0].Points

        # LineColor
        red   = 1.0  # 1 = 255
        green = 0.0  #
        blue  = 0.0  #
        # boundBox
        boundBox_ = s.BoundBox
        boundBoxLX = boundBox_.XLength
        boundBoxLY = boundBox_.YLength
        boundBoxLZ = boundBox_.ZLength
        nameLabel  = sel[0].Label
        import unicodedata    
        nameLabel  = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', nameLabel).encode('ascii','ignore')
        a = str(boundBox_)
        a,b = a.split('(')
        c = b.split(',')
        oripl_X = float(c[0])
        oripl_Y = float(c[1])
        oripl_Z = float(c[2])
            if objs[0].getParentGeoFeatureGroup() == None:
                placementOrigine = FreeCAD.Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
                placementOrigine = objectRealPlacement3D(FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.getObject(objs[0].Name),0)# search the real Placement
            oripl_X += placementOrigine[0]
            oripl_Y += placementOrigine[1]
            oripl_Z += placementOrigine[2]
        except Exception:
        App.Console.PrintMessage("Rectangle      : "+str(boundBoxLX)+" x "+str(boundBoxLY)+" x "+str(boundBoxLZ)+"\r\n")

        if (createVol == 1) and (boundBoxLX > 0) and (boundBoxLY > 0) and (boundBoxLZ > 0):  # Create Volume
            BDvol = App.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Box",nameLabel + "_BoundBoxVolume")
            #BDvol.Label = "BoundBoxVolume"
            BDvol.Length.Value = boundBoxLX
            BDvol.Width.Value  = boundBoxLY
            BDvol.Height.Value = boundBoxLZ
            BDvol.Placement=App.Placement(App.Vector(oripl_X,oripl_Y,oripl_Z), App.Rotation(App.Vector(0,0,1),0), App.Vector(0,0,0))
            FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.getObject(BDvol.Name).LineColor  = (red, green, blue)
            FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.getObject(BDvol.Name).PointColor = (red, green, blue)
            FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.getObject(BDvol.Name).ShapeColor = (red, green, blue)
            FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.getObject(BDvol.Name).Transparency = 80
            App.Console.PrintMessage(nameLabel + "_BoundBoxVolume : " + str(BDvol.Shape.Volume)+"\r\n")
            if createDimVol == 1:    # section create dimension info for volume
                conteneurVol = []
                del conteneurVol[:]
                conteneurVol = App.activeDocument().addObject("App::DocumentObjectGroup",nameLabel + "_BoundBoxVolume_Info")
                pl_0C1 = Draft.makeText([str(round(boundBoxLX,arondi))],point=FreeCAD.Vector(oripl_X + (boundBoxLX/2), oripl_Y, oripl_Z))
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.DisplayMode   = DisplayModeText
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.Justification = JustificationText
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.TextColor     = (TextColorText_R, TextColorText_G, TextColorText_B)
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.FontSize      = FontSizeText
                pl_0C1.Label      = nameLabel + "_Volume_X_" + str(round(boundBoxLX,arondi))
                pl_0C2 = Draft.makeText([str(round(boundBoxLY,arondi))],point=FreeCAD.Vector(oripl_X, oripl_Y + (boundBoxLY/2), oripl_Z))
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.DisplayMode   = DisplayModeText
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.Justification = JustificationText
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.TextColor     = (TextColorText_R, TextColorText_G, TextColorText_B)
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.FontSize      = FontSizeText
                pl_0C2.Label      = nameLabel + "_Volume_Y_" + str(round(boundBoxLY,arondi))
                pl_0C3 = Draft.makeText([str(round(boundBoxLZ,arondi))],point=FreeCAD.Vector(oripl_X, oripl_Y, oripl_Z + (boundBoxLZ/2)))
                pl_0C3.ViewObject.DisplayMode   = DisplayModeText
                pl_0C3.ViewObject.Justification = JustificationText
                pl_0C3.ViewObject.TextColor     = (TextColorText_R, TextColorText_G, TextColorText_B)
                pl_0C3.ViewObject.FontSize      = FontSizeText
                pl_0C3.Label      = nameLabel + "_Volume_Z_" + str(round(boundBoxLZ,arondi))
    #    else:
    #        App.Console.PrintMessage("Not Volume BoundBox possible"+"\r\n")
#        App.Console.PrintMessage("_____________________"+"\r\n")
        conteneurRectangle = []
        del conteneurRectangle[:]
        conteneurRectangle = App.activeDocument().addObject("App::DocumentObjectGroup",nameLabel + "_BoundBoxRectangle")
        if createDim == 1:    # conteneur dimension info
            conteneurInfo = []
            del conteneurInfo[:]
            conteneurInfo = App.activeDocument().addObject("App::DocumentObjectGroup",nameLabel + "_BoundBoxRectangle_Info")
            if (boundBoxLX and boundBoxLY) > 0.0:
                pl_0 = App.Placement(App.Vector(oripl_X,oripl_Y,oripl_Z), App.Rotation(0.0,0.0,0.0))
                double = Draft.makeRectangle(length=boundBoxLX,height=boundBoxLY,placement=pl_0,face=False,support=None) #OK
                double.Label = nameLabel + "_BoundBoxRectangle_Bo"
                FreeCADGui.activeDocument().activeObject().LineColor = (red, green, blue)
    #        else:
    #            App.Console.PrintError("not value 0"+"\n")
            if createDim == 1:    # section create dimension info
                pl_0C1 = Draft.makeText([str(round(boundBoxLX,arondi))],point=FreeCAD.Vector(pl_0.Base.x + (boundBoxLX/2), pl_0.Base.y, pl_0.Base.z))
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.DisplayMode   = DisplayModeText
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.Justification = JustificationText
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.TextColor     = (TextColorText_R, TextColorText_G, TextColorText_B)
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.FontSize      = FontSizeText
                pl_0C1.Label      = nameLabel + "_Rectangle_Bo_0X_" + str(round(boundBoxLX,arondi))
                pl_0C2 = Draft.makeText([str(round(boundBoxLY,arondi))],point=FreeCAD.Vector(pl_0.Base.x, pl_0.Base.y + (boundBoxLY/2), pl_0.Base.z))
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.DisplayMode   = DisplayModeText
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.Justification = JustificationText
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.TextColor     = (TextColorText_R, TextColorText_G, TextColorText_B)
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.FontSize      = FontSizeText
                pl_0C2.Label      = nameLabel + "_Rectangle_Bo_0Y_" + str(round(boundBoxLY,arondi))
            App.Console.PrintError("not done 0"+"\n")

            if (boundBoxLX and boundBoxLY) > 0.0:
                pl_1 = App.Placement(App.Vector(oripl_X,oripl_Y,oripl_Z+boundBoxLZ), App.Rotation(0.0,0.0,0.0))
                double = Draft.makeRectangle(length=boundBoxLX,height=boundBoxLY,placement=pl_1,face=False,support=None) #Ok
                double.Label = nameLabel + "_BoundBoxRectangle_To"
                FreeCADGui.activeDocument().activeObject().LineColor = (red, green, blue)
    #        else:
    #            App.Console.PrintError("not value 1"+"\n")
            if createDim == 1:    # section create dimension info
                pl_0C1 = Draft.makeText([str(round(boundBoxLX,arondi))],point=FreeCAD.Vector(pl_1.Base.x + (boundBoxLX/2), pl_1.Base.y, pl_1.Base.z))
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.DisplayMode   = DisplayModeText
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.Justification = JustificationText
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.TextColor     = (TextColorText_R, TextColorText_G, TextColorText_B)
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.FontSize      = FontSizeText
                pl_0C1.Label      = nameLabel + "_Rectangle_To_1X_" + str(round(boundBoxLX,arondi))
                pl_0C2 = Draft.makeText([str(round(boundBoxLY,arondi))],point=FreeCAD.Vector(pl_1.Base.x, pl_1.Base.y + (boundBoxLY/2), pl_1.Base.z))
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.DisplayMode   = DisplayModeText
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.Justification = JustificationText
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.TextColor     = (TextColorText_R, TextColorText_G, TextColorText_B)
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.FontSize      = FontSizeText
                pl_0C2.Label      = nameLabel + "_Rectangle_To_1Y_" + str(round(boundBoxLY,arondi))
            App.Console.PrintError("not done 1"+"\n")

            if (boundBoxLX and boundBoxLZ) > 0.0:
                pl_2 = App.Placement(App.Vector(oripl_X,oripl_Y,oripl_Z), App.Rotation(0.0,0.0,90))
                double = Draft.makeRectangle(length=boundBoxLX,height=boundBoxLZ,placement=pl_2,face=False,support=None) #Ok
                double.Label = nameLabel + "_BoundBoxRectangle_Fr"
                FreeCADGui.activeDocument().activeObject().LineColor = (red, green, blue)
    #        else:
    #            App.Console.PrintError("not value 2"+"\n")
            if createDim == 1:    # section create dimension info
                pl_0C1 = Draft.makeText([str(round(boundBoxLX,arondi))],point=FreeCAD.Vector(pl_2.Base.x + (boundBoxLX/2), pl_2.Base.y, pl_2.Base.z))
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.DisplayMode   = DisplayModeText
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.Justification = JustificationText
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.TextColor     = (TextColorText_R, TextColorText_G, TextColorText_B)
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.FontSize      = FontSizeText
                pl_0C1.Label      = nameLabel + "_Rectangle_Fr_2X_" + str(round(boundBoxLX,arondi))
                pl_0C2 = Draft.makeText([str(round(boundBoxLZ,arondi))],point=FreeCAD.Vector(pl_2.Base.x, pl_2.Base.y, pl_2.Base.z + (boundBoxLZ/2)))
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.DisplayMode   = DisplayModeText
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.Justification = JustificationText
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.TextColor     = (TextColorText_R, TextColorText_G, TextColorText_B)
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.FontSize      = FontSizeText
                pl_0C2.Label      = nameLabel + "_Rectangle_Fr_2Z_" + str(round(boundBoxLZ,arondi))
            App.Console.PrintError("not done 2"+"\n")

            if (boundBoxLX and boundBoxLZ) > 0.0:
                pl_3 = App.Placement(App.Vector(oripl_X,oripl_Y+boundBoxLY,oripl_Z), App.Rotation(0.0,0.0,90))
                double = Draft.makeRectangle(length=boundBoxLX,height=boundBoxLZ,placement=pl_3,face=False,support=None) #Ok
                double.Label = nameLabel + "_BoundBoxRectangle_Re"
                FreeCADGui.activeDocument().activeObject().LineColor = (red, green, blue)
    #        else:
    #            App.Console.PrintError("not value 3"+"\n")
            if createDim == 1:    # section create dimension info
                pl_0C1 = Draft.makeText([str(round(boundBoxLX,arondi))],point=FreeCAD.Vector(pl_3.Base.x + (boundBoxLX/2), pl_3.Base.y, pl_3.Base.z))
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.DisplayMode   = DisplayModeText
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.Justification = JustificationText
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.TextColor     = (TextColorText_R, TextColorText_G, TextColorText_B)
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.FontSize      = FontSizeText
                pl_0C1.Label      = nameLabel + "_Rectangle_Re_3X_" + str(round(boundBoxLX,arondi))
                pl_0C2 = Draft.makeText([str(round(boundBoxLZ,arondi))],point=FreeCAD.Vector(pl_3.Base.x, pl_3.Base.y, pl_3.Base.z + (boundBoxLZ/2)))
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.DisplayMode   = DisplayModeText
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.Justification = JustificationText
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.TextColor     = (TextColorText_R, TextColorText_G, TextColorText_B)
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.FontSize      = FontSizeText
                pl_0C2.Label      = nameLabel + "_Rectangle_Re_3Z_" + str(round(boundBoxLZ,arondi))
            App.Console.PrintError("not done 3"+"\n")

            if (boundBoxLY and boundBoxLZ) > 0.0:
                pl_4 = App.Placement(App.Vector(oripl_X,oripl_Y,oripl_Z), App.Rotation(90,0.0,90))
                double = Draft.makeRectangle(length=boundBoxLY,height=boundBoxLZ,placement=pl_4,face=False,support=None) #Ok
                double.Label = nameLabel + "_BoundBoxRectangle_Le"
                FreeCADGui.activeDocument().activeObject().LineColor = (red, green, blue)
    #        else:
    #            App.Console.PrintError("not value 4"+"\n")
            if createDim == 1:    # section create dimension info
                pl_0C1 = Draft.makeText([str(round(boundBoxLY,arondi))],point=FreeCAD.Vector(pl_4.Base.x, pl_4.Base.y + (boundBoxLY/2), pl_4.Base.z))
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.DisplayMode   = DisplayModeText
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.Justification = JustificationText
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.TextColor     = (TextColorText_R, TextColorText_G, TextColorText_B)
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.FontSize      = FontSizeText
                pl_0C1.Label      = nameLabel + "_Rectangle_Le_4Y_" + str(round(boundBoxLY,arondi))
                pl_0C2 = Draft.makeText([str(round(boundBoxLZ,arondi))],point=FreeCAD.Vector(pl_4.Base.x, pl_4.Base.y, pl_4.Base.z + (boundBoxLZ/2)))
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.DisplayMode   = DisplayModeText
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.Justification = JustificationText
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.TextColor     = (TextColorText_R, TextColorText_G, TextColorText_B)
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.FontSize      = FontSizeText
                pl_0C2.Label      = nameLabel + "_Rectangle_Le_4Z_" + str(round(boundBoxLZ,arondi))
            App.Console.PrintError("not done 4"+"\n")

            if (boundBoxLY and boundBoxLZ) > 0.0:
                pl_5 = App.Placement(App.Vector(oripl_X+boundBoxLX,oripl_Y,oripl_Z), App.Rotation(90,0.0,90))
                double = Draft.makeRectangle(length=boundBoxLY,height=boundBoxLZ,placement=pl_5,face=False,support=None) #Ok
                double.Label = nameLabel + "_BoundBoxRectangle_Ri"
                FreeCADGui.activeDocument().activeObject().LineColor = (red, green, blue)
    #            else:
    #                App.Console.PrintError("not value 5"+"\n")
            if createDim == 1:    # section create dimension info
                pl_0C1 = Draft.makeText([str(round(boundBoxLY,arondi))],point=FreeCAD.Vector(pl_5.Base.x, pl_5.Base.y + (boundBoxLY/2), pl_5.Base.z))
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.DisplayMode   = DisplayModeText
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.Justification = JustificationText
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.TextColor     = (TextColorText_R, TextColorText_G, TextColorText_B)
                pl_0C1.ViewObject.FontSize      = FontSizeText
                pl_0C1.Label      = nameLabel + "_Rectangle_Ri_5Y_" + str(round(boundBoxLY,arondi))
                pl_0C2 = Draft.makeText([str(round(boundBoxLZ,arondi))],point=FreeCAD.Vector(pl_5.Base.x, pl_5.Base.y, pl_5.Base.z + (boundBoxLZ/2)))
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.DisplayMode   = DisplayModeText
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.Justification = JustificationText
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.TextColor     = (TextColorText_R, TextColorText_G, TextColorText_B)
                pl_0C2.ViewObject.FontSize      = FontSizeText
                pl_0C2.Label      = nameLabel + "_Rectangle_Ri_5Z_" + str(round(boundBoxLZ,arondi))
            App.Console.PrintError("not done 5"+"\n")
    except Exception:
        App.Console.PrintError("Bad selection"+"\n")
    App.Console.PrintMessage("Select an object !"+"\n")


Per cambiare il colore o altre opzioni modificare le righe da 31 a 49, sezione configurazione

##### Section configuration begin ##################
##### for volume begin ###################
createVol         = 1           # give 1 for create Volume # mettre a 1 pour creer un volume
createDimVol      = 1           # 1 = create dimension info : 0 = not dimension info

##### for volume end   ###################

##### for dimensions info begin ##########
createDim         = 1           # 1 = create dimension info : 0 = not create dimension info
DisplayModeText   = "Screen"    # available : "Screen" or "World"
JustificationText = "Center"    # available : "Center" or "Left" or "Right"
FontSizeText      = 10.0        # text info dimension
TextColorText_R   = 0.0         # text color info red      1 = 255
TextColorText_G   = 0.0         # text color info green    1 = 255
TextColorText_B   = 0.0         # text color info blue     1 = 255
arondi            = 3           # round the info ex: 3 = 3 decimals

##### for dimensions info end   ##########
##### Section configuration end #################### 


ver 0.9 le 2018-10-12: add test > 17

if int(FreeCAD.Version()[1]) > 17:      # Version de FreeCAD
    DisplayModeText   = str(u"2D text") # available : u"2D text" or u"3D text" 
    DisplayModeText   = str(u"Screen")  # available : u"Screen" or u"World"

ver 0.8 le 05/10/2018: upgrade the ver 0.8 compatible with FC 0.17 (getGlobalPlacement)

ver 0.7 le 28/01/2018: correct error with label accent "nameLabel = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', nameLabel).encode('ascii','ignore')"

ver 0.6 le 08/08/2017: aggiunto testo info dimensioni , contener per retangoli, informazioni rettangolo, informazioni volume, é sezione configurazione color , label object selected

ver 0.5 le 08/05/2017 : upgrade adesso acceta gli elementi "mesh" e "Points" grazie wmayer Makro Bounding-Box für STL importierte Teile und für Punktewolken

ver 0.4 il 04/06/2016 : testo se value = 0 allora non crea il boundbox (esempio: obietto Draft)