KicadStepUp Workbench

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 12:14, 12 February 2020 by Kunda1 (talk | contribs)


Kicad StepUp Workbench is aimed at helping both KiCad and FreeCAD users in collaborating with electrical (ECAD) and mechanical (MCAD) design.


Kicad (website) is an Open Source Electronics Design Automation Suite.


Kicad StepUp is part of the external workbenches, and can be automatically installed using the [[Add-on Manager|FreeCAD Add-on Manager] which comes bundled with FreeCAD 0.17, under the Tools → Add-On Manager menu.


In progress

Help and howto

kicad StepUp cheat sheet


External workbenches

FreeCAD workbenches are easy to program in Python, there are therefore many people developing additional workbenches outside of the FreeCAD main developers.

The external workbenches page has some information and tutorials on some of them, and the FreeCAD Addons project aims at gathering them and making them easily installable from within FreeCAD.

New workbenches are in development, stay tuned!