Kreslení Uchopit

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 10:58, 3 March 2014 by Honza32 (talk | contribs)

Uchopování znamená "přilepení" následujících 3D bodu k existujícímu bodu. Uchopování je dostupné u většiny nástrojů v Kreslení a Architektura a může být globálně zakázkáno nebo povoleno příkazem Kreslení Přepínač uchopování

Available snap locations


  • File:Snap Lock.png Lock: turns snapping on/off globally
  • Certain additional snap locations can be obtained by combining 2 snap locations, such as ortho + extension, that will give you a snap point at the intersection of their imaginary lines.
  • Other, more complex snap locations can also be obtained by using constraining (by pressing SHIFT or X or Y or Z while drawing).
  • Pressing L while drawing locks the current angle of the line segment being drawn.
  • The maximum distance at which a point is snapped a snap location is specified in the preferences, and can also be changed on-the-fly by pressing [ or ] keys.