Draft Círculo

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Revision as of 17:38, 31 May 2014 by Renatorivo (talk | contribs)

Draft Circle

Ubicación en el Menú
Boceto → Circunferencia
Entornos de trabajo
Croquis, Arquitectura
Atajo de teclado por defecto
Introducido en versión
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The Circle tool creates a circle in the current work plane by entering two points, the center and the radius, or by picking tangents, or any combination of those. It takes the linewidth and color previously set on the Tasks tab. This tool works the same way as the Draft Arc tool, except that it stops after entering the radius.


  1. Presiona el botón Circunferencia, o presiona las teclas C y I
  2. Selecciona un primer punto en la vista 3D, o escribe una coordenadas
  3. Selecciona un segundo punto en la vista 3D, o introduce un valor de radio.


  • The primary use of the circle tool is by picking two points, the centre and a point on the circumference, defining the radius.
  • By pressing ALT, you can select a tangent instead of picking a point. You can therefore construct several types of circles by selecting one, two or three tangents.
  • To enter coordinates manually, simply enter the numbers, then press ENTER between each X, Y and Z component.
  • Press T or click the checkbox to check/uncheck the Continue button. If continue mode is on, the Circle tool will restart after you give the second point, allowing you to draw another circle without pressing the Circle button again.
  • Press CTRL while drawing to force snapping your point to the nearest snap location, independently of the distance.
  • Press SHIFT while drawing to constrain your second point horizontally or vertically in relation to the first one.
  • Press I or the Filled button to have the circle to appear as a face after it has been closed. This simply sets the View->Property of the Circle to "Flat lines" or "Wireframe", so it can easily be changed later.
  • Press ESC or the Cancel button to abort the current Line command.
  • The circle can be turned into an arc after creation, by setting its first angle and last angle properties to different values.
  • Circles, when in "Flat Lines" display mode, can display a hatch pattern, by setting their "Pattern" property below.


  • DatosRadius: The radius of the circle
  • VistaPattern: Specifies a hatch pattern to fill the wire with
  • VistaPattern Size: Specifies the size of the hatch pattern

Archivos de guión

La herramienta Circunferencia se puede utilizar en macros y desde la consola utilizando la siguiente función:

 makeCircle (radius, [placement], [facemode], [startangle], [endangle])
  • Crea un objeto circunferencia con el valor de radio dado.
  • Si se indica una ubicación, se utiliza. Si el modo de cara es falso, la circunferencia se mostrará como una estructura alámbrica, en otro caso como una cara.
  • Si se indican un ángulo de inicio Y un ángulo final (en grados), se utilizarán y el objeto se mostrará como un arco.
  • Devuelve el objeto recién creado.


 import Draft
 myCircle = Draft.makeCircle(2)