CAM Tools

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 03:20, 13 November 2020 by Russ4262 (talk | contribs) (Add suggested read of `Migrating from Legacy Tools` section)
This documentation is a work in progress. Please don't mark it as translatable since it will change in the next hours and days.

Note: This page describes the ToolBit architecture which became the default in v 0.19. For the older 'Legacy' tool system see Path_ToolLibraryEdit


Tools in the Path workbench are handled differently than in other CAM packages

There are several concepts that the user needs to understand:

ToolShapes: ToolShapes are templates for creating toolbits. Toolshapes are FreeCAD documents that model the tool using named constraints. The toolshape is an _abstract_ tool template from which tool instances (called toolbits) are created. For example, all endmills will share the same toolshape file.

ToolBit: Toolbits are instances of a toolshape. A toolbit will have _specific_ values for each of the named constraints in the toolshape. A toolbit is used in a Path Job through a Tool Controller (TC). The same toolbit can exist in multiple libraries.

Toolbit Library: A library is an arbitrary collection of toolbits. The specific tools in a library is entirely up to the user. Possible use cases for libraries:

* A hobbyist user may have only one library for all of the tools they own.
* A library may contain all the tools used for a specific material like aluminum or wood
* A library may have toolbits for working on specific material
* A library may hold toolbits from a specific supplier
* A library may correspond to an automatic tool changer layout.

A Tool Controller controls how a tool is used in a Path Job. A controller combines the toolbit with properties for spindle speed, direction and Horizontal/Vertical feed rates.


The user will interact with the tool management system in two different workflows. Each workflow has dedicated GUI elements.


When FreeCAD is installed a default hierarchy of tool libraries and toolbits is created in the installation directory (Mod/Path/)

   + Bit
   + Library
   + Shape

The user, however, is free to store their toolbits and libraries anywhere they wish. Even custom toolshapes can be stored in arbitrary locations where they can be backed up. The user is encouraged, however, to use a logical structure as shown above to keep toolbits and libraries organized.


References to Tool Bits and their shapes can either be stored with an absolute path or with a relative path to the search path. Generally it is recommended to use relative paths due to their flexibility and robustness to layout changes. Should multiple tools or tool shapes with the same name exist in different directories it can be required to use absolute paths.

See Path Preferences to choose whether absolute or relative paths are used

Migrating from Legacy Tools

If you have been using FreeCAD Path workbench for a while, you may need to adjust your preferences before you can use the Toolbit system. If pressing the Tool Library button on the toolbar shows the legacy dialog, Go to the page below in Path preferences and disable legacy tools.
You have to restart FreeCAD to make the change valid.

Disable Legacy Tools

Getting Started with Tools in 0.19

Read the `Migrating from Legacy Tools` section above.

  1. Getting a cutter or tool into a Path Job for use in operations starts with a Tool Shape.
    • FreeCAD includes a set of common tool shapes with each distribution. Visit the ToolShapes page for instructions to create a tool shape and to see the list of included, common tool shapes.
    • Either create your custom tool shape, or verify the common tool shape you need is listed in the ToolShapes page.
  2. Once the desired tool shape exists, you need to create a tool bit based on the desired tool shape above.
    • In the Path Workbench menu bar, navigate to Path → Create Tool.
    • In the Tool Bit creation task panel that appears, give the new tool bit a name and select the corresponding tool shape file as the basis for this new tool bit.
    • A thumbnail of the selected tool shape should appear along with a list of parameters.
    • Set the Bit Parameters as desired.
    • Click `OK` to save the new tool bit.
    • The new Tool Bit will appear in the FreeCAD object tree.
  3. Add the new Tool Bit to one or more Tool Libraries.
    • In the Path Workbench menu bar, navigate to Path → Open ToolBit Library editor.
    • The ToolBit Library window will open.
    • At the top of this window, verify or set the path to the folder containing your existing tool libraries, or the location you want to store your tool libraries.
    • Under the path entry, on the left is the Tool Libraries list area. Click on an existing tool library you wish to use as the destination for your new tool bit, or click the green plus icon to create new Tool Library in the folder identified above.
    • On the right side of the Tool Library editor window is the Tool Bit list and action buttons for the currently selected tool library. Click the `Add ToolBit` icon.
    • In the file navigation window that opens, navigate to your new tool bit, select it, and click the `Open` button. The new tool bit will be added to the active tool library.
    • Be sure to click the `Save Table` button at the bottom of the Tool Library window in order to save the changes.
    • Leave this ToolBit Library window open for the next step.
    • Once your ToolBits are created and saved in a ToolBit Library, you may reuse them.
  4. Add a Tool Controller to the desired Path Job.
    • In the open Tool Library window, locate and activate the desired tool library.
    • Select the desired tool bit(s) to be added to the Job. Select multiple by holding down the CTRL key when selecting.
    • Click the `Add Tool Controller(s) to Job` button.
  5. Close the ToolBit Library
  6. Your tools and controllers are ready to use within the specified Job.


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