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Found 3 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)|-
| [[File:Draft-TechDraw_integration.png|384px]]
| Improvements in the Draft SVG routines to improve inclusion of 2D projections in [[TechDraw_Workbench|TechDraw]] pages. This benefits tools like [[Draft_Shape2DView|Draft Shape2DView]] and [[Arch_SectionPlane|Arch SectionPlane]], when used with [[TechDraw_DraftView|TechDraw DraftView]] and [[TechDraw_ArchView|TechDraw ArchView]].
 h français (fr)|-
| [[File:Draft-TechDraw_integration.png|384px]]
| Amélioration des routines SVG de Draft pour l'inclusion des projections 2D dans les pages de l'[[TechDraw_Workbench/fr|atelier TechDraw]]. Cela profite à des outils tels que [[Draft_Shape2DView/fr|Draft Projection 2D d'une forme]] et [[Arch_SectionPlane/fr|Arch Plan de coupe]] lorsqu'ils sont utilisés avec [[TechDraw_DraftView/fr|TechDraw Nouvelle vue d'un objet Draft]] et [[TechDraw_ArchView/fr|TechDraw Plan de coupe]].
 h polski (pl)|-
| [[File:Draft-TechDraw_integration.png|384px]]
| Ulepszenia w projektach procedur SVG w celu lepszego włączenia projekcji 2D do stron [[TechDraw_Workbench/pl|TechDraw]]. Daje to korzyści takim narzędziom, jak [[Draft_Shape2DView|Draft Shape2DView]] and [[Arch_SectionPlane|Arch SectionPlane]], gdy są używane z [[TechDraw_DraftView|TechDraw DraftView]] and [[TechDraw_ArchView|TechDraw ArchView]].