All translations

Enter a message name below to show all available translations.


Found 8 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h Deutsch (de){{GuiCommand
|Name=Base BeispielBefehlModell
|Icon= <!--Dateiname des Symbols mit Erweiterung (z. B. svg, png), wenn sein Name vom Namen des Befehls abweicht-->
|MenuLocation=Menü → Untermenü → Menütext des Befehls
|Workbenches=[[Workbench_Name|Name de Arbeitsbereichs]]
|Shortcut={{KEY|F}} {{KEY|C}}
|SeeAlso= <!--Verweise zu ähnlichen Befehlen und dazugehörige Seiten hinzufügen -->
 h English (en){{GuiCommand
|Name=Base ExampleCommandModel
|Icon= <!--filename of icon with extension (e.g. svg, png) if not the same name as command-->
|MenuLocation=Menu → Submenu → Menu text for the command
|Shortcut={{KEY|F}} {{KEY|C}}
|SeeAlso= <!--add links to similar commands and related pages-->
 h español (es){{GuiCommand/es|Name=Base_ExampleCommandModel|Workbenches=Wb1,Wb2}}
 h français (fr){{GuiCommand/fr
|Name=Base ExampleCommandModel
|Name/fr=Modèle GuiCommand
|Icon=<!--nom de fichier de l'icône avec l'extension (par exemple, svg, png) s'il ne s'agit pas du même nom que la commande-->
|MenuLocation=Menu → Sousmenu → Texte de menu pour la commande 
|Workbenches=[[Workbench_Name/fr|Nom de l'atelier]]
|Shortcut={{KEY|F}} {{KEY|C}}
|SeeAlso=<!--ajouter des liens vers des commandes similaires et les pages en relation-->
 h italiano (it){{GuiCommand/it
|Name=Base ExampleCommandModel
|Name/it=Esempio di comando
|Icon=<!--nome del file dell'icona con estensione (e.g. svg, png) se non ha lo stesso nome del comando; cancellare questa riga se non utilizzata-->
|MenuLocation=Menu → Sottomenu → Comando
|Workbenches=[[Workbench Name/it|Ambiente]]
|Shortcut=<!--cancellare questa riga se non utilizzata-->
|SeeAlso=<!--aggiungere collegamenti a comandi simili; eliminare questa riga se non utilizzata-->
 h polski (pl){{GuiCommand/pl
|Name=Base ExampleCommandModel
|Name/pl=Szablon polecenia GUI
|Icon= <!--filename of icon with extension (e.g. svg, png) if not the same name as command-->
|MenuLocation=Menu → menu podrzędne → Tekst menu dla polecenia
|Shortcut={{KEY|F}} {{KEY|C}}
|SeeAlso= <!--add links to similar commands and related pages-->
 h română (ro){{GuiCommand/ro
|Name=Base ExampleCommandModel
|MenuLocation=Sample → Command
 h русский (ru){{GuiCommand/ru
|Name=Base ExampleCommandModel
|Name/ru=Base ExampleCommandModel
|Icon= <!--filename of icon with extension (e.g. svg, png) if not the same name as command-->
|MenuLocation=Меню → Подменю → Текст меню для комманды
|Shortcut={{KEY|F}} {{KEY|C}}
|SeeAlso= <!--add links to similar commands and related pages-->