Draft Module

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Draft workbench icon


Rit modulen är ett pågående arbete och är en ganska experimentell modul som har gjorts för att lägga till grundläggande 2d ritfunktionalitet till FreeCAD. Den är helt och hållet skriven i python, och är även tänkt att fungera som en presentation om hur mycket du kan utöka FreeCAD endast med hjälp av python, utan att ens röra källkoden.

The created 2D objects can be used for general drafting in a way similar as is done with Inkscape or Autocad. These 2D shapes can also be used as the base components of 3D objects created with other workbenches, for example, the Part and Arch Workbenches. Conversion of Draft objects to Sketches is also possible, which means that the shapes can also be used with the PartDesign Workbench for the creation of solid bodies.

FreeCAD is primarily a 3D modelling application, and thus its 2D tools aren't as advanced as in other drawing programs. If your primary goal is the production of complex 2D drawings and DXF files, and you don't need 3D modelling, you may wish to consider a dedicated software program for technical drafting such as LibreCAD, QCad, or others.

Draft Workbench Example

Rita objekt

Detta är verktyg för att rita objekt.

  • 2-punkt Linje: Ritar ett linjesegment mellan 2 punkter
  • Tråd (multi-punkts linje): Ritar en linje som består av flera linjesegment
  • Cirkel: Ritar en cirkel med hjälp av centrum och radie
  • Cirkelbåge: Ritar en cirkelbåge med hjälp av centrum, radie, startvinkel och slutvinkel
  • Ellipse: Draws an ellipse from two corner points
  • Polygon: Ritar en regelbunden polygon med center och en radie
  • Rektangel: Ritar en rektangel från 2 motsatta punkter (hörnen)
  • Text: Ritar en text annotering med flera rader
  • Dimension: Ritar en måttsättning
  • BSpline: Ritar en B-Spline från en serie med punkter
  • Point: Inserts a point object
  • ShapeString: The ShapeString tool inserts a compound shape representing a text string at a given point in the current document
  • Facebinder: Creates a new object from selected faces on existing objects
  • Bezier Curve: Draws a Bezier curve from a series of points
  • Label: Places a label with an arrow pointing to a selected element introduced in version 0.17

Annotation objects

Förändra objekt

Detta är verktyg för att förändra existerande objekt. De arbetar med valda objekt, men om inget objekt är valt, så ombes du att välja ett.

Many operation tools (move, rotate, array, etc.) also work on solid objects (Part, PartDesign, Arch, etc.).

  • Join: joins lines together into a single wire.
  • Split: splits a wire into two at a point.
  • Upgrade: upgrades objects into a higher-level object.
  • Downgrade: downgrades objects into lower-level objects.
  • Shape 2D View: creates a 2D object which is a flattened 2D view of a 3D object.

Draft Tray

The Draft Tray allows selecting the working plane, defining style settings, toggling construction mode, and specifying the active layer or group.

Its tools are also available in the Draft → Utilities menu:

Draft annotation scale widget

With the Draft annotation scale widget the Draft annotation scale can be specified. introduced in version 0.19

Draft snap widget

The Draft snap widget can be used as an alternative for the Draft Snap toolbar. introduced in version 0.19

Draft Snap toolbar

The Draft Snap toolbar allows selecting the active snap options. The buttons belonging to active options stay depressed. For general information about snapping see: Draft Snap.

  • Toggle snap: toggles object snapping globally on or off.
  • Endpoint: snaps to the endpoints of line, arc and spline segments.
  • Midpoint: snaps to the middle point of line and arc segments.
  • Center: snaps to the center point of circles, arcs and faces, WP proxies and Building parts
  • Angle: snaps to the special cardinal points of circles and arcs, at 45° and 90°.
  • Intersection: snaps to the intersection of two line or arc segments. Hover the mouse over the two desired objects to activate their intersection snaps.
  • Perpendicular: on line and arc segments, snaps perpendicularly to the latest point.
  • Extension: snaps on an imaginary line that extends beyond the endpoints of line segments. Hover the mouse over the desired object to activate its extension snap.
  • Parallel: snaps on an imaginary line parallel to a line segment. Hover the mouse over the desired object to activate its parallel snap.
  • Special: snaps on special points defined by the object.
  • Near: snaps to the closest point or edge on the nearest object.
  • Ortho: snaps on imaginary lines that cross the last point, and extend at 0°, 45° and 90°.
  • Grid: snaps to the intersections of the grid lines, if the grid is visible.
  • Working plane: always places the snapped point on the current working plane, even if you snap to a point outside that working plane.
  • Dimensions: shows temporary X and Y dimensions while snapping.
  • Toggle grid: toggles the visibility of the grid on or off.

Draft utility tools toolbar

Additional tools

The Draft → Utilities menu contains several tools. Most of them can also be accessed from toolbars or the Draft Tray and have already been mentioned above. For the following tools this is not the case:

Gemensamt beteende

  • Snäpp: tillåter dig att placera nya punkter på speciella platser på existerande objekt
  • Begränsning: Tillåter att nya punkter placeras horisontellt eller vertikalt i relation till tidigare punkter
  • Kopiering: Alla ändringsverktyg kan antingen ändra de valda objekten eller skapa en förändrad kopiaav dem. Genom att trycka på ALT tangenten medan verktyget används kommer att skapa en kopia
  • Konstruktionsläge: Tillåter dig att skilja viss geometri åt från resten, för att lätt kunna stänga på/av
  • Arbetsplan: Alla skisskommandon kan användas på valfritt plani i 3D rymden. Det gällande arbetsplanet kan konfigureras på ett lätt sätt

Tree view context menu

The following additional options are available in the Tree view context menu:

Selection options

If there is a selection the context menu contains one additional sub-menu:

  • Utilities: a subset of the tools available in the main Draft Utilities menu.

Wire options

For a Draft Wire, Draft BSpline, Draft CubicBezCurve and Draft BezCurve this additional option is available:

  • Flatten this wire: flattens the wire based on its internal geometry. This option currently does not work properly.

Layer container options

For a Draft LayerContainer these additional options are available:

  • Merge layer duplicates: this option currently does not work.

Layer options

For a Draft Layer these additional options are available:

Working plane proxy options

For a Draft WorkingPlaneProxy these additional options are available:

  • Write objects state: updates the visibility state of objects stored in the working plane proxy.

3D view context menu

The following additional options are available in the 3D view context menu:

No-selection options

If there is no selection the context menu contains one additional sub-menu:

  • Utilities: a subset of the tools available in the main Draft Utilities menu.

Selection options

If there is a selection the context menu contains two additional sub-menus:

Obsolete tools

These commands are obsolete but still available:

These 3D view context menu options are still available when the Draft Wire, Draft BSpline, Draft CubicBezCurve or Draft BezCurve command is active but will be removed in the near future:


  • Preferences: general preferences for the working plane and the drawing tools.
  • Import Export Preferences: preferences available for importing from and exporting to different file formats.

Import & export

Detta är funktioner för att öppna, importera eller exportera andra filformat. Öppna kommet att öppna ett nytt dokument med filens innehåll, medan importera kommer att lägga till filinnehållet till det nuvarande dokumentet. Exportera kommer att spara de valda objekten till en fil. Om inget är valt, så kommer alla objekt att exporteras. Var uppmärksam på att eftersom tanken med Ritmodulen är att arbeta med 2d objekt, så fokuserar dessa importerare endast på 2d objekt, och, fastän DXF och OCA formaten stödjer objektdefinitioner i 3D rymden (objekt är inte nödvändigtvis platta), så kommer de inte att importera volymetriska objekt som nät, 3D ytor, etc, utan snarare linjer, cirklar, text eller flata former. För närvarande så stöds följande filformat:

  • Autodesk .DXF: Importerar och exporterar DXF filer som har skapats med andra CAD applikationer
  • SVG (som geometri): Importerar och exporterar SVG filer som har skapats med vektorbaserade ritapplikationer

Install importers

Unit tests

See also: Test Workbench.

To run the unit tests of the workbench execute the following from the operating system terminal.

freecad -t TestDraft


Se Skiss API sidan för en komplett beskrivning av Skissfunktionerna som du kan använda i skript och makron

The workbench includes a module to create samples of all objects in a new document. introduced in version 0.19

Use this to test that all objects are produced correctly.

import drafttests.draft_test_objects as dto
doc = dto.create_test_file()

Inspecting the code of this module is useful to understand how to use the programming interface.


Where $INSTALLDIR is the toplevel directory where the software was installed; for example, in Linux it may be /usr/share/freecad.

Test objects for the Draft Workbench.

Raytracing Module/sv
Robot Module/sv