FEM Groupe de maillage FEM

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FEM Groupe de mailles MEF

Emplacement du menu
Mesh → Groupe de type maillage MEF
Raccourci par défaut
Introduit dans la version
Voir aussi
Tutoriel FEM


A faire

FEM MeshGroup therefore enables FreeCAD to be used with external solvers (or viewers such as ParaView) when they are not yet implemented with their own case-writing routine within FreeCAD.


  1. To enable the function a mesh must be first provided FEM mesh from shape by Gmsh.
    • Select the Mesh object in the Model Tree and press the button.
    • Select the Mesh object in the Model Tree and select the Mesh → FEM mesh group option from the menu.
  2. Select whether the group is named or labelled
    • If "Name" is selected, the name of the MeshGroup is used when exporting the mesh.
    • If "Label" is selected, the specified label name will be used when exporting the mesh.
  3. Click the OK button.
  4. Close the task.
    Result: You now should see a new FEMMeshGroup object under the FEMMeshGMSH object in your active analysis container.
  5. Double-click on the FEMMeshGMSH parent object in your Model Tree and press Apply to force a mesh recalculation / relabeling.
  6. Close the task.

After the mesh has been crated you can change the label property using the property editor. After you changed a property, you must reopen the Gmsh dialog again and click the Apply button. (You can leave the dialog open while changing properties.)

You can create as many different mesh groups as needed.