Sketcher ConstrainDiameter

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Revision as of 19:20, 23 January 2021 by Roy 043 (talk | contribs) (Marked this version for translation)

Sketcher ConstrainDiameter

Menu location
Sketch → Sketcher constraints → Constrain diameter
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
Sketcher Constrain distance, Sketcher Constrain horizontal distance, Sketcher Constrain vertical distance


This constraint constrains the value of the diameter of a circle or arc to have a specific value. If more than one circle or arc is selected before launching the command, a prompt will ask if all selected elements should share the same diameter. In the case of an affirmative response, one diameter constraint will be added, and Constrain equal constraints will be added to all elements. In the negative, separate diameter constraints will be created for each circle/arc but with equal values to be edited separately after creation.

How to use

  1. Pick one or more circles or arcs.
  2. Press the Constrain diameter button.
  3. A pop up dialog opens to edit or confirm the value. Press OK to validate. In case multiple circles/arcs were selected, all constraints will adopt this value. Edit their separate values by double-clicking on the dimension label in the 3D view; or in the Constraints list, double-click on the constraint or right-click and select Change value.
  4. Optionally the dimension label and line can be moved and rotated in the 3D view by clicking on the value and dragging while keeping the left mouse button pressed.

Note: the constraint tool can also be started with no prior selection. By default the command will be in continue mode to create new constraints; press the right mouse button or Esc once to quit the command.


Sketch.addConstraint(Sketcher.Constraint('Diameter', ArcOrCircle, App.Units.Quantity('123.0 mm')))

The Scripting Sketcher constraints in Python page explains the values which can be used for ArcOrCircle, and contains further examples on how to create constraints from Python scripts.