Macro Ruotare su uno punto

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 12:42, 13 January 2021 by Mario52 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Finestra per la visualizzazione delle coordinate memorizzate * {{Button|Save}}: salva i dati nel file * {{Button|Clear}}: elimina e pulisci l'editor di testo * {{Button|Dele...")
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Macro Rotatzione su Punto

Nuva versione GUI modicato per HD dpi (QGridLayout) funziona solo su FC version 0.18 e più alto (PySide2 Qt5)

Questa macro fa ruotare un oggetto su se stesso intorno all'asse scelto.
Si puo salvare in un file tutte le coordinate lavorate e salvarlo in un file "Coordinate [(0.06,1.30,0.0), (85.0,0.0,0.0)]" o in una macro completa per creare un'animazione

Per la precedente versione vedi Macro_Rotate_To_Point e installa manualmente.

Versione macro: 00.06
Ultima modifica: 2021/01/12
Versione FreeCAD: 0.18 e più
Download: ToolBar Icon
Autore: Mario52
ToolBar Icon
Versione macro
Data ultima modifica
Versioni di FreeCAD
0.18 e più
Vedere anche


Questa macro permette di ruotare un oggetto su se stesso scegliendo l'asse di rotazione. L'asse può essere il centro del contenitore dell'oggetto

  • il centro BoundBox
  • il centro di massa
  • la direzione di un filo
  • l'ultimo punto cliccato


  1. Carica la macro con Addon Manager
  2. Lancia la macro
  3. Clic uno obietto
  4. Celia una orientazione

Interface Rotate to point

Point Rotation

  • Bounbox Center : Seleziona come asse di rotazione il centro del BoundBox
  • Center of Mass : Seleziona come asse di rotazione il Centro di massa
  • Point Clicked : Seleziona come asse di rotazione l'ultimo punto cliccato 1: Selezionare l'oggetto 2: usare il tasto CTRL per scegliere un punto esterno all'oggetto
    • 1: seleziona uno obietto
    • 2: utilizza CTRL per scegliere un oggetto in più

Axis Rotation

  • Rotation(Z) Yaw : asse Yaw
  • Rotation(Y) Pitch : asse Pitch
  • Rotation(X) Roll : asse Roll
  • Rotation(D) Direction: Ruota intorno alla linea, filo selezionato

Coordinates Point clicked

  • DoubleSpinBox : Coordinate X del clic del mouse (modificabile solo nel modo "Point Clicked")
  • DoubleSpinBox : Coordinate Y del clic del mouse (modificabile solo nel modo "Point Clicked")
  • DoubleSpinBox : Coordinate Z del clic del mouse (modificabile solo nel modo "Point Clicked")


  • Translation: Se questo checkBox è checked la rotazione è disabilitata, il posizionamento dell'oggetto viene eseguito sull'asse selezionato.
  • Point: viene creato un punto per visualizzare l'asse di rotazione del punto: X rossa, Y verde, Z blu
  • Line Edit: la modifica della linea mostra la coordinata originale dell'asse selezionato + i dati di input forniti nella casella di selezione
  • 0,0000 : immettere la modifica
  • Apply: applica la modifica all'oggetto
  • La coordinata viene visualizzata


  • Finestra per la visualizzazione delle coordinate memorizzate
  • Save: salva i dati nel file
  • Clear: elimina e pulisci l'editor di testo
  • Delete: elimina la riga selezionata
  • Memorize: memorizza e visualizza le coordinate
  • Macro:
    • Modalità normale Macro la coordinata viene salvata in questa modalità: [(0.06,1.30,0.0), (85.0,0.0,0.0)],
    • Modalità macro 0,0 Coordinate la coordinata viene salvata in una macro completa direttamente nella directory delle macro con lo stesso nome dell'estensione del documento .FCMacro
      • Opzioni della macro
      • __ pompe____engrenage__: Nome del documento
      • __ 22 Coordinates__: numero di coordinate
      • Digita il tasto Q per uscire: Esci dalla macro
      • Digita il tasto D per diminuire la velocità: Diminuisci la velocità dell'animazione
      • Digita il tasto I per aumentare la velocità: Aumenta la velocità dell'animazione
      • Digitare il tasto P per mettere in pausa/continuare o il tasto RETURN o ESCAPE: Pausa/Anime
      • Digitare il tasto S per procedere passo dopo passo (tasto RETURN o ESCAPE per continuare): Passo dopo passo
      • Digitare la chiave M per questo messaggio: Visualizza questo memo
      • ____________________________
  • Memo on Click:
    • Modalità normale Memo on Click: i dati non vengono salvati sulla finestra, è necessario premere il pulsante Memo (2) per salvare le coordinate
    • Modalità Memo on Click Memo on Demand: i dati vengono salvati automaticamente facendo clic sul pulsante Apply


  • Quit: Quit the macro
  • Original: After modifying the data of the object you can return to the original placement, If you have not deselected the current object.
  • 0,0,0 : This option places the object in base coordinate 0, 0, 0
  • Reset: Reset the data in the macro and deselect the current object (same mouse click in the 3D view)


ToolBar Icon PNG SVG


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
*   Copyright (c) 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 <mario52>                      *
*                                                                         *
*   This file is a supplement to the FreeCAD CAx development system.      *
*                                                                         *
*   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
*   it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)    *
*   as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of     *
*   the License, or (at your option) any later version.                   *
*   for detail see the LICENCE text file.                                 *
**                                                                       **
*   Use at your own risk. The author assumes no liability for data loss.  *
*              It is advised to backup your data frequently.              *
*             If you do not trust the software do not use it.             *
**                                                                       **
*                                                                         *
*   This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,      *
*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
*   GNU Library General Public License for more details.                  *
*                                                                         *
*   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public     *
*   License along with this macro; if not, write to the Free Software     *
*   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  *
*   USA                                                                   *
*           WARNING! All changes in this file will be lost and            *  
*                  may cause malfunction of the program                   *
#OS: Windows 10 (10.0)
#Word size of OS: 64-bit
#Word size of FreeCAD: 64-bit
#Version: 0.19.23546 (Git)
#Build type: Release
#Branch: master
#Hash: 6b017f9a16b15b0e628c8d874c4058442dee5548
#Python version: 3.6.8
#Qt version: 5.12.1
#Coin version: 4.0.0a
#OCC version: 7.3.0
#Locale: French/Mars (fr_Ma)
__title__   = "Rotate_To_Point"
__author__  = "Mario52"
__url__     = ""
__Wiki__    = ""
__version__ = "00.06"
__date__    = "2021/01/12"  #YYYY/MM/DD

import WebGui

import PySide2
from PySide2 import (QtWidgets, QtCore, QtGui)
from PySide2.QtWidgets import *
from PySide2.QtCore import *
from PySide2.QtGui import *
#from PySide2.QtWidgets import (QWidget, QApplication, QSlider, QGraphicsView, QGraphicsScene, QVBoxLayout, QStyle, QListWidget)
#from PySide2.QtCore import QDate
#from PySide2.QtGui import (QPainter, QColor, QIcon, QBrush, QPalette)
from PySide2.QtSvg import *

import Draft, Part, PartGui, FreeCADGui, FreeCAD
from FreeCAD import Base
import DraftVecUtils
#import time

Gui = FreeCADGui
App = FreeCAD

global ui            ; ui             = ""
global sourisPass    ; sourisPass     = 0
global positionMouse ; positionMouse  = ""

global originalObject; originalObject = ""
global myObject      ; myObject       = ""
global originalPlacement; originalPlacement = ""
global valeur        ; valeur         = 0.0

global axisX         ; axisX          = 0.0
global axisY         ; axisY          = 0.0
global axisZ         ; axisZ          = 0.0

global posX          ; posX           = 0.0
global posY          ; posY           = 0.0
global posZ          ; posZ           = 0.0

global rotAngleX     ; rotAngleX      = 0.0
global rotAngleY     ; rotAngleY      = 0.0
global rotAngleZ     ; rotAngleZ      = 0.0

global saveOnDisk    ; saveOnDisk     = []
global saveListView  ; saveListView   = ""
global memorySelected; memorySelected = []
global countMemory   ; countMemory    = 0

global path, path2                                                  #
#path  = FreeCAD.ConfigGet("AppHomePath")                           # path FreeCAD installation
#path  = FreeCAD.ConfigGet("UserAppData")                           # path FreeCAD User data
#path  = "your path"                                                # your directory path
param = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macro")# macro path
path = param.GetString("MacroPath","") + "/"                        # macro path
path = path.replace("\\","/")                                       # convert the "\" to "/"
#print( "Path for the icons : " , path  )                            # 

global pathFile
#### Configuration ##############################################################
pathFile = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/FCMmacros/" + __title__ ).GetString("setLastPath")
if pathFile == "":
    pathFile = path
    FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/FCMmacros/" + __title__).SetString("setLastPath",pathFile)
FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/FCMmacros/" + __title__).SetString("Version",__version__ + " (" + __date__ + ")")
#### Configuration ##############################################################

Quit_Icon = [
"24 24 3 1",
" 	c None",
".	c #FFFFFF",
"+	c #CC0000",
"          ....          ",

boundBox_Center_Icon = [
"24 24 8 1",
" 	c None",
".	c #284871",
"+	c #234C86",
"@	c #314B64",
"#	c #EF2929",
"$	c #4A74A4",
"%	c #4478AD",
"&	c #4E9A06",
"                        ",
"           #            ",
"           #            ",
"           #            ",
"      &&&&&#            ",
"      &    #&&&&&&&     ",
"     &    +#..   &&     ",
"    &&&&&+%#%%. & &     ",
"    &  ++&&&&&&&  &     ",
"    &  +$$$$$$&+@ &     ",
"    & +%$$$$$$&+@ &     ",
"####&###$$$$$+&+####### ",
"    & +%$$$$++&+@ &     ",
"    & +%$$$+++&+@ &     ",
"    &  +$$++++&@  &     ",
"    &   ++++++&@  &     ",
"    &    @@@@@&   &     ",
"    &      #  &  &      ",
"    &&&&&  #  &&&       ",
"         &&&&&&         ",
"           #            ",
"           #            ",
"           #            ",
"                        "

centerMass_Icon = [
"24 24 9 1",
" 	c None",
".	c #000100",
"+	c #CD0000",
"@	c #6B6014",
"#	c #B0A22C",
"$	c #D5B716",
"%	c #E9D235",
"&	c #F7E66C",
"*	c #FBF4BC",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"         ......         ",
"       ..#%%%%#..       ",
"      .@&&&%%%%%@.      ",
"     .@&**&%%%%%%@.     ",
"     .&***&%%%%%%%.     ",
"    .#&**&%%+%%%%%#.    ",
"    .%&&&%%++%%%$$%.    ",
"    .%%%%+++++$$$$$.    ",
"    .%%%%%+++++$$$$.    ",
"    .%%%%$$++$$$$$$.    ",
"    .#%$$$$+$$$$$$#.    ",
"     .%$$$$$$$$$$%.     ",
"     .@%$$$$$$$$$@.     ",
"      .@%$$$$$$%@.      ",
"       ..#$$$$#..       ",
"         ......         ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        "

point_Clicked_Icon = [
"24 24 7 1",
" 	c None",
".	c #730000",
"+	c #9F0000",
"@	c #E90000",
"#	c #C39F03",
"$	c #ECD309",
"%	c #FBE851",
"                        ",
"         #####          ",
"        #%%%%%#         ",
"       #%%%%%%$#        ",
"      #%%%%%$$$$#       ",
"      #%%%%$$$$$#       ",
"      #%%%+.$$$$#       ",
"      #%%%++.$$$#       ",
"       #%%+@+.$#        ",
"       #%%+@@+.#        ",
"        ##+@@@+.        ",
"          +@@@@+.       ",
"          +@@@@@+.      ",
"          +@@@@@@+.     ",
"          +@@@@@@@..    ",
"          +@@@@@@@@..   ",
"          +@@@@@@@@@..  ",
"          +@@@@@@+....  ",
"          +@@@@@+       ",
"          +@@++@@.      ",
"          +@+. .@@.     ",
"          ++.   .@.     ",
"                .+..    ",
"                 ..     "

axis_X_Icon = [
"24 24 6 1",
" 	c None",
".	c #000000",
"+	c #A40000",
"@	c #EE2A2A",
"#	c #729FCF",
"$	c #B9BCB5",
"           $$   $$$$    ",
"          $$$$  $  $    ",
"         $$$$$$   $     ",
"         $$$$$$  $      ",
"        $$$$$$$$ $$$    ",
"          $$$$          ",
"          $$$$          ",
"          $$$$          ",
"          $$$$          ",
"          $$$$    $$  $$",
"         $$##$$   $$  $$",
" .  .    $####$     $$$ ",
"  ...    +####$     $$  ",
"  ..    +@####$$    $   ",
" . ... +@@@+$$$$$  $$   ",
"      +@@@+  $$$$$      ",
"     +@@@+    $$$$$     ",
"  +++@@@+      $$$$$$$  ",
"  +@@@@+        $$$$$$  ",
"  +@@@+          $$$$$  ",
"  +++++          $$$$$  ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        "

axis_Y_Icon = [
"24 24 7 1",
" 	c None",
".	c #030303",
"+	c #4E9A06",
"@	c #729FCF",
"#	c #B9BCB5",
"$	c #BABDB6",
"%	c #8AE134",
"           $$   ####    ",
"          $$$$  #  #    ",
"         $$$$$$   #     ",
"         $$$$$$  #      ",
"        $$$$$$$$ ###    ",
"          $$$$          ",
"          $$$$          ",
"          $$$$          ",
"          $$$$          ",
"          $$$$    ..  ..",
"         $$@@$$   ..  ..",
" #  #    $@@@@$     ... ",
"  ###    $@@@@+     ..  ",
"  ##    $$@@@@%+    .   ",
" # ### $$$$$+%%%+  ..   ",
"      $$$$$  +%%%+      ",
"     $$$$$    +%%%+     ",
"  $$$$$$$      +%%%+++  ",
"  $$$$$$        +%%%%+  ",
"  $$$$$          +%%%+  ",
"  $$$$$          +++++  ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        "

axis_Z_Icon = [
"24 24 6 1",
" 	c None",
".	c #000000",
"+	c #204A87",
"@	c #1D89B6",
"#	c #729FCF",
"$	c #B9BCB5",
"           ++    ...    ",
"          +@@+     .    ",
"         +@@@@+   .     ",
"         +@@@@+  .      ",
"        +++@@+++ ...    ",
"          +@@+          ",
"          +@@+          ",
"          +@@+          ",
"          +@@+          ",
"          +@@+    $$  $$",
"         ++##++   $$  $$",
" $  $    +####+     $$$ ",
"  $$$    $####$     $$  ",
"  $$    $$####$$    $   ",
" $ $$$ $$$$$$$$$$  $$   ",
"      $$$$$  $$$$$      ",
"     $$$$$    $$$$$     ",
"  $$$$$$$      $$$$$$$  ",
"  $$$$$$        $$$$$$  ",
"  $$$$$          $$$$$  ",
"  $$$$$          $$$$$  ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        "

direction_Icon = [
"24 24 6 1",
" 	c None",
".	c #000000",
"+	c #A40000",
"@	c #EE2A2A",
"#	c #565854",
"$	c #729FCF",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                 +++++  ",
"                  +@@+  ",
"                 +@@@+  ",
"                +@@@++  ",
"               +@@@+ +  ",
"              +@@@+     ",
"             +@@@+      ",
"            +@@@+       ",
"           +@@@+        ",
"          +@@@+         ",
"         +@@@+          ",
"        +@@@+           ",
"       +@@@+            ",
"      +@@@+             ",
"   + +@@@+              ",
"   ++@@@+               ",
"   +@@@+                ",
"   +@@+                 ",
"   +++++                ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        "

point_Icon = [
"24 24 8 1",
" 	c None",
".	c #000100",
"+	c #B0A22C",
"@	c #E9D235",
"#	c #6B6014",
"$	c #F7E66C",
"%	c #FBF4BC",
"&	c #D5B716",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"         ......         ",
"       ..+@@@@+..       ",
"      .#$$$@@@@@#.      ",
"     .#$%%$@@@@@@#.     ",
"     .$%%%$@@@@@@@.     ",
"    .+$%%$@@@@@@@@+.    ",
"    .@$$$@@@@@&&&&&.    ",
"    .@@@@@@@&&&&&&&.    ",
"    .@@@@@&&&&&&&&&.    ",
"    .@@@@&&&&&&&&&&.    ",
"    .+@@&&&&&&&&&&+.    ",
"     .@&&&&&&&&&&&.     ",
"     .#&&&&&&&&&&#.     ",
"      .#&&&&&&&&#.      ",
"       ..+&&&&+..       ",
"         ......         ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        "

apply_Icon = [
"24 24 3 1",
" 	c None",
".	c #4E9A06",
"+	c #FFFFFF",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                  .     ",
"                 .+.    ",
"                .+.+.   ",
"               .+...+.  ",
"              .+.....+. ",
"     .       .+.......+.",
"    .+.     .+.......+. ",
"   .+.+.   .+.......+.  ",
"  .+...+. .+.......+.   ",
" .+.....+.+.......+.    ",
".+.......+.......+.     ",
" .+.............+.      ",
"  .+...........+.       ",
"   .+.........+.        ",
"    .+.......+.         ",
"     .+.....+.          ",
"      .+...+.           ",
"       .+.+.            ",
"        .+.             ",
"         .              ",
"                        "

quit_Icon = [
"24 24 3 1",
" 	c None",
".	c #FFFFFF",
"+	c #CC0000",
"          ....          ",

save_Icon = [
"24 24 9 1",
" 	c None",
".	c #A30500",
"+	c #5D5F5C",
"@	c #3967A0",
"#	c #4B9A00",
"$	c #7E9BBD",
"%	c #A9ABA8",
"&	c #C7C9C6",
"*	c #DCDEDB",
"                        ",
"      @@@@@             ",
"    @@$$$$$@            ",
"    @$$$$$$$@           ",
"   @@@@@@$@$$@          ",
"         @$@@@          ",
"    +%&&&@$@@@@&%%%     ",
"    +*@@@$@@@@@@@@&%    ",
"   +%*@@@@@@@@@@@@*&+   ",
"   +***@@@@@@@@@@***+   ",
"  +%***&@@@@@@@@&****+  ",
"  +****&&@@@@@@&&****+  ",
"  +***&&&&@@@@&&&&***+  ",
" +%***&&&&&@@&&&&&****+ ",
" +***&&&&&&&&&&&&&&***+ ",
" %********************+ ",
" %********************+ ",
" %&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&+ ",
" %&%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%+ ",
" %&%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%+ ",
" %&%&&&%%%%%%%@%%#%%.%+ ",
" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%+ ",
" ++++++++++++++++++++++ ",
"                        "

clear_Icon = [
"24 24 9 1",
" 	c None",
".	c #000200",
"+	c #8B0606",
"@	c #875209",
"#	c #E3383A",
"$	c #C19916",
"%	c #C4A163",
"&	c #E2C928",
"*	c #E4D05A",
"   @@@                  ",
"  @%%%@                 ",
"  @%*@@                 ",
"  @%@*%@                ",
"   @%$$%@               ",
"   @%%$%%@              ",
"    @%$$$*@             ",
"     @$**+++            ",
"     @*%+##+.           ",
"      ++##+*$           ",
"      +#++****$         ",
"      ++****&**$        ",
"       &**&*&&&*$       ",
"       &*&&&*&$&*$      ",
"       $*&*&$&&$$*$     ",
"       $*&$&*$*&*$*$    ",
"        *&$$&&$&&&&*$   ",
"        $*&$&**$$**@    ",
"        $*&$&****&$     ",
"         $*$***$$@      ",
"         $***$@ @       ",
"          $@$@          ",
"            @           ",
"                        "

delete_Icon = [
"24 24 3 1",
" 	c None",
".	c #A40000",
"+	c #EE2A2A",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"       .         .      ",
"      .+.       .+.     ",
"     .+++.     .+++.    ",
"    .+++++.   .+++++.   ",
"   .+++++++. .+++++++.  ",
"    .+++++++.+++++++.   ",
"     .+++++++++++++.    ",
"      .+++++++++++.     ",
"       .+++++++++.      ",
"        .+++++++.       ",
"       .+++++++++.      ",
"      .+++++++++++.     ",
"     .+++++++++++++.    ",
"    .+++++++.+++++++.   ",
"   .+++++++. .+++++++.  ",
"    .+++++.   .+++++.   ",
"     .+++.     .+++.    ",
"      .+.       .+.     ",
"       .         .      ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        "

memo_Allume_Icon = [
"24 24 9 1",
" 	c None",
".	c #4F514E",
"+	c #635D41",
"@	c #676966",
"#	c #848784",
"$	c #888A87",
"%	c #E9D312",
"&	c #FEEE4D",
"*	c #FDFFFC",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"         %%%%%%         ",
"        %%&&&&%%        ",
"       %%&&&&&&%%       ",
"      %%&&&**&&&%%      ",
"     %%&&&****&&&%%     ",
"     %&&&******&&&%     ",
"     %&&&******&&&%     ",
"     %&&&******&&&%     ",
"     %%&&&****&&&%%     ",
"      %%&&&**&&&%%      ",
"       %%&&&&&&%%       ",
"        %%%&&%%%        ",
"         .%%%%+         ",
"         @.....         ",
"         ..#$$@         ",
"         @@....         ",
"         ..$$$@         ",
"         @@....         ",
"          $$$$          ",
"                        "

memo_Eteint_Icon = [
"24 24 9 1",
" 	c None",
".	c #000000",
"+	c #204A87",
"@	c #555753",
"#	c #4F514E",
"$	c #635D41",
"%	c #676966",
"&	c #848784",
"*	c #888A87",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"         ......         ",
"        ........        ",
"       ..........       ",
"      ............      ",
"     ....+.+.+.+...     ",
"     ...+.+.+.++...     ",
"     ...@......@...     ",
"     ...@......@...     ",
"     ....@....@....     ",
"      ....@..@....      ",
"       ...@..@...       ",
"        ..@..@..        ",
"         #@..@$         ",
"         %#####         ",
"         ##&**%         ",
"         %%####         ",
"         ##***%         ",
"         %%####         ",
"          ****          ",
"                        "

origin_Icon = [
"24 24 14 1",
" 	c None",
".	c #EF2929",
"+	c #A40000",
"@	c #DDDFDC",
"#	c #888A85",
"$	c #DDDEDB",
"%	c #DCDEDB",
"&	c #DCDEDC",
"*	c #DBDDDA",
"=	c #BABDB6",
"-	c #555753",
";	c #729FCF",
">	c #3465A4",
",	c #8191AA",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"           .+           ",
"          ..++          ",
"         ....++         ",
"        .....+++        ",
"       ....@#++++       ",
"      ....@@@#++++      ",
"     ....@@@@@#++++     ",
"    ....@@@@$@@#++++    ",
"   ....@@@$@@%@@#++++   ",
"  ....@@@@@@@@%@@#++++  ",
"  ...@@@%%%%&%%*@@#+++  ",
"  ..@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#++  ",
"   #@@=#---@@=====@#    ",
"   #@@=#---@@;>>>;@#    ",
"   #@@,#---@@;>>>;@#    ",
"   #@@,#---@@;>>>;@#    ",
"   #@@=#---@@-----@#    ",
"   #@@=#---@@@@@@@@#    ",
"   #@@=##--@@@@@@@@#    ",
"   #################    ",
"                        ",
"                        "

zero_Icon = [
"24 24 6 1",
" 	c None",
".	c #CC0000",
"+	c #000000",
"@	c #BABDB6",
"#	c #4E9A06",
"$	c #204A87",
"           ..           ",
"           ..           ",
"           ..           ",
"           ..           ",
"           ..           ",
"           ..           ",
"           ..           ",
"   ++@     ..@     ++@  ",
"  ++++@   +..+@   ++++@ ",
" ++@ ++@ ++..++@ ++@ ++@",
" +@   +@ +@.. +@ +@   +@",
" ++@ ++@ ++..++@ ++@ ++@",
"  ++++ +  ++++ +  ++++  ",
"   ++ ++   ++ ++   ++   ",
"      +    .. +         ",
"     ++    ..++         ",
"    ++     ..+          ",
"           ..           ",
"           ..           ",
"           ..           ",
"           ..           ",
"           ..           "

reset_Icon = [
"24 24 3 1",
" 	c None",
".	c #3465A4",
"+	c #888A85",
"                        ",
"      ........          ",
"     .++++++++.         ",
"    .++..+....+.  ..... ",
"    .+.. .+....+. .+++. ",
"    .+.   .+....+..+.+. ",
"    ...    .+....+.+.+. ",
"            .+....+..+. ",
"             .+......+. ",
"              .+.....+. ",
"               .+....+. ",
"  ......        .+...+. ",
"  .++++.         .++++. ",
"  .+...+.        ...... ",
"  .+....+.              ",
"  .+.....+.             ",
"  .+......+.            ",
"  .+..+....+.           ",
"  .+.+.+....+.    ...   ",
"  .+.+..+....+.   .+.   ",
"  .+++. .+....+. ..+.   ",
"  .....  .+....+..++.   ",
"          .++++++++.    ",
"           ........     "

code_Python_Icon = [
"24 24 3 1",
" 	c None",
".	c #3B7AAC",
"+	c #EDD400",
"                        ",
"  ++++++++++++++++++++. ",
"  +                   . ",
"  +                   . ",
"  +     .....         . ",
"  +    . .....        . ",
"  +    ....... +      . ",
"  +        ... +++    . ",
"  +   ........ ++++   . ",
"  +  ......... +++++  . ",
"  + .........  ++++++ . ",
"  + .......   +++++++ . ",
"  + ......  +++++++++ . ",
"  +  ..... +++++++++  . ",
"  +   .... ++++++++   . ",
"  +    ... +++        . ",
"  +      . +++++++    . ",
"  +        +++++ +    . ",
"  +         +++++     . ",
"  +                   . ",
"  +                   . ",
"  +                   . ",
"  +.................... ",
"                        "

code_FC_Icon = [
"24 24 5 1",
" 	c None",
".	c #000000",
"+	c #CB0208",
"@	c #204A86",
"#	c #BABDB6",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"@@@    @@@    @@@    @@@",
"@        @    @        @",
"@   ++#  @    @   ++#  @",
"@  ++++# @    @  ++++# @",
"@ ++# ++#@    @ ++# ++#@",
"@ +#   +#@    @ +#   +#@",
"@ +#   +#@    @ +#   +#@",
"@ +#   +#@    @ +#   +#@",
"@ ++# ++#@    @ ++# ++#@",
"@  ++++  @    @  ++++  @",
"@   ++   @    @   ++   @",
"@        @    @        @",
"@        @    @        @",
"@@@    @@@  . @@@    @@@",
"           ..           ",
"           .            ",
"          ..            ",
"         ..             ",
"                        "

rotate_Icon = [
"24 24 4 1",
" 	c None",
".	c #000100",
"+	c #000201",
"@	c #6695BF",
"                        ",
"       ++++++++         ",
"      +@@@@@@@@+        ",
"     +@@......@@++      ",
"    +@@.@@@@@@.@@@+ ++  ",
"   +@@.@@++++@@.@@@+@+  ",
"  +@@.@@+    +@@.@@@@+  ",
" +@@.@@+      +@@.@@@+  ",
" +@.@@+        +@@.@@@+ ",
" +@.@+       ++@@@@@@@+ ",
" +@.@+        ++@@@@@@+ ",
" +@.@+          +++@@@+ ",
" +@.@+            +++++ ",
" +@.@+                  ",
" +@.@@+                 ",
" +@@.@@+      +++       ",
"  +@@.@@+     +@+       ",
"   +@@.@@+++++@@+       ",
"    +@@.@@@@@@@@+       ",
"     +@@.....@@+        ",
"      +@@@@@@@++        ",
"       +++++++          ",
"                        ",
"                        "

translate_Icon = [
"24 24 9 1",
" 	c None",
".	c #000100",
"+	c #000407",
"@	c #6694BF",
"#	c #6D92BE",
"$	c #6A93C5",
"%	c #6795C0",
"&	c #6F93C0",
"*	c #6896C1",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"          ..            ",
"          .@.           ",
"          .@@..         ",
"          .@@@@.        ",
"          .@@@@@.       ",
" ..........@@@@@@.      ",
"  +**&%%&@&@@@@@@@.     ",
" .............+@@@$..   ",
"  +@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.  ",
" ..........+@@@@@@@@@@. ",
"  +@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+  ",
" ........+@@@@@@@@@++   ",
"  +@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.     ",
" ..........@@@@@@.      ",
"          .@@@@@.       ",
"          .@@@@.        ",
"          .@@..         ",
"          .@.           ",
"          ..            ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        "

OnClickApply_Icon = [
"24 24 9 1",
" 	c None",
".	c #910000",
"+	c #F20001",
"@	c #54595E",
"#	c #4B9A00",
"$	c #8A8C89",
"%	c #B0B2AE",
"&	c #FED758",
"*	c #DFE1DC",
"                        ",
"        ..              ",
"        .......         ",
"         ....++         ",
"         .+.+++         ",
"      ....+++++         ",
"      $.+++++++%%%%     ",
"     **$.++++++***&&    ",
"    %***$.+++++&*&&&    ",
"    *****$.++++&&&&*    ",
"   %******$.+++&&&**%   ",
"   *******&$.++&&&&**   ",
"   ***&&&&&&$.+&&&&&&&  ",
"  %*******&&&$.&&&&**%  ",
"  *********&&&$&&&****  ",
"  ********&&&&&&&&&***% ",
" %*******&&&*&&&*&&&**% ",
" %%%%%%%%&&%%%&%%%&&%%$ ",
" %%%$%%%%%%%%%&%@%#%+%$ ",
" %%%$$%%%%%%%%&%%%%%%%$ ",
" %%%%%%%%%%%%%&%%%%%%%$ ",
" $%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%$ ",
"  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ",
"                        "

normalWork_Icon = [
"24 24 9 1",
" 	c None",
".	c #565854",
"+	c #555753",
"@	c #2E3436",
"#	c #FFFFFF",
"$	c #FCE94F",
"%	c #FEFEFE",
"&	c #EDD400",
"*	c #BABDB6",
"                        ",
" ...................... ",
" .                    . ",
" . +++++ +++++        . ",
" .                    . ",
" .                    . ",
" . +++++ +++++        . ",
" .                    . ",
" .                    . ",
" . +++++ +++++        . ",
" .                    . ",
" .                    . ",
" ...................... ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"         @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@",
"         @#$$#########%@",
"         @#&&###@@@#@@%@",
"         @%&&%########%@",
"         @#**#########%@",
"         @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        "

    _fromUtf8 = QtCore.QString.fromUtf8
except AttributeError:
    def _fromUtf8(s):
        return s
class Ui_MainWindow(object):
    def __init__(self ):
        global path, path2
        self.window = MainWindow
        self.path = path

        self.vueActive = FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView = self.vueActive.addEventCallback("SoMouseButtonEvent",self.souris)

    def souris(self,info):
        global sourisPass
        if (info["Button"] == "BUTTON1") and (info["State"] == "DOWN"):
            sourisPass = 0

    def setupUi(self, MainWindow):
        self.window = MainWindow
        global saveListView
#        MainWindow.resize(360, 300)
#        MainWindow.setMinimumSize(QtCore.QSize(330, 10))
#        MainWindow.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(330, 330))
        self.centralwidget = QtWidgets.QWidget(MainWindow)

        self.groupBox_Rotation = QtWidgets.QGroupBox(self.centralwidget)

        self.RB_Bond_Box_Center = QtWidgets.QRadioButton()
        self.RB_Bond_Box_Center.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(boundBox_Center_Icon))) #icone dans une variable 

        self.RB_Center_Mass = QtWidgets.QRadioButton()
        self.RB_Center_Mass.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(centerMass_Icon))) # icone dans une variable 

        self.RB_Point_Clicked = QtWidgets.QRadioButton()
        self.RB_Point_Clicked.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(point_Clicked_Icon))) # icone dans une variable 

        self.groupBox_Axis = QtWidgets.QGroupBox()

        self.RB_Rotation_0 = QtWidgets.QRadioButton()    # factice pour bouton invisible
#        self.RB_Rotation_0.clicked.connect(self.on_RB_Rotation_0)

        self.RB_Rotation_X = QtWidgets.QRadioButton()
        self.RB_Rotation_X.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(axis_Z_Icon))) # icone dans une variable 

        self.RB_Rotation_Y = QtWidgets.QRadioButton()
        self.RB_Rotation_Y.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(axis_Y_Icon))) # icone dans une variable 
#        self.RB_Angle_Y.setFont(QtGui.QFont(self.FontImpost,weight=QtGui.QFont.Bold))  # Bold
#        self.RB_Angle_Y.setStyleSheet("color : #008700")                         # Color text

        self.RB_Rotation_Z = QtWidgets.QRadioButton()
        self.RB_Rotation_Z.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(axis_X_Icon))) # icone dans une variable 

        self.RB_Direction_D = QtWidgets.QRadioButton()
        self.RB_Direction_D.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(direction_Icon))) # icone dans une variable 

        self.groupBox_Pos_Mouse = QtWidgets.QGroupBox()

        self.DS_Pos_Mouse_X = QtWidgets.QDoubleSpinBox()
        self.DS_Pos_Mouse_X.setSuffix(" X")
#        self.DS_Pos_Mouse_X.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(CameraToFace))) # icone dans une variable 

        self.DS_Pos_Mouse_Y = QtWidgets.QDoubleSpinBox()
        self.DS_Pos_Mouse_Y.setSuffix(" Y")
#        self.PB_To_Face.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(CameraToFace))) # icone dans une variable 

        self.DS_Pos_Mouse_Z = QtWidgets.QDoubleSpinBox()
        self.DS_Pos_Mouse_Z.setSuffix(" Z")
#        self.PB_To_Face.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(CameraToFace))) # icone dans une variable 

        self.groupBox_Work = QtWidgets.QGroupBox()

#        self.SC_Slider_Bar = QtWidgets.QSlider()
#        self.SC_Slider_Bar.setMinimum(0.0)
#        self.SC_Slider_Bar.setMaximum(359.0)
#        self.SC_Slider_Bar.setValue(0.0)
#        self.SC_Slider_Bar.setSliderPosition(0)
#        self.SC_Slider_Bar.setOrientation(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal)
#        self.SC_Slider_Bar.valueChanged.connect(self.on_SC_Slider_Bar)

        self.LE_Increment = QtWidgets.QLineEdit()

        self.DS_Scroll_Bar = QtWidgets.QDoubleSpinBox()
        self.DS_Scroll_Bar.setSuffix(" Degrees")

        self.PB_Apply = QtWidgets.QPushButton()
        self.PB_Apply.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(apply_Icon))) # icone dans une variable 

        self.CB_Position = QtWidgets.QCheckBox()
        self.CB_Position.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(translate_Icon))) #icone dans une variable 

        # self.CB_Point = QtWidgets.QCheckBox()
        # self.CB_Point.setEnabled(False)
        # self.CB_Point.clicked.connect(self.on_CB_Point)
        self.PB_Point = QtWidgets.QPushButton()
        self.PB_Point.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(point_Icon))) # icone dans une variable 

#        self.CB_Free = QtWidgets.QCheckBox()
#        self.CB_Free.setEnabled(False)
##        self.CB_Free.clicked.connect(self.on_CB_Free)

        self.groupBox_Data = QtWidgets.QGroupBox()

        self.TE_Memorize = QtWidgets.QListView()
        saveListView = QtGui.QStandardItemModel()

        self.PB_Save_Memorize = QtWidgets.QPushButton()
        self.PB_Save_Memorize.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(save_Icon))) # icone dans une variable 

        self.PB_ClearMemo = QtWidgets.QPushButton()
        self.PB_ClearMemo.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(clear_Icon))) # icone dans une variable 

        self.PB_Delete_Line_Memory = QtWidgets.QPushButton()
        self.PB_Delete_Line_Memory.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(delete_Icon))) # icone dans une variable 

        self.PB_Memorize = QtWidgets.QPushButton()
        self.PB_Memorize.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(memo_Eteint_Icon))) # icone dans une variable 

        self.CB_On_Click_Apply = QtWidgets.QCheckBox()
        self.CB_On_Click_Apply.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(OnClickApply_Icon))) # icone dans une variable 

        self.CB_DataInMacro = QtWidgets.QCheckBox()
        self.CB_DataInMacro.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(code_Python_Icon))) # icone dans une variable 

        self.label_00 = QtWidgets.QLabel()
        self.label_00.setStyleSheet("color : #ffffff; background-color: red; font: bold 10px;")   # white red bold
        #self.label_00.setToolTip("Display the modification Axis and Rotation or Position")

        self.groupBox_Command = QtWidgets.QGroupBox()

        self.PB_Quit = QtWidgets.QPushButton()
        self.PB_Quit.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(quit_Icon))) # icone dans une variable 

        self.PB_Original = QtWidgets.QPushButton()
        self.PB_Original.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(origin_Icon))) # icone dans une variable 

        self.PB_Zero = QtWidgets.QPushButton()
        self.PB_Zero.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(zero_Icon))) # icone dans une variable 

        self.PB_Reset = QtWidgets.QPushButton()
        self.PB_Reset.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(reset_Icon))) # icone dans une variable 

        #### Gridlayout Header
        self.gridLayoutWidget = QtWidgets.QWidget(self.centralwidget)
        self.gridLayout_00_00 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self.centralwidget)
        self.gridLayout_00_00.setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10)#Gauche Haut Droit Bas
        #### Gridlayout Header
        #### Gridlayout BEGIN
        self.grid_00_01 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout()
#        self.gridLayoutWidget_3 = QtWidgets.QWidget(self.groupBox_Rotation)
        self.grid_00_01.addWidget(self.groupBox_Rotation, 0, 0, 1, 1)
        self.grid_00_01.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)                    #Gauche Haut Droite Bas
        self.grid_00_01_00 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self.groupBox_Rotation)
        self.grid_00_01_00.setContentsMargins(10, 10, 0, 10)
        self.grid_00_01_00.addWidget(self.RB_Bond_Box_Center, 0, 0, 1, 1)
        self.grid_00_01_00.addWidget(self.RB_Center_Mass, 1, 0, 1, 1)
        self.grid_00_01_00.addWidget(self.RB_Point_Clicked, 2, 0, 1, 1)
        self.gridLayout_00_00.addLayout(self.grid_00_01, 0, 0, 1, 1)
        self.grid_00_02 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout()
        self.grid_00_02.addWidget(self.groupBox_Axis, 0, 0, 1, 1)
        self.grid_00_02.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
        self.grid_00_02_00 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self.groupBox_Axis)
        self.grid_00_02_00.setContentsMargins(10, 10, 0, 10)
        self.grid_00_02_00.addWidget(self.RB_Rotation_X, 0, 0, 1, 1)
        self.grid_00_02_00.addWidget(self.RB_Rotation_Y, 1, 0, 1, 1)
        self.grid_00_02_00.addWidget(self.RB_Rotation_Z, 2, 0, 1, 1)
        self.grid_00_02_00.addWidget(self.RB_Direction_D, 3, 0, 1, 1)
        self.gridLayout_00_00.addLayout(self.grid_00_02, 0, 1, 1, 1)
        self.grid_00_03 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout()
        self.grid_00_03.addWidget(self.groupBox_Pos_Mouse, 1, 0, 1, 1)
        self.grid_00_03.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
        self.grid_00_03_00 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self.groupBox_Pos_Mouse)
        self.grid_00_03_00.setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10)
        self.grid_00_03_00.addWidget(self.DS_Pos_Mouse_X, 0, 0, 1, 1)
        self.grid_00_03_00.addWidget(self.DS_Pos_Mouse_Y, 0, 1, 1, 1)
        self.grid_00_03_00.addWidget(self.DS_Pos_Mouse_Z, 0, 2, 1, 1)
        self.gridLayout_00_00.addLayout(self.grid_00_03, 1, 0, 1, 2)
        self.grid_00_044 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout()
        self.grid_00_044.addWidget(self.groupBox_Work, 2, 0, 1, 1)
        self.grid_00_044.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
        self.grid_00_044_00 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self.groupBox_Work)
        self.grid_00_044_00.addWidget(self.CB_Position, 0, 0, 1, 1)
        self.grid_00_044_00.addWidget(self.PB_Point, 0, 1, 1, 1)
#        self.grid_00_044_00.addWidget(self.CB_Free, 0, 2, 1, 1)
        self.grid_00_044_00.addWidget(self.LE_Increment, 1, 0, 1, 1)
        self.grid_00_044_00.addWidget(self.DS_Scroll_Bar, 1, 1, 1, 1)
        self.grid_00_044_00.addWidget(self.PB_Apply, 1, 2, 1, 1)
        self.grid_00_044_00.addWidget(self.label_00, 2, 0, 1, 3)
#        self.grid_00_044_00.addWidget(self.SC_Slider_Bar, 2, 0, 1, 3)
        self.gridLayout_00_00.addLayout(self.grid_00_044, 2, 0, 1, 2)
        self.grid_00_044b = QtWidgets.QGridLayout()
        self.grid_00_044b.addWidget(self.groupBox_Data, 3, 0, 1, 1)
        self.grid_00_044b.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
        self.grid_00_044b_00 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self.groupBox_Data)
        self.grid_00_044b_00.addWidget(self.TE_Memorize, 0, 0, 1, 4)
        self.grid_00_044b_00.addWidget(self.PB_Save_Memorize, 1, 0, 1, 1)
        self.grid_00_044b_00.addWidget(self.PB_ClearMemo, 1, 1, 1, 1)
        self.grid_00_044b_00.addWidget(self.PB_Delete_Line_Memory, 1, 2, 1, 1)
        self.grid_00_044b_00.addWidget(self.PB_Memorize, 1, 3, 1, 1)
        self.grid_00_044b_00.addWidget(self.CB_DataInMacro, 2, 0, 1, 1)
        self.grid_00_044b_00.addWidget(self.CB_On_Click_Apply, 2, 1, 1, 1)
        self.gridLayout_00_00.addLayout(self.grid_00_044b, 3, 0, 1, 2)
        self.grid_00_08 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout()
        self.grid_00_08.addWidget(self.groupBox_Command, 4, 0, 1, 1)
        self.grid_00_08.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
        self.grid_00_08_00 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self.groupBox_Command)
        self.grid_00_08_00.addWidget(self.PB_Quit, 0, 0, 1, 1)
        self.grid_00_08_00.addWidget(self.PB_Original, 0, 1, 1, 1)
        self.grid_00_08_00.addWidget(self.PB_Zero, 0, 2, 1, 1)
        self.grid_00_08_00.addWidget(self.PB_Reset, 0, 3, 1, 1)
        self.gridLayout_00_00.addLayout(self.grid_00_08, 4, 0, 1, 2)
        #### Gridlayout END



    def retranslateUi(self, MainWindow):
        global path

        MainWindow.setWindowFlags(PySide2.QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint)        # this function turns the front window (stay to hint)
        MainWindow.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon(self.path+"Macro_Rotate_To_Point.png")) # change l'icone de la fenetre principale
        MainWindow.setWindowTitle(__title__ + " (" + __version__ + " : " + __date__ + " (rmu)")

        _translate = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate
        self.groupBox_Rotation.setTitle(_translate("MainWindow", "Point Rotation"))
        self.RB_Bond_Box_Center.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Bounbox Center"))
        self.RB_Bond_Box_Center.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Point rotation on BoundBox Center"))
        self.RB_Center_Mass.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Center of Mass"))
        self.RB_Center_Mass.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Point rotation on Center Mass"))
        self.RB_Point_Clicked.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Point clicked"))
        self.RB_Point_Clicked.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Point rotation on Point Mouse clicked on the object"+"\n"
                                         "If twoo points are clicked, the second point is used for axis rotation"+"\n"
                                         "The point axis rotation Can be changed during the work as long as the object is selected"+"\n"
                                         "For this press the CTRL KEY and click the new point rotation"))
        self.groupBox_Axis.setTitle(_translate("MainWindow", "Axis Rotation"))
        self.RB_Rotation_X.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Rotation(Z) Yaw"))
        self.RB_Rotation_X.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Rotation on Axis Yaw (Z)"))
        self.RB_Rotation_Y.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Rotation(Y) Pitch"))
        self.RB_Rotation_Y.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Rotation on Axis Pitch (Y)"))
        self.RB_Rotation_Z.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Rotation(X) Roll"))
        self.RB_Rotation_Z.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Rotation on Axis Roll (X)"))
        self.RB_Direction_D.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Direction"))
        self.RB_Direction_D.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Rotation or Translation on Direction" + "\n"
                                                                "For use the Direction option:" + "\n"
                                                                "Select First: the object to Rotate/Translate" + "\n"
                                                                "Second: the path: Line, Wire or Edge"))
        self.groupBox_Work.setTitle(_translate("MainWindow", "Work"))
        self.groupBox_Pos_Mouse.setTitle(_translate("MainWindow", "Coordinates Point clicked"))
        self.groupBox_Pos_Mouse.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Position click mouse modification possible only with mode Point clicked"))
        self.DS_Pos_Mouse_X.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Position click mouse X" + "\n" +
                                       "modification only with mode Point clicked"))
        self.DS_Pos_Mouse_Y.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Position click mouse Y" + "\n" +
                                       "modification only with mode Point clicked"))
        self.DS_Pos_Mouse_Z.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Position click mouse Z" + "\n" +
                                       "modification only with mode Point clicked"))
        self.CB_Position.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Translation"))
        self.CB_Position.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Check for move the object to axis choice X, Y or Z"))
        #self.CB_Point.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Point"))
        #self.CB_Point.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "If checked, create one point to visualise the point rotation"))
        self.PB_Point.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Point"))
        self.PB_Point.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Create one point to visualise the point rotation"))
        #self.CB_Free.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Free"))
        #self.CB_Free.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "This checkBox switch the Application button"))
        self.LE_Increment.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Display the original Data + the modification"))
        self.DS_Scroll_Bar.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Enter the modification"))
        self.PB_Apply.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Apply the modification"))
        self.PB_Apply.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Apply"))
        self.label_00.setText(_translate("MainWindow", " Select one Object or give one value Angle/Dimension"))
        self.groupBox_Data.setTitle(_translate("MainWindow", "Data"))
        self.PB_Save_Memorize.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Save"))
        self.PB_Save_Memorize.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Save the memorized placement" + "\n"
                                                    "Format to save : [Placement.Base], [Placement.Rotation.toEuler]" + "\n"
                                                    "Ex: [0.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0,0.0] with the ext: .CoorInfo" + "\n"
                                                    "If the file exist, the data is saved in Append (adding) mode" + "\n"
                                                    "If the CheckBox is checked for a Macro the file is saved in Write mode"))
        self.PB_ClearMemo.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Clear"))
        self.PB_ClearMemo.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Clear the memo data" + "\n"
                                                              "The Reset button is not actif for this option"))
        self.PB_Delete_Line_Memory.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Delete"))
        self.PB_Delete_Line_Memory.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Delete the line selected"))
        self.PB_Memorize.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Memorize"))
        self.PB_Memorize.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Memorize the placement displayed"))
        self.CB_DataInMacro.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Macro"))
        self.CB_DataInMacro.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "If checked, the coordinate is saved in Python code (complete macro) in your Macro directory" + "\n"
                                                                "Actual : " + path + "\n"
                                                                "Select the object and run the macro" + "\n"
                                                                "\t" + "The macro saved has various options :" + "\n"
                                                                "\t" + " (Q)uit, (D)ecrease, (I)ncrease, (P)ause, (S)tep, (M)emo" + "\n"
                                                                "If this is not checked, the data hare saved in coordinate mode" + "\n"
                                                                "\t" + "Ex: [0.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0,0.0] with the ext: .CoorInfo" + "\n"))
        self.CB_On_Click_Apply.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Memo on click"))
        self.CB_On_Click_Apply.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Memorize the coordinates on all Click Apply button"))
        self.groupBox_Command.setTitle(_translate("MainWindow", "Command"))
        self.PB_Quit.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Quit"))
        self.PB_Quit.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Quite the macro"))
        self.PB_Original.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Original"))
        self.PB_Original.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Move the object to the original position"))
        self.PB_Reset.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Reset"))
        self.PB_Reset.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Reset the complete data macro"))
        self.PB_Zero.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "0,0,0"))
        self.PB_Zero.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Move the object to the base coordinates 0, 0, 0"))

    def on_DS_Pos_Mouse_X(self,val):
        global positionMouse
        global axisX

        positionMouse = [val, positionMouse[1], positionMouse[2]]
        axisX = positionMouse[0]
#        print("on_DS_Pos_Mouse_X ", val)

    def on_DS_Pos_Mouse_Y(self,val):
        global positionMouse
        global axisY

        positionMouse = [positionMouse[0], val, positionMouse[2]]
        axisY = positionMouse[1]
#        print("on_DS_Pos_Mouse_Y ", val)

    def on_DS_Pos_Mouse_Z(self,val):
        global positionMouse
        global axisZ

        positionMouse = [positionMouse[0], positionMouse[1], val]
        axisZ = positionMouse[2]
#        print("on_DS_Pos_Mouse_Z ", val)

#    def on_SC_Slider_Bar(self,val):
#        global ui
#        global valeur
#        global myObject
#        if (myObject != "") and (self.CB_Free.isChecked()):
#            valeur = val
#            self.DS_Scroll_Bar.setValue(1)
#            self.SC_Slider_Bar.setValue(valeur)
#            ui.on_PB_Apply_clicked()
##            if self.CB_Free.isChecked():
##                ui.on_PB_Apply_clicked()
##        else:
##            self.DS_Scroll_Bar.setValue(0.0)
##            self.SC_Slider_Bar.setValue(0.0)

#        print("on_SC_Scroll_Bar ", valeur)

    def on_PB_Delete_Line_Memory(self):    #self.TE_Memorize    #QListView
        global countMemory
        global saveOnDisk

        self.model = model = QtGui.QStandardItemModel()
            lineSelected = self.TE_Memorize.selectionModel().selectedRows()[0].row()
            #textLigne = self.TE_Memorize.selectionModel().currentIndex().data() # affiche la ligne selectionnee
            del saveOnDisk[lineSelected]
            countMemory -= 1
            self.PB_Memorize.setText("Memo (" + str(countMemory) + ")")
        except Exception:
            self.PB_Delete_Line_Memory.setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(255, 0, 0)")
#        print("on_PB_Delete_Line_Memory ")

    def on_TE_Clicked(self, index):    # click dans la fenetre 
        global saveOnDisk
        global saveListView
        global memorySelected        

####ori colore la ligne######
#        item = saveListView.itemFromIndex(index)
#        item.setBackground(QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor("#ef1919")))
#        if (item.index().row()) in memorySelected:
##            memorySelected.remove(item.index().row())
#            baseBackground = self.TE_Memorize.palette().color(QPalette.Window)
#            item.setBackground(QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(baseBackground)))
#        else:
#            memorySelected.append(item.index().row())
##        print(memorySelected)
####ori colore la ligne######

        item = saveListView.itemFromIndex(index)
        memorySelected = []
#        print("on_TE_Clicked ",memorySelected[0])    #self.TE_Memorize

    def on_PB_Memorize(self):
        global myObject
        global saveOnDisk
        global saveListView
        global countMemory
        global valeur

#        if (valeur != 0):
        self.PB_Memorize.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(memo_Allume_Icon))) # icone dans une variable 
        countMemory += 1
        xPB = str(myObject.Placement.Base[0])
        yPB = str(myObject.Placement.Base[1])
        zPB = str(myObject.Placement.Base[2])
        xPR = str(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[0])
        yPR = str(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[1])
        zPR = str(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[2])
                  #[(3.7,0.0,41.8),          (0.0,3.0,0.0)],
                  #Placement.Base           Placement.Rotation.toEuler()
        dummy = "[("+xPB+","+yPB+","+zPB+"),("+xPR+","+yPR+","+zPR+")],"
        self.PB_Memorize.setText("Memo (" + str(countMemory) + ")")
        self.PB_Memorize.setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(188, 245, 169)"); # bouton
        item = QtGui.QStandardItem(dummy)
#        else:
#            self.PB_Memorize.setStyleSheet("background-color: #ff0000;")
#            self.PB_Memorize.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(memo_Eteint_Icon))) # icone dans une variable 
#        print("on_PB_Memorize ",saveListView,"  ",str(countMemory))

    def on_PB_Save_Memorize(self):
        global pathFile
        global saveOnDisk
        global countMemory
        global path

        if countMemory != 0:
            if self.CB_DataInMacro.isChecked():
#                SaveName, Filter = PySide2.QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(None, "Save a file FCMacro", path, "FCMacro (*.FCMacro);;Python (*.py)")                   # PySide2
                nomMacro = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Name
                SaveName, Filter = PySide2.QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(None, "Save a file FCMacro", path + nomMacro, "(*.FCMacro);;Python (*.py)") # PySide2
                SaveName, Filter = PySide2.QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(None, "Save a file CoorInfo", pathFile, "CoorInfo (*.CoorInfo);;Ascii (*.asc);;TXT (*.txt)")   # PySide2

            if SaveName == "":                                                            # if the name file are not selected then Abord process
                App.Console.PrintMessage("Process aborted"+"\n")
            else:                                                                         # if the name file are selected or created then 
                pathFile      = os.path.dirname(SaveName) + "/"  #= C:/Provisoire400/
                formatFichier = os.path.splitext(SaveName)[1]    #= .png
                SaveName      = os.path.splitext(SaveName)[0]    #= /home/kubuntu/.FreeCAD/Macro/Texture_007_H #= C:/Provisoire400/image3D
                SaveNameformatFichier = SaveName + formatFichier #= C:/Provisoire400/image3D.png
                ######## sauve le dernier chemin utilise si n'est pas une macro########
                if self.CB_DataInMacro.isChecked():
                    FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/FCMmacros/" + __title__).SetString("setLastPath",pathFile)
                ######## sauve le dernier chemin utilise si n'est pas une macro########

                App.Console.PrintMessage("Registration of "+SaveNameformatFichier+"\n")
                    if self.CB_DataInMacro.isChecked():
                        file = open(SaveNameformatFichier, 'w') #'w'write
                        file = open(SaveNameformatFichier, 'a') #'a'append
                        #### macro first section begin
                        if self.CB_DataInMacro.isChecked():
                            file.write("##" + "\n")
                                file.write("##Created by : " + __title__ + " : " + __version__ + ":" + __date__ + "  : " + __author__ + "\n")
                                file.write("##Document   : " + FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Name + "\n")
                                file.write("##Date       : " + str(QDate.currentDate().toString()) + "\n")
                                file.write("##Object     : " + str(FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()[0].Name) + "\n")
                            except Exception: None
                            file.write("import Draft, Part" + "\n")
                            file.write("import PySide2" + "\n")
                            file.write("from pivy import coin" + "\n")
                            file.write("import time, os" + "\n")
                            file.write("" + "\n")
                            file.write("import FreeCAD, FreeCADGui" + "\n")
                            file.write("App = FreeCAD" + "\n")
                            file.write("Gui = FreeCADGui" + "\n")
                            file.write("" + "\n")
                            file.write("global Document; Document = " + chr(34) + FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Name + chr(34) + "\n")
                            file.write("global xxData  ; xxData   = [] " + "\n")
                            file.write("global xxKey   ; xxKey    = " + chr(34) + chr(34) + "\n")
                            file.write("global v, o, c" + "\n")
                            file.write("global vitesse ; vitesse  = 0.02" + "\n")
                            file.write("" + "\n")
                            file.write("def help():" + "\n")
                            file.write("    global xxData" + "\n")
                            file.write("    global Document" + "\n")
                            file.write('    App.Console.PrintMessage("__' + FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Name + '__"+"' + chr(92) + 'n")' + "\n")
                            file.write('    App.Console.PrintMessage("__" + str(len(xxData)) + " Coordinates__"+"' + chr(92) + 'n")' + "\n")
                            file.write('    App.Console.PrintMessage("Type Key Q to Quit"+"' + chr(92) + 'n")' +  "\n")
                            file.write('    App.Console.PrintMessage("Type Key D to Decrease speed"+"' + chr(92) + 'n")' +  "\n")
                            file.write('    App.Console.PrintMessage("Type Key I to Increase speed"+"' + chr(92) + 'n")' +  "\n")
                            file.write('    App.Console.PrintMessage("Type Key P to Pause/Continue or key RETURN or ESCAPE"+"' + chr(92) + 'n")' +  "\n")
                            file.write('    App.Console.PrintMessage("Type Key S to Step by Step (key RETURN or ESCAPE to continue)"+"' + chr(92) + 'n")' +  "\n")
                            file.write('    App.Console.PrintMessage("Type Key M for this message"+"' + chr(92) + 'n")' +  "\n")
                            file.write('    App.Console.PrintMessage("____________________________"+"' + chr(92) + 'n")' +  "\n")
                            file.write('class ViewObserver:' +  "\n")
                            file.write('    def logPosition(self, info):' +  "\n")
                            file.write('        global xxKey' +  "\n")
                            file.write('        global v, o, c' +  "\n")
                            file.write('        global vitesse' +  "\n")
                            file.write('' +  "\n")
                            file.write('        xxKey = info["Key"].upper()' +  "\n")
                            file.write('        if xxKey in "QIDPSM" or xxKey == "RETURN" or xxKey == "PAD_ENTER" or xxKey == "ESCAPE":' +  "\n")
                            file.write('            if (xxKey == "Q"):                        # Quit' +  "\n")
                            file.write('                v.removeEventCallback("SoKeyboardEvent",c)' +  "\n")
                            file.write('                FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("End " + Document + "' + chr(92) + 'n")' +  "\n")
                            file.write('' +  "\n")
                            file.write('            if (xxKey == "I"):                        # Increase' +  "\n")
                            file.write('                vitesse -= 0.01' +  "\n")
                            file.write('                if vitesse <= 0:' +  "\n")
                            file.write('                    vitesse = 0' +  "\n")
                            file.write('                    App.Console.PrintMessage("Speed maximum"+"' + chr(92) + 'n")' +  "\n")
                            file.write('                else:' +  "\n")
                            file.write('                    App.Console.PrintMessage(str(vitesse)+"' + chr(92) + 'n")' +  "\n")
                            file.write('' +  "\n")
                            file.write('            if (xxKey == "D"):                        # Decrease' +  "\n")
                            file.write('                vitesse += 0.01' +  "\n")
                            file.write('                App.Console.PrintMessage(str(vitesse)+"' + chr(92) + 'n")' +  "\n")
                            file.write('' +  "\n")
                            file.write('            if (xxKey == "M"):                        # Help memo' +  "\n")
                            file.write('                help()' +  "\n")
                            file.write('##Begin of file' + "\n")
                            file.write('xxData = [' + "\n")
                        #### save data
                        for i in saveOnDisk:
                            file.write(i + "\n")
                        #### save data
                        #### macro second section begin
                        if self.CB_DataInMacro.isChecked():
                            file.write(']' + "\n")
                            file.write('##End of file' + "\n")
                            file.write('' + "\n")
                            file.write('createPoint = 0    # 0=not point 1=create point #used by "S" :Step to Step' + "\n")
                            file.write('try:' + "\n")
                            file.write('    v = Gui.activeDocument().activeView()' + "\n")
                            file.write('    o = ViewObserver()' + "\n")
                            file.write('    c = v.addEventCallback("SoKeyboardEvent",o.logPosition)' + "\n")
                            file.write('' + "\n")
                            file.write('    ##Select the object' + "\n")
                            file.write('    myObject = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()[0]    #select the object' + "\n")
                            file.write('    help()    #help message' + "\n")
                            file.write('' + "\n")
                            file.write('    ##Loop' + "\n")
                            file.write('    while xxKey != "Q":' + "\n")
                            file.write('            comptCoordinate = -1          # coordinte 0 to ...x' + "\n")
                            file.write('            for p in xxData:' + "\n")
                            file.write('                #if (xxKey == "Q"): break # Quit the loop after finish the complete loop (commented by default: if used quit the loop as is)' + "\n")
                            file.write('                comptCoordinate += 1' + "\n")
                            file.write('                ##         p[0]=Coordinate x,y,z;  p[1]=Rotation angle x (Roll), y (Pitch), z (Yaw)' + "\n")
                            file.write('                px = float(p[0][0]);    rx = float(p[1][0])' + "\n")
                            file.write('                py = float(p[0][1]);    ry = float(p[1][1])' + "\n")
                            file.write('                pz = float(p[0][2]);    rz = float(p[1][2])' + "\n")
                            file.write('                myObject.Placement=App.Placement(App.Vector(px,py,pz), App.Rotation(rx,ry,rz), App.Vector(0,0,0))' + "\n")
                            file.write('                Gui.updateGui()                                            # rafraichi l''ecran' + "\n")
                            file.write('                time.sleep(vitesse)' + "\n")
                            file.write('' + "\n")
                            file.write('                if xxKey == "P":                                           # Pause' + "\n")
                            file.write('                    xxKey = ""' + "\n")
                            file.write('                    comptLoop = 0' + "\n")
                            file.write('                    while xxKey != "P":' + "\n")
                            file.write('                        if xxKey == "RETURN" or xxKey == "PAD_ENTER" or xxKey == "ESCAPE": break' + "\n")
                            file.write('                        comptLoop += 1' + "\n")
                            file.write('                        if comptLoop > 50000:' + "\n")
                            file.write('                            comptLoop = 0' + "\n")
                            file.write('                            App.Console.PrintError("You is in mode Pause : Type P or RETURN or ESCAPE to continue" + "' + chr(92) + 'n")' + "\n")
                            file.write('                        Gui.updateGui()                                    # rafraichi l''ecran' + "\n")
                            file.write('                    xxKey = ""' + "\n")
                            file.write('' + "\n")
                            file.write('                if xxKey == "S":                                           # Step by Step' + "\n")
                            file.write('                    App.Console.PrintMessage(str(myObject.Placement) + " #(" + str(comptCoordinate) + ")" + "' + chr(92) + 'n")' + "\n")
                            file.write('                    ####' + "\n")
                            file.write('                    if createPoint == 1:' + "\n")
                            file.write('                        point = Draft.makePoint(myObject.Placement.Base)   # create point to Placement.Base' + "\n")
                            file.write('                        Draft.autogroup(point)                             #' + "\n")
                            file.write('                        FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute()                 #' + "\n")
                            file.write('                    ####' + "\n")
                            file.write('                    xxKey = ""' + "\n")
                            file.write('                    while xxKey != "S":' + "\n")
                            file.write('                        if xxKey == "RETURN" or xxKey == "PAD_ENTER" or xxKey == "ESCAPE": break' + "\n")
                            file.write('                        xxKey = ""' + "\n")
                            file.write('                        Gui.updateGui()                                    # rafraichi l''ecran' + "\n")
                            file.write('' + "\n")
                            file.write('except Exception:' + "\n")
                            file.write('    FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("' + chr(92) + 'n"+"Not document open, or not object selected" + "' + chr(92) + 'n")' + "\n")
                            file.write('    try:' + "\n")
                            file.write('         v.removeEventCallback("SoKeyboardEvent",c)' + "\n")
                            file.write('    except Exception:' + "\n")
                            file.write('        None' + "\n")
                            file.write('' + "\n")
                        #### macro second section end

                    except Exception:
                        App.Console.PrintError("Error write file "+"\n")
                except Exception:
                    App.Console.PrintError("Error Write file "+SaveName+"\n")
#        print("on_PB_Save_Memorize")

    def on_PB_ClearMemo(self):
        global saveOnDisk
        global saveListView
        global countMemory
        global memorySelected

            model = saveListView = QtGui.QStandardItemModel()
            self.TE_Memorize.model().removeRows(0, countMemory)# model.rowCount()
            saveOnDisk     = []
            countMemory    = 0
            memorySelected = []
            self.PB_Memorize.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(memo_Eteint_Icon))) # icone dans une variable 
        except Exception:
#        print("on_PB_ClearMemo")

    def on_CB_On_Click_Apply(self):

        if self.CB_On_Click_Apply.isChecked():
            self.CB_On_Click_Apply.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(normalWork_Icon))) # icone dans une variable 
            self.CB_On_Click_Apply.setText(u"Memo on demand")
            self.CB_On_Click_Apply.setToolTip(u"Memorize the coordinates on demand")
            self.PB_Memorize.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(memo_Allume_Icon))) # icone dans une variable 
            self.CB_On_Click_Apply.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(OnClickApply_Icon))) # icone dans une variable 
            self.CB_On_Click_Apply.setText(u"Memo on click")
            self.CB_On_Click_Apply.setToolTip(u"Memorize the coordinates on all Click Apply button")
#        print("on_CB_On_Click_Apply")

    def On_CB_DataInMacro(self):

        if self.CB_DataInMacro.isChecked():
            self.CB_DataInMacro.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(code_FC_Icon))) # icone dans une variable 
            self.PB_Save_Memorize.setText("Save (wr)")
            self.PB_Save_Memorize.setToolTip("The file is open in mode Write" + "\n"
                                             "If the file exist, the file is crushed" + "\n"
            self.CB_DataInMacro.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(code_Python_Icon))) # icone dans une variable 
            self.PB_Save_Memorize.setText("Save (ap)")
            self.PB_Save_Memorize.setToolTip("The file is open in mode Append" + "\n"
                                             "If the file exist, the the data hare adding in the file" + "\n"
#        print("On_CB_DataInMacro")

    def on_DS_Scroll_Bar(self,val):
        global valeur
        global myObject
        global axisX, axisY, axisZ
        global posX, posY, posZ
        global rotAngleX, rotAngleY, rotAngleZ

        valeur = val
        if (myObject == "") or (valeur == 0):
            self.PB_Memorize.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(memo_Eteint_Icon))) # icone dans une variable 
            self.DS_Scroll_Bar.setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(250, 88, 88)")
#            self.SC_Slider_Bar.setValue(0.0)
            self.PB_Memorize.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(memo_Allume_Icon))) # icone dans une variable 
#            self.SC_Slider_Bar.setValue(valeur)
            if self.CB_Position.isChecked():                 # translate

                if self.RB_Rotation_X.isChecked():
                    posX = valeur
                    posY = posZ = 0.0
                    self.LE_Increment.setText(str(round(myObject.Placement.Base[0],4) + valeur))
                elif self.RB_Rotation_Y.isChecked():
                    posY = valeur
                    posX = posZ = 0.0
                    self.LE_Increment.setText(str(round(myObject.Placement.Base[1],4) + valeur))
                elif self.RB_Rotation_Z.isChecked():
                    posZ = valeur
                    posX = posY = 0.0
                    self.LE_Increment.setText(str(round(myObject.Placement.Base[2],4) + valeur))
                elif self.RB_Direction_D.isChecked():
                    posZ = valeur
                    posX = posY = 0.0
                    xD = str(round(myObject.Placement.Base[0],4))
                    yD = str(round(myObject.Placement.Base[1],4))
                    zD = str(round(myObject.Placement.Base[2],4))
                    self.LE_Increment.setText("(" + xD + ", " + yD + ", " + zD + ")")

                self.label_00.setText("[Pos=(" + str(round(myObject.Placement.Base[0],2))+" , " + 
                                                 str(round(myObject.Placement.Base[1],2))+" , " + 
                                                 str(round(myObject.Placement.Base[2],2))+")] " +
                                      "[Axis=("+ str(round(axisX,2)) + " , " + str(round(axisY,2)) + " , " + str(round(axisZ,2)) + ")]")

            else:                                            # rotation

                if self.RB_Rotation_X.isChecked():
                    rotAngleX = valeur
                    rotAngleY = rotAngleZ = 0.0
                    self.LE_Increment.setText(str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[0],4) + valeur))
                elif self.RB_Rotation_Y.isChecked():
                    rotAngleY = valeur
                    rotAngleZ = rotAngleX = 0.0
                    self.LE_Increment.setText(str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[1],4) + valeur))
                elif self.RB_Rotation_Z.isChecked():
                    rotAngleZ = valeur
                    rotAngleX = rotAngleY = 0.0
                    self.LE_Increment.setText(str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[2],4) + valeur))
                elif self.RB_Direction_D.isChecked():
                    rotAngleZ = valeur
                    rotAngleX = rotAngleY = 0.0
                    xD = str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[0],4))
                    yD = str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[1],4))
                    zD = str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[2],4))
                    self.LE_Increment.setText("(" + xD + ", " + yD + ", " + zD + ")")

                self.label_00.setText("[Rot=(" + str(round(rotAngleX,2)) + " , " + str(round(rotAngleY,2)) + " , " + str(round(rotAngleZ,2)) + ")] " +
                                      "[Axis=("+ str(round(axisX,2)) + " , " + str(round(axisY,2)) + " , " + str(round(axisZ,2)) + ")]")
#        print("on_DS_Scroll_Bar ", valeur)

    def on_LE_Increment_Pressed(self,text):
#        print("on_lineEdit_1_Pressed")

    def on_PB_Apply_clicked(self):
        global valeur
        global myObject

        global axisX, axisY, axisZ
        global posX, posY, posZ
        global rotAngleX, rotAngleY, rotAngleZ

        if (myObject == "") or (valeur == 0):
            self.label_00.setStyleSheet("color : #ffffff; background-color: red; font: bold 10px;")   # white red bold
            self.label_00.setText(" Select one Object or give one value Angle/Dimension")
            FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Select one Object or give one value Angle/Dimension" + "\n")
            self.PB_Memorize.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(memo_Eteint_Icon))) # icone dans une variable 
            if valeur == 0:
                self.DS_Scroll_Bar.setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(250, 88, 88)")
            self.PB_Memorize.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(memo_Allume_Icon))) # icone dans une variable 
            if self.CB_Position.isChecked():                 # translate

                if self.RB_Direction_D.isChecked():          # direction
                        selectedEdge = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelectionEx()[1].SubObjects[0]         # select one element and axis second object (2 selections)
                    except Exception:
                            selectedEdge = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelectionEx()[0].SubObjects[1]     # select one element and axis same object   (2 selections)
                        except Exception:
                                selectedEdge = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelectionEx()[0].SubObjects[0] # select one element and axis same object   (1 selection)
                            except Exception:
                    pointsTrajet = []
                        pointsTrajet  = selectedEdge.discretize(Distance = 1.0)                         # discretize the element
                    except Exception:
                        direction = myObject.Shape.Vertexes[0].Point
                        pointsTrajet = direction
                        direction = pointsTrajet[1].sub(pointsTrajet[0])                                # search the direction line or sub
                    except Exception:
                            direction = myObject.Shape.Vertexes[0].Point                                # direction point
                        except Exception:
                            direction = App.Vector(0.0,0.0,0.0)
                    myObject.Placement.Base = myObject.Placement.Base + App.Vector(direction).scale(valeur, valeur, valeur)
                    myObject.Placement = App.Placement(App.Vector(posX, posY, posZ), App.Rotation(0.0,0.0,0.0), App.Vector(0.0,0.0,0.0)).multiply(App.ActiveDocument.getObject(myObject.Name).Placement)

                if self.RB_Rotation_X.isChecked():
                elif self.RB_Rotation_Y.isChecked():
                elif self.RB_Rotation_Z.isChecked():
                elif self.RB_Direction_D.isChecked():
                    xD = str(round(myObject.Placement.Base[0],4))
                    yD = str(round(myObject.Placement.Base[1],4))
                    zD = str(round(myObject.Placement.Base[2],4))
                    self.LE_Increment.setText("(" + xD + ", " + yD + ", " + zD + ")")

                self.label_00.setText("[Pos=(" + str(round(myObject.Placement.Base[0],2))+" , " + 
                                                 str(round(myObject.Placement.Base[1],2))+" , " + 
                                                 str(round(myObject.Placement.Base[2],2))+")] " +
                                      "[Axis=("+ str(round(axisX,2)) + " , " + str(round(axisY,2)) + " , " + str(round(axisZ,2)) + ")]")

            else:                                            # rotation
                if self.RB_Direction_D.isChecked():          # direction
                        selectedEdge = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelectionEx()[1].SubObjects[0]         # select one element and axis second object (2 selections)
                    except Exception:
                            selectedEdge = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelectionEx()[0].SubObjects[1]     # select one element and axis same object   (2 selections)
                        except Exception:
                                selectedEdge = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelectionEx()[0].SubObjects[0] # select one element and axis same object   (1 selection)
                            except Exception:
                        direction = selectedEdge.Vertexes[1].Point.sub(selectedEdge.Vertexes[0].Point)# search the direction line or sub
                    except Exception:
                            direction = objectRotation.Vertexes[0].Point
                        except Exception:
                            direction = App.Vector(0.0,0.0,0.0)
#                    if (self.CB_Free.isChecked()):#            valeur = valvaleur = 1.0
#                        myObject.Placement = App.Placement(App.Vector(0.0,0.0,0.0), App.Rotation(App.Vector(direction), 1), App.Vector(axisX, axisY, axisZ))#.multiply(App.ActiveDocument.getObject(myObject.Name).Placement)
#                    else:
#                        myObject.Placement = App.Placement(App.Vector(0.0,0.0,0.0), App.Rotation(App.Vector(direction), valeur), App.Vector(axisX, axisY, axisZ)).multiply(App.ActiveDocument.getObject(myObject.Name).Placement)
                    myObject.Placement = App.Placement(App.Vector(0.0,0.0,0.0), App.Rotation(App.Vector(direction), valeur), App.Vector(axisX, axisY, axisZ)).multiply(App.ActiveDocument.getObject(myObject.Name).Placement)
                    myObject.Placement = App.Placement(App.Vector(0.0,0.0,0.0), App.Rotation(rotAngleX, rotAngleY, rotAngleZ), App.Vector(axisX, axisY, axisZ)).multiply(App.ActiveDocument.getObject(myObject.Name).Placement) # other method

                if self.RB_Rotation_X.isChecked():
                elif self.RB_Rotation_Y.isChecked():
                elif self.RB_Rotation_Z.isChecked():
                elif self.RB_Direction_D.isChecked():
                    xD = str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[0],4))
                    yD = str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[1],4))
                    zD = str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[2],4))
                    self.LE_Increment.setText("(" + xD + ", " + yD + ", " + zD + ")")

                self.label_00.setText("[Rot=(" + str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[0],2)) + " , " +
                                                 str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[1],2)) + " , " + 
                                                 str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[2],2)) + ")] " +
                                      "[Axis=("+ str(round(axisX,2))+" , "+ str(round(axisY,2))+" , "+ str(round(axisZ,2))+")]")
            if self.CB_On_Click_Apply.isChecked():

#            FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute()
#        print("on_PB_Apply_clicked")

    def on_RB_Rotation_0(self):
#        print("on_RB_Rotation_0")

    def on_RB_Rotation_X(self):
        global myObject

        if self.CB_Position.isChecked():              
            self.LE_Increment.setText(str(round(myObject.Placement.Base[0],4)))                  # pos X
            self.LE_Increment.setText(str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[0],4)))    # yaw = Z
#        print("on_RB_Rotation_X")

    def on_RB_Rotation_Y(self):
        global myObject

        if self.CB_Position.isChecked():              
            self.LE_Increment.setText(str(round(myObject.Placement.Base[1],4)))                  # pos Y
            self.LE_Increment.setText(str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[1],4)))    # pitch= Y
#        print("on_RB_Rotation_Y")

    def on_RB_Rotation_Z(self):
        global myObject

        if self.CB_Position.isChecked():              
            self.LE_Increment.setText(str(round(myObject.Placement.Base[2],4)))                  #  pos Z
            self.LE_Increment.setText(str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[2],4)))    # roll = X
#        print("on_RB_Rotation_Z")

    def on_RB_Direction_D(self):
        global myObject

        if self.CB_Position.isChecked():              
            xD = str(round(myObject.Placement.Base[0],4))
            yD = str(round(myObject.Placement.Base[1],4))
            zD = str(round(myObject.Placement.Base[2],4))
            xD = str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[0],4))
            yD = str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[1],4))
            zD = str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[2],4))
        self.LE_Increment.setText("(" + xD + ", " + yD + ", " + zD + ")")
#        print("on_RB_Direction_D")

    def on_RB_CenterRot(self):                                # zero
        global myObject
        global positionMouse
        global axisX, axisY, axisZ
            if self.RB_Bond_Box_Center.isChecked():           # axis
                axisX = myObject.Shape.BoundBox.Center.x 
                axisY = myObject.Shape.BoundBox.Center.y
                axisZ = myObject.Shape.BoundBox.Center.z
                self.label_00.setToolTip("Axis BoundBox.Center")
            elif self.RB_Center_Mass.isChecked():
                axisX = myObject.Shape.CenterOfMass.x
                axisY = myObject.Shape.CenterOfMass.y
                axisZ = myObject.Shape.CenterOfMass.z
                self.label_00.setToolTip("Axis Center Of Mass")
            elif self.RB_Point_Clicked.isChecked():
                axisX = positionMouse[0]
                axisY = positionMouse[1]
                axisZ = positionMouse[2]
                self.label_00.setToolTip("Point Mouse")
        except Exception:
            self.label_00.setText("Error CenterRot_0")
            FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Error CenterRot_0" + "\n" + "or Bad selection" + "\n")
#        print("on_RB_CenterRot")

    def on_CB_Position(self):
        global myObject
        global posX, posY, posZ
        global axisX, axisY, axisZ

        if self.CB_Position.isChecked():              
            self.RB_Rotation_Z.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(axis_Z_Icon))) # icone dans une variable 
            self.RB_Rotation_X.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(axis_X_Icon))) # icone dans une variable 
            self.CB_Position.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(rotate_Icon))) #icone dans une variable 
            self.CB_Position.setToolTip(u"UnCheck for rotate the object in axis selected")
            self.CB_Position.setToolTip(u"Rotate the object to axis choice X, Y, Z or D")
#            self.SC_Slider_Bar.setMinimum(-1000)
#            self.SC_Slider_Bar.setMaximum(1000)
#            self.DS_Scroll_Bar.setMinimum(-1000)
#            self.DS_Scroll_Bar.setMaximum(1000)

            self.groupBox_Axis.setTitle("Axis Translation")
            self.RB_Rotation_Z.setText("Translation Z ")          # translate
            self.RB_Rotation_Y.setText("Translation Y ")
            self.RB_Rotation_X.setText("Translation X ")
            self.RB_Direction_D.setText("Translation D ")
            self.DS_Scroll_Bar.setSuffix(" mm")

                self.label_00.setText("[Pl.Base=(" + str(round(myObject.Placement.Base[0],2)) + " , " + 
                                                 str(round(myObject.Placement.Base[1],2)) + " , " + 
                                                 str(round(myObject.Placement.Base[2],2)) + ")] " +
                                      "[Axis=("+ str(round(axisX,2)) + " , " + str(round(axisY,2)) + " , " + str(round(axisZ,2)) + ")]")
                if self.RB_Rotation_X.isChecked():
                elif self.RB_Rotation_Y.isChecked():
                elif self.RB_Rotation_Z.isChecked():
                elif self.RB_Direction_D.isChecked():
                    xD = str(round(myObject.Placement.Base[0],4))
                    yD = str(round(myObject.Placement.Base[1],4))
                    zD = str(round(myObject.Placement.Base[2],4))
                    self.LE_Increment.setText("(" + xD + ", " + yD + ", " + zD + ")")
            except Exception:
                self.label_00.setText("Error Position_0")
                FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Error Position_0" + "\n" + "or Bad selection" + "\n")
            self.RB_Rotation_Z.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(axis_X_Icon))) # icone dans une variable 
            self.RB_Rotation_X.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(axis_Z_Icon))) # icone dans une variable 
            self.CB_Position.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(translate_Icon))) #icone dans une variable 
            self.CB_Position.setToolTip(u"Check for move the object to axis choice X, Y, Z or D")
#            self.SC_Slider_Bar.setMinimum(0.0)
#            self.SC_Slider_Bar.setMaximum(359.0)
#            self.DS_Scroll_Bar.setMinimum(0.0)
#            self.DS_Scroll_Bar.setMaximum(359.0)

            self.groupBox_Axis.setTitle("Axis Rotation")
            self.RB_Rotation_Z.setText("Rotation(X) Roll")      # rotation
            self.RB_Rotation_Y.setText("Rotation(Y) Pitch")
            self.RB_Rotation_X.setText("Rotation(Z) Yaw")
            self.DS_Scroll_Bar.setSuffix(" Degrees")

                self.label_00.setText("[Rot=(" + str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[0],2)) + " , " +
                                                 str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[1],2)) + " , " + 
                                                 str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[2],2)) + ")] " +
                                      "[Axis=("+str(round(axisX,2))+" , "+ str(round(axisY,2))+" , "+ str(round(axisZ,2))+")]")
                if self.RB_Rotation_X.isChecked():
                elif self.RB_Rotation_Y.isChecked():
                elif self.RB_Rotation_Z.isChecked():
                elif self.RB_Direction_D.isChecked():
                    xD = str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[0],4))
                    yD = str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[1],4))
                    zD = str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[2],4))
                    self.LE_Increment.setText("(" + xD + ", " + yD + ", " + zD + ")")
            except Exception:
                self.label_00.setText("Error Position_1")
                FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Error Position_0" + "\n" + "or Bad selection" + "\n")

#        print("on_CB_Position")

    def on_CB_Point(self):
        global ui
        global myObject
        global positionMouse
        if self.RB_Bond_Box_Center.isChecked():           # axis
        # if self.CB_Point.isChecked():
            point = Draft.makePoint(myObject.Shape.BoundBox.Center.x, myObject.Shape.BoundBox.Center.y, myObject.Shape.BoundBox.Center.z)
            point.ViewObject.PointColor = (1.0,0.0,0.0)
            point.Label = "Point_BoundBox_Center"
        elif self.RB_Center_Mass.isChecked():
        # if self.CB_Point.isChecked():
            point = Draft.makePoint(myObject.Shape.CenterOfMass.x, myObject.Shape.CenterOfMass.y, myObject.Shape.CenterOfMass.z)
            point.ViewObject.PointColor = (0.0,1.0,0.0)
            point.Label = "Point_CenterOfMass"
        elif self.RB_Point_Clicked.isChecked():
        # if self.CB_Point.isChecked():
            point = Draft.makePoint(positionMouse[0], positionMouse[1], positionMouse[2])
            point.ViewObject.PointColor = (0.0,0.0,1.0)
            point.Label = "Point_positionMouse"
#        ui.on_RB_CenterRot()
#        print("on_CB_Point")

    def on_PB_Zero_clicked(self):
        global myObject

        if (myObject != ""):
                pl = App.Placement(App.Vector(0.0,0.0,0.0), App.Rotation(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), App.Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
                myObject.Placement = pl
                if self.RB_Rotation_X.isChecked():
                elif self.RB_Rotation_Y.isChecked():
                elif self.RB_Rotation_Z.isChecked():
                elif self.RB_Direction_D.isChecked():
                    xD = str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[0],4))
                    yD = str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[1],4))
                    zD = str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[2],4))
                    self.LE_Increment.setText("(" + xD + ", " + yD + ", " + zD + ")")
                self.label_00.setText("[Rot=(" +str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[0],2))+" , "+str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[1],2))+" , "+ str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[2],2))+")] "+
                                      "[Axis=("+str(round(myObject.Placement.Base.x,2))+" , "+ str(round(myObject.Placement.Base.y,2))+" , "+ str(round(myObject.Placement.Base.z,2))+")]")
            except Exception:
                self.label_00.setText("Error Zero_0")
                FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Error Zero_0" + "\n" + "or Bad selection" + "\n")
            self.label_00.setStyleSheet("color : #ffffff; background-color: red; font: bold 10px;")   # white red bold
            self.label_00.setText(" Select one Object or give one value Angle/Dimension")
            FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Select one Object or give one value Angle/Dimension" + "\n")
#        print("on_PB_Zero_clicked")

    def on_PB_Original_clicked(self):
        global ui
        global myObject
        global originalPlacement
        global axisX, axisY, axisZ
        global rotAngleX, rotAngleY, rotAngleZ

        if (myObject != ""):
                rotAngleX  = rotAngleY = rotAngleZ = 0.0
                myObject.Placement     = originalPlacement
                if self.RB_Rotation_X.isChecked():
                    self.LE_Increment.setText(str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[0],4)))    # yaw Z
                elif self.RB_Rotation_Y.isChecked():
                    self.LE_Increment.setText(str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[1],4)))    # pitch Y
                elif self.RB_Rotation_Z.isChecked():
                    self.LE_Increment.setText(str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[2],4)))    # roll Z
                elif self.RB_Direction_D.isChecked():
                    xD = str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[0],4))
                    yD = str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[1],4))
                    zD = str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[2],4))
                    self.LE_Increment.setText("(" + xD + ", " + yD + ", " + zD + ")")
                self.label_00.setText("[Rot=(" +str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[0],2))+" , "+str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[1],2))+" , "+ str(round(myObject.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[2],2))+")] "+
                                      "[Axis=("+str(round(axisX,2))+" , "+ str(round(axisY,2))+" , "+ str(round(axisZ,2))+")]")
            except Exception:
                self.label_00.setText("Error Original_0")
                FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Error Original_0" + "\n" + "or Bad selection" + "\n")
            self.label_00.setStyleSheet("color : #ffffff; background-color: red; font: bold 10px;")   # white red bold
            self.label_00.setText(" Select one Object or give one value Angle/Dimension")
            FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Select one Object or give one value Angle/Dimension" + "\n")
#        print("on_PB_Original_clicked")

    def on_PB_Reset_clicked(self):
        global ui
        global originalObject
        global myObject
        global valeur
        global posX, posY, posZ
        global rotAngleX, rotAngleY, rotAngleZ
        global axisX, axisY, axisZ
        global countMemory

            for obj in FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Objects:         # deslectionne
        except Exception:

        if countMemory == 0:

        originalObject = myObject = ""
        posX = posY = posZ = rotAngleX = rotAngleY = rotAngleZ = 0.0
        axisX = axisY = axisZ = 0.0
        valeur  = 0.0

        self.DS_Scroll_Bar.setSuffix(" Degrees")

        self.groupBox_Axis.setTitle("Axis Rotation")
        self.RB_Rotation_Z.setText("Rotation(X) Roll")
        self.RB_Rotation_Y.setText("Rotation(Y) Pitch")
        self.RB_Rotation_X.setText("Rotation(Z) Yaw")
        self.RB_Direction_D.setText("Rotation(D) Direction")



#        self.CB_Position.setEnabled(False)
#        self.CB_Position.setChecked(False)
        self.CB_Position.setToolTip(u"Move the object to axis choice X, Y or Z")
        # self.CB_Point.setEnabled(False)
        # self.CB_Point.setChecked(False)
#        self.CB_Free.setEnabled(False)
#        self.CB_Free.setChecked(False)

        self.label_00.setStyleSheet("color : #ffffff; background-color: red; font: bold 10px;")   # white red bold
        self.label_00.setText(" Select one Object or give one value Angle/Dimension")

        FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Select one Object or give one value Angle/Dimension" + "\n")
        FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Reset" + "\n")
#        print("on_PB_Reset_clicked")

    def on_PB_Quit_clicked(self):
        self.vueActive.removeEventCallback("SoMouseButtonEvent", # desinstalle la fonction souris
        FreeCADGui.Selection.removeObserver(s)                              # desinstalle la fonction residente
        FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Quit xxxxx" + "\n")
            FreeCADGui.Selection.removeObserver(s)   # Uninstalls resident function (desactivated for read after LeftDock RightDock)
            self.window.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose, True)      # destroy
            self.window.deleteLater()                                       # destroy
            self.window.destroy()                                           # destroy
        except Exception:
            self.window.hide()                                              # hide the window and close the macro
        FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Quit Rotate_To_Point" + "\n")

class SelObserver:
    def addSelection(self, document, object, element, position):  # Selection
        global ui
        global sourisPass
        global valeur
        global positionMouse
        global originalObject
        global myObject
        global originalPlacement

        global posX, posY, posZ
        global rotAngleX, rotAngleY, rotAngleZ
        global axisX, axisY, axisZ

        if sourisPass == 0:                                                                  # pour un seul passage
            sourisPass == 1

            sel = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()[0]                                     # select object with getSelection()
            positionMouse     = position
            originalObject    = myObject = sel   
            originalPlacement = sel.Shape.Placement

            #longueur = (myObject.Shape.BoundBox.XLength * 0.5)                              # pour Axis
            positionBase = originalObject.Shape.Placement.Base                               # Placement Vector XYZ
            posX = positionBase.x
            posY = positionBase.y
            posZ = positionBase.z
            Yaw   = originalObject.Shape.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[0]                     # decode angle Euler Yaw
            Pitch = originalObject.Shape.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[1]                     # decode angle Euler Pitch
            Roll  = originalObject.Shape.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[2]                     # decode angle Euler Roll
            rotAngleX = Yaw
            rotAngleY = Pitch
            rotAngleZ = Roll
            axisX = axisY = axisZ = 0.0

            valeur = 0.0
            ui.DS_Scroll_Bar.setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(250, 88, 88)")


            if ui.CB_Position.isChecked():
            ui.PB_Memorize.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(memo_Allume_Icon))) # icone dans une variable 
            ui.label_00.setStyleSheet("Base")                                                # origin system
            ui.label_00.setText("[Rot =(" + str(round(rotAngleX,2))+ " , " + str(round(rotAngleY,2)) + " , " + str(round(rotAngleZ,2)) + ")] " +
                                "[Axis=("+ str(round(axisX,2)) + " , " + str(round(axisY,2)) + " , " + str(round(axisZ,2)) + ")]")

    def clearSelection(self,doc):                                                            # Si clic sur l'ecran, effacer la selection
        global ui


doc = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument
if doc == None:
    doc = FreeCAD.newDocument()

    for obj in FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Objects:         # deselectionne
except Exception:

FreeCADGui.Selection.addObserver(s)                    # installe la fonction en mode resident

if __name__ == "__main__":
    MainWindow = QtWidgets.QMainWindow()
    MainWindow.setObjectName("__title__")              # macro internal Name
    ui = Ui_MainWindow()



The forum feature req: placement - rotate part around its midpoint Le mie macro su Gist mario52a


2021/01/12 ver 00.06 : adding the Data section and more options

2020/03/07 ver 00.05.2 : corretto il bug translation delete "direction = myObject.Placement.Rotation.multVec(direction)"

2020/03/01 ver 00.05.1 : corretto la posizione del test "FreeCAD version"

2020/02/29 ver 00.05 : conversione per Hdpi (Layout) e aggiunto Direction

06/04/2019 ver 00.04 : Python 3

29/03/2018 ver 00.03 : commento delle linee "FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute()" il cambiamento di posizione e tropo lento con la versione di FreeCAD 0.17.... vedere FC0.17 recompute strange behaviour (regression)

27/03/2017 ver 00.02 : modificazione dello spinbox "Pos" adesso accetta i numeri negativi

05/03/2017 ver 00.01 : agggiunto 3 spinbox per visualizzare le coordinate X Y Z del clic del mouse

04/03/2017 ver 00.00