
From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 13:22, 12 June 2020 by Stanley Hsu (talk | contribs)

File:Arch tutorial 00.jpg|link=Arch tutorial|建築物工作台教學 (v0.14)
This is the essential introduction to the Arch Workbench. It is extensive and showcases a typical workflow, from importing plans in DXF format to building the 3D model. File:Exercise arch 01.jpg|link=Manual:BIM_modeling|BIM modeling
How to model a small house, produce a blueprint with TechDraw, and export to IFC. File:11_T01_window_all_symbol_top.png|link=Tutorial_for_open_windows|Open windows and doors (v0.18)
How to display windows and doors as open, with elevation and plan symbols, and produce a basic floor plan with TechDraw. File:17_T02_sketch_2_attached_correctly.png|link=Tutorial custom placing of windows and doors|Design custom windows (v0.18)
How to draw custom doors and windows using the Sketcher, and adjust their normals to correctly place them in walls. File:Arch_panel_tutorial_01.jpg|link=Arch panel tutorial|Arch panel tutorial (v0.15)
Modeling a microhouse roof panel by using the Sketcher, the Window tool, and the Panel tool. File:Arch_Wikihouse_01.jpg|link=Wikihouse porting tutorial|WikiHouse modelling
Re-modeling the WikiHouse project using sketches and panels, starting from importing a mesh model created in SketchUp.