TechDraw: Informazioni di saldatura

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Revision as of 17:38, 15 October 2019 by Renatorivo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* {{PropertyData|AllAround}}: mostra il simbolo All Around (cerchio) in corrispondenza del nodo nella linea guida. * {{PropertyData|FieldWeld}}: mostra il simbolo FieldWeld (f...")
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File:Techdraw-weldsymbol.svg Simbolo saldatura

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TechDraw → Simbolo saldatura
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Linea guida


Lo strumento Simbolo saldatura aggiunge le specifiche di saldatura a una linea guida esistente.

Specifiche di saldatura aggiunte a una linea guida


  1. Selezionare una File:Techdraw-mline.svg Linea guida esistente.
  2. Premere il pulsante File:Techdraw-weldsymbol.svg Simbolo saldatura.
  3. Si apre una finestra di dialogo Azioni. La finestra di dialogo consente di inserire o selezionare singoli simboli di saldatura e il testo di accompagnamento da aggiungere alla linea guida.
  4. Per uscire dalla finestra di dialogo e salvare le modifiche, premere il pulsante OK.
  5. Per uscire dalla finestra di dialogo senza salvare, premere il pulsante Annulla.
  6. Dopo aver creato il simbolo di saldatura, è possibile modificarlo facendo doppio clic sul WeldingSymbol nell'albero.


  • DatiAllAround: mostra il simbolo All Around (cerchio) in corrispondenza del nodo nella linea guida.
  • DatiFieldWeld: mostra il simbolo FieldWeld (flag) sul nodo nella linea guida.
  • DatiAlternateWeld: scosta il simbolo inferiore per indicare saldature alternate.
  • DatiTailText: testo da mostrare alla fine della linea guida.

Each individual symbol ("arrow side" and "other side") is represented by a "tile" object. A WeldingSymbol has 1 or 2 tiles associated with it.

  • DatiRow: 0 for above the line, -1 for below the line. Not intended for end users.
  • DatiColumn: not implemented.
  • DatiSymbolFile: Directory and file name of the svg file for the symbol.
  • DatiLeftText: Text to be displayed to the left of the svg symbol.
  • DatiCenterText: Text to be displayed above/below the svg symbol.
  • DatiRightText: Text to be displayed to the right of the svg symbol.


See also: TechDraw API and FreeCAD Scripting Basics.

The WeldingSymbol tool can be used in macros and from the Python console by using the following functions:

symbolName = "DrawWeldSymbol001")
symbolType = "TechDraw::DrawWeldSymbol"
App.activeDocument().addObject(symbolType, symbolName)
App.activeDocument().DrawWeldSymbol001.Leader = myLeader
App.activeDocument().DrawWeldSymbol001.AllAround = True
App.activeDocument().DrawWeldSymbol001.FieldWeld = True
App.activeDocument().DrawWeldSymbol001.AlternatingWeld = True
App.activeDocument().DrawWeldSymbol001.TailText = "process text"

tileName = "DrawTileWeld001"
tileType = "TechDraw::DrawTileWeld"
App.activeDocument().addObject(tileType, tileName)
App.activeDocument().DrawTileWeld001.TileParent = App.activeDocument().DrawWeldSymbol001
App.activeDocument().DrawTileWeld001.TileRow = 0
App.activeDocument().DrawTileWeld001.TileColumn = 0
App.activeDocument().DrawTileWeld001.SymbolFile = fullPathToMySvgFile
App.activeDocument().DrawTileWeld001.LeftText = "left text"
App.activeDocument().DrawTileWeld001.RightText = "right text"
App.activeDocument().DrawTileWeld001.CenterText = "center text"

Svg Symbol Tiles

  • Individual symbols are formed by 64x64 pixel Svg files. Additional symbols can be created in an Svg program like Inkscape using one of the supplies symbols as a template.

  • Individual symbols are formed by 64x64 (nominal) pixel Svg files. The tiles actually have a "border" of 4px. The border ensures that the leader line and symbol meet nicely.
  • The symbol is drawn in black on a transparent background. The stroke is 0.5mm.
  • The leader passes below symbols for the arrow side and above symbols for the "other" side.
  • There is no particular naming standard other than to append "Up/Down" to the arrow/other side symbols where required.


  • You can edit your WeldingSymbol by double clicking on it in the tree view. Double clicking in the graphics area is not yet supported.
  • There is a preference parameter for the default welding symbol directory. You can add your own symbols in a personal directory.