Bancada de trabalho Surface

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A bancada de trabalho Superfície foi introduzida no FreeCAD 0.17 e fornece ferramentas para criar e modificar NURBS surfaces simples. Essas ferramentas tem uma funcionalidade similar à ferramenta Part Shapebuilder quando as opções "Faces das bordas" são utilizadas. Entretanto, ao contrário dessa ferramenta, as ferramentas da bancada Superfície são paramétricas e fornecem opções adicionais. Quanto a isso, as ferramentas nesta bancada são similares a recursos como PartDesign AdditiveLoft e PartDesign AdditivePipe.

Alguns dos recursos disponíveis são:

  • Criação de superfícies a partir de bordas de limite.
  • Alinhamento da curvatura a partir das faces vizinhas.
  • Restrição de superfícies para curvas e vértices adicionais.
  • Extensão de faces.
  • Uma malha pode ser usada como modelo para criar curvas spline em sua superfície.


A bancada de trabalho Superfície tem por objetivo criar faces com formas, o que não é possível fazer com as ferramentas padrões em outras bancadas. O OCCT kernel dá como exemplo uma caixa retangular com cantos arredondados de diferentes raios.

{{Caption|Superfície criada com esboços colocados em um plano de referência com as ferramentas de [[PartDesign Workbench|PartDesign Workbench].]}}

The Surface Workbench integrates with other workbenches of FreeCAD. The above example was created from sketches placed on datum planes in the PartDesign Workbench. The design can be fully parametric, when all datum planes and sketches are defined accordingly. In most cases it is sufficient with drawing a closed sketch to define the border for a face; then options are available to further modify its shape.

The current state of FreeCAD (v0.17) does not allow to place the surfaces into a PartDesign Body. However, the surfaces can be placed inside of a Std Part container together with the PartDesign Body which holds all datum planes and sketches. The non parametric Part Shapebuilder tool must still be used in order to create a shell and a regular solid out of the set of surfaces.

Surface Tools

  • Filling...: fills a series of boundary curves with a surface. The surface can be modified by adding constraint curves and vertexes. The surface changes its shape so that the surface goes through the added constraint elements.
  • Fill boundary curves: creates a surface from two, three or four boundary edges. Three different filling modes are available: Stretch, Coons, Curved.

Additional Menu Tools

These tools are only found in the Surface menu.

  • Curve on mesh...: A selected mesh from the mesh workbench can serve as a template in order to create manually spline curves on it.
  • Extend face: Extrapolate the surface at the boundaries with its local u-parameter and v-parameter.

How to use


The used surface code from the CAD-kernel OCCT is very fragile and can not handle wrong input properly. This can cause FreeCAD to crash. The following situations cause problems and may crash FreeCAD:

  • adding additional edges or wires as boundary to a surface, that would make up several faces. Add those edges only to Unbound Edges.
  • Using of boundary edges, that fails do build a closed boundary at parametric changes of the document.