
From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 19:30, 6 August 2018 by FuzzyBot (talk | contribs) (Updating to match new version of source page)


這篇文章是由FreeCAD官方Wiki文檔自動創建,您可以在http://apps.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/free-cad/index.php?title=Main_Page在線閱讀。 Wiki文檔由FreeCAD社區開發者及用戶動態而連續地維護更新,因此你可能會發現這個在線版本的手冊包含更多更新的信息(相對離線手冊而言)。 你將會發現此手冊文檔有幾個語言的翻譯仍在進行中,然而,我們希望你可以在這裏找你所以你需要的信息。如果你在這個文檔中找不到你的答案,在論壇 FreeCAD forum找找看, 你也許可以找你你要的答案或者有人會幫助你。


這個文檔由介紹,使用,腳本和開發等部分構成。文檔後三個部分分別對應 FreeCAD 的三種用戶:僅僅是想使用 FreeCAD 的最終用戶;喜歡用腳本方式使用 FreeCAD 的高級用戶;以及想定製一些個性化需求的開發者,他們把 FreeCAD 作為基礎開發自己的應用。如果您是 FreeCAD 新手,我們建議您從介紹開始看起。

This document is divided into several sections: introduction, usage, scripting and development, the last three address specifically the three broad categories of users of FreeCAD: end-users, who simply want to use the program, power-users, who are interested by the scripting capabilities of FreeCAD and would like to customize some of its aspects, and developers, who consider FreeCAD as a base for developing their own applications. If you are completely new to FreeCAD, we suggest you to start simply from the introduction.


As you may have experienced sometimes, programmers are really bad help writers! For them it is all completely clear because they made it that way. Therefore it's vital that experienced users help us to write and revise the documentation. Yes, we mean you! How, you might ask? Just go to the Wiki at http://www.freecadweb.org/wiki/index.php in the User section. You will need a FreeCAD wiki account to log in. Ask on the forum or on the irc channel for wiki write permission (the wiki is write-protected to avoid spamming) and we will create an account for you. Currently the wiki account is separate to the forum account but we will create the wiki account with the same name as your forum account. Then you can start editing! Also, check out the page at http://www.freecadweb.org/wiki/index.php?title=Help_FreeCAD for more ways you can help FreeCAD.

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