
From FreeCAD Documentation
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FreeCAD is a free, open source parametric 3D modeling application. It is made primarily to model real-world objects, ranging from small electronic components up to large objects such as buildings and civil engineering projects, with a strong focus on 3D-printable objects. FreeCAD is free to download, use, distribute and modify, and its source code is open and published under the very permissive LGPL license. The data you produce with FreeCAD is fully yours, and can be recovered without FreeCAD.

FreeCAD 同時為一徹底社群專案,以俱 FreeCAD 熱忱所凝聚之社群開發者與用戶開發與維護故。

本手冊試圖以別於 官方文件維基 之方法構成。維基是由許多社群成員共同編纂,一如多數維基,包含巨量資訊,但不利新手存取與瀏覽。因此成為珍貴參考資源,卻非學習利器。本手冊將導覽維基資訊。然而我們希望由較少數量作者貢獻步驟教學、範例與統一筆調會更適合初次接觸 FreeCAD,且與維基相得益彰。

本手冊是為當前穩定版本 FreeCAD 0.16 而著。

本手冊所有內容以 創用授權 4.0 釋出,可自由使用、下載、複製、修改。手冊原始檔案存放於 維基 以及撰寫初版之 github 原始帳號。易讀 HTML, PDF, MOBI, EPUB 版本可見於 GitBook。印刷版本準備中。

Main Page
Manual:What is FreeCAD