User talk:R-Frank

From FreeCAD Documentation

My personal todo-List:


  • Drawing-Workbench
  • Mesh-Workbench (Verknüpfungen zu Einzelbefehl-Seiten)

Low hanging Fruits

Sketcher Workbench

Merge Meshes Merges two or more meshes.

Select Meshes Click on ... Seperate and new object

Opposed to Meshes > Boolean > Union no inner faces will be removed during the operation.

Flip Normals Will flip (invert direction) of the normal vector of the selected face(s).

Select face(s) Click on ...

By changing the property "Lighting" of the mesh on the "View"-Tab from "two sided" to "one sided" you can validate the direction of the normal vector of a face. If the face turns black, the normal vector of the face is pointing away from you.


  • add macro camera