Команда "Отправить в консоль Python"

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Отправить в консоль Python

Системное название
Расположение в меню
Правка → Отправить в консоль Python
Быстрые клавиши
Представлено в версии
См. также


The Std SendToPythonConsole command creates variables in the Python console referencing a selected object and its selected subshapes, along with some other useful references. The variables and the code involved can be used in the development of Python code.

Depending on the selected object and its selected subshapes, if any, the following variables are created:

Variable name Referenced object(s)
doc The document containing the selected object
lnk The selected Link object (only created if the selected object is a Link)
obj Depending on the selected object:

The selected object itself (if the selected object is not a Link)
The Linked object (if the selected object is a Link)

shp Depending on the type of obj:

The Shape property of obj (for objects derived from the Part::Feature class)
The Mesh property of obj (for Mesh objects)
The Points property of obj (for Points objects)

sub The first selected subshape (only created if at least one subshape is selected)
subs A list containing all subshapes (only created if two or more subshapes are selected)
>>> ### Begin command Std_SendToPythonConsole
>>> try:
>>>     del(doc,lnk,obj,shp,sub,subs)
>>> except Exception:
>>>     pass
>>> doc = App.getDocument("Unnamed")
>>> lnk = doc.getObject("Link")
>>> obj = lnk.getLinkedObject()
>>> shp = obj.Shape
>>> sub = obj.getSubObject("Edge10")
>>> subs = [obj.getSubObject("Edge10"),obj.getSubObject("Face3"),obj.getSubObject("Vertex5"),]
>>> ### End command Std_SendToPythonConsole

Example output: an edge, a face, and a vertex of a Link to a Part Box were selected


  1. Select a single object or one or more subshapes belonging to a single object.
  2. There are several ways to invoke the command:
    • Select the Edit → Send to Python Console option from the menu.
    • Select the Send to Python Console option from the Tree view context menu or 3D view context menu.
    • Use the keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+P.
  3. If required the Python console opens.
  4. The Python console receives the keyboard focus.


  • Все ранее созданные переменные удаляются (перезаписываются новыми значениями) при каждом запуске команды.
  • If the selected object is a Link (App::Link) and the Linked object is derived from the Part::Feature class, the shp variable will be the shape of the Linked object. If the Link has been transformed or scaled and you want to access the scaled/transformed shape, you can do so with this code:
lnk_shp = Part.getShape(lnk)