PartDesign LinearPattern

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 08:37, 19 August 2012 by Jrheinlaender (talk | contribs)


Menu location
PartDesign -> LinearPattern
PartDesign, Complete
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also


'Make a linear pattern of features' - This tool takes a set of one or more selected features as its input (the 'originals'), and produces with it a second set of features translated in a given direction. For example:


When creating a linear pattern feature, the 'linear pattern parameters' dialogue offers two different ways of specifying the pattern direction.

Standard axis

One of the standard axes X, Y or Z can be chosen with the radio buttons. The pattern direction can be reversed by ticking 'Reverse direction'.

Select a face

Pressing the button labeled 'Direction' allows to select a face or an edge from a pre-existing solid to specify the direction. The pattern direction will be normal to the face if a face is selected.. Note that the button must be pressed again every time to select a new face or edge.

Select originals

The list view shows the 'originals', the features that are to be patterned. Clicking on any feature will add it to the list.

Length and Occurrences

Specifies the length to be covered by the pattern, and the total number of pattern shapes (including the original feature). For example, six occurrences in a length of 150 would give a spacing of 30 between patterns (150 divided by 5, since there are 5 'gaps' between a total of six occurrences!).


  • Pattern shapes may not overlap one another except for the special case of only two occurrences (original plus one copy)
  • Any pattern shapes that do not overlap the original's support will be excluded. This ensures that a PartDesign feature always consists of a single, connected solid
  • Currently, only the last feature in the feature tree can be chosen as the 'original'
  • Therefore, it is not possible to choose more than one feature to be mirrored
  • Therefore, it is not possible to select more features to add to the list view of 'originals'
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