Команда "Менеджер дополнений"

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Revision as of 06:45, 1 September 2022 by Evgeniy (talk | contribs)

Менеджер дополнений

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External workbenches, Макросы


Команда Std AddonMgr открывает Менеджер дополнений. С его помощью Вы можете устанавливать и управлять сторонними верстаками и макросами, предоставляемыми сообществом FreeCAD. Доступные верстаки и макросы берутся из двух репозиториев, FreeCAD-addons и FreeCAD-macros, а так же страницы рецепты макросов.

Дополнения отмеченные как Python 2 Only не будут работать в FreeCAD версии 0.19 и новее.

Due to changes to the GitHub platform in the year 2020 the Addon manager no longer works if you use FreeCAD version 0.17 or earlier. You need to upgrade to version 0.18.5 or a recent 0.19 version. Alternatively you can install addons manually, see Notes below.

File:Std AddonMgr dialog.png

Диалоговое окно Менеджера дополнений


  1. Select the Tools → Addon manager option from the menu.
  2. If you are using the Addon manager for the first time, a dialog box will open warning you that the addons in the Addon manager are not officially part of FreeCAD. Press the OK button to confirm and continue.
  3. The Addon manager dialog box opens. For more information see Options.
  4. The Update all button does not work at this time.
  5. Press the Close button to close the dialog box.
  6. If you have installed or updated a workbench a new dialog box will open informing you that you have to restart FreeCAD for the changes to take effect.


Диалоговое окно Менеджера дополнений содержит две вкладки слева с перечнем доступных верстаков и макросов. Информационная панель справа отображает описание на домашней страницe выбранного дополнения.


  1. Select an installed addon on the Workbenches tab or the Macros tab.
  2. Press the Uninstall selected button.

Установка и обновление

  1. Выберите дополнение на вкладке Верстаки или Макросы.
  2. Нажмите кнопку Установить или обновить выбранное.
  3. Если вы хотите обновить макрос для конкретной панели инструментов, то не забудьте вручную загрузить файл изображения значка, если он доступен, нажав на ссылке на домашней странице в информационной панели. См. Настройка интерфейса.
  4. Для изменения расположения установленного верстака из дополнений в списке Выбор верстака см. Настройка интерфейса.


  1. Press the Configure... button.
  2. The Addon manager options dialog box opens.
  3. Optionally check the Automatically check for updates at start (requires GitPython) checkbox.
  4. Optionally add repositories to the Custom repositories list. Addons from these repositories will be added on the Workbenches tab or the Macros tab.
  5. Optionally choose proxy settings.
  6. Press the OK button or the Cancel button to close the dialog box.


  • The use of addons is not restricted to the FreeCAD version they were installed from. You will also be able to use them in any other FreeCAD version, supported by the addon, that you may have on your system.
  • The addons available in the Addon manager are not part of the official FreeCAD program and are not supported by the core FreeCAD development team. You should read the provided information carefully to make sure you know what you are installing.
  • Bug reports and feature requests should be made directly to the creator of the addon by visiting the indicated website. Many addon developers are regular users of the FreeCAD forum, and can also be contacted there.
  • If the GitPython package is installed on your computer the Addon manager will make use of it, making downloads faster.
  • You can also install addons manually. See How to install additional workbenches and How to install macros.

Информация для разработчиков

If you have developed a workbench or macro, and want to see it included in the Addon manager, read how to do so on the repository pages: (FreeCAD-addons and FreeCAD-macros). If you add your macro to the Macros recipes page, there is nothing else to do, it will automatically be picked up by the Addon manager.

Python верстаки

For Python workbenches, you don't need any specific approval to have your workbench added to the Addon Manager. In addition, because your Addon is outside the FreeCAD source code, you can choose the license you want. If you request for your workbench to be added to the Addon Manager's default list (we will not add any new workbench without a request from its authors), either by asking so on the forum or by opening an issue on the FreeCAD-addons repository, your code will stay on your own git repository, we will just add it as a submodule to the FreeCAD-addons repository. Of course, before adding your workbench, we will take a look at it and make sure there is nothing potentially problematic with it. For more details about structuring your Addon, including information about metadata used by the Addon Manager, see Workbench creation.

C++ верстаки

If you develop a workbench in C++, it cannot be run directly by users and must be compiled first. You then have two options, either you provide precompiled versions of your workbench yourself, for the different operating systems, or you should request to have your code merged into the FreeCAD source code. For that, you should use the LGPL license (or a fully compatible license like MIT or BSD), and you must present your new tools to the community in the FreeCAD forum for review. Once your code has been tested and approved, you should fork the FreeCAD repository, if not done yet, create a new branch, push your code to it, and open a pull request so that your branch is merged into the main repository.