Kreslení Shapestring

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Draft ShapeString

Umístění Menu
Draft -> ShapeString
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Draft Text, Part Extrude


Nástroj ShapeString vkládá složený tvar, který reprezentuje textový řetězec na daný bod v aktuálním dokumentu. Výška textu, mezery a font mohou být specifikovány.

The Draft ShapeString command is not intended for standard text annotations. The Draft Text command or the Draft Label command should be used for that purpose.


For Windows users: please read the Font file selection on Windows paragraph first.

  1. There are several ways to invoke the command:
    • Press the Draft ShapeString button.
    • Select the Drafting → Shape from text option from the menu.
  2. The ShapeString task panel opens.
  3. Click a point in the 3D view, or type coordinates.
  4. Optionally press the Reset Point button to reset the point to the origin.
  5. Enter a String.
  6. Specify the Height.
  7. To select a font do one of the following:
    • Enter a file path in the Font file input box.
    • Press the ... button and select a file.
  8. Press the OK button to finish the command.


  • Pro zadání souřadnic ručně, jednoduše zadejte číslo a stiskněte ENTER mezi každou z komponent X, Y a Z.
  • Stiskněte klávesu ESC pro ukončení aktuálního příkazu.
  • Defaultní soubor s fontem můžete přednastavit v Kreslení/Předvolby.



  • Tento nástroj není dosud obecně dostupný. Bude zahrnut v budoucí verzi. (post v0.13)
  • Jsou podporovány soubory s fonty TrueType(*.ttf), OpenType(*.otf) a Type1(*.pfb).
  • Velmi malé výšky textu mohou zapříčinit deformaci znaků kvůli ztrátě detailů.
  • Aktuální verze je omezena na zarovnání zleva doprava na horizontální základně.

Font file selection on Windows

On Windows access to the default font folder is restricted. This affects the font file selection for ShapeStrings. There are three cases in FreeCAD where a font file for ShapeStrings can be specified: in the task panel of this command, when changing the ÚdajeFont File property of a ShapeString, and when specifying the default font file in the Draft Preferences.

Pressing the ... button and then selecting a file from the default Windows font folder is not possible when using the native file dialog. There are a number of workarounds:

  • Make sure DontUseNativeFontDialog is set to true, which is the default value for this preference. This will only call a different, non-native, file dialog when pressing the ... in the task panel of this command. With this file dialog the default Windows font folder can be accessed.
  • Change DontUseNativeDialog to true. This instructs FreeCAD to always use the non-native file dialog.
  • Specify the font file in the input box. You can of course type the full path or copy-paste the path from the Windows File Explorer. But there is also another way to enter the path. If you enter C:\ a dropdown list will appear. Select Windows from that list and add \F. Select Fonts from the new dropdown list. Finally add \ and the first letter of the font file, and then select it from the dropdown list.
  • Create a custom folder for your font files.

See the Preferences paragraph below for the location of the mentioned preferences.



See also: Preferences Editor, Draft Preferences and Std DlgParameter.

  • The default font file can be changed in the preferences: Edit → Preferences... → Draft → Texts and dimensions → Default ShapeString font file.
  • For Windows users:
    • Set Tools → Edit parameters... → BaseApp → Preferences → Dialog → DontUseNativeFontDialog to true to use the non-native file dialog when selecting a font file from the task panel of this command.
    • Set Tools → Edit parameters... → BaseApp → Preferences → Dialog → DontUseNativeDialog to true to always use the non-native file dialog.


See also: Property editor.

A Draft ShapeString object is derived from a Part Part2DObject and inherits all its properties. It also has the following additional properties:



  • ÚdajePozice: Základní bod složeného písma
  • ÚdajeString: Text řetězce
  • ÚdajeVelikost: Výška textu v jednotkách FC
  • ÚdajeMezery: Šířka mezer mezi písmeny v jednotkách FC
  • ÚdajeFont File: Soubor s definicí fontu pro kreslený text



  • PohledPattern (Enumeration): specifies the Draft Pattern with which to fill the faces of the text. This property only works if PohledDisplay Mode is Flat Lines.
  • PohledPattern Size (Float): specifies the size of the Draft Pattern.



Nástroj ShapeString může být použit v makrech a z konzoly Pythonu použitím následující funkce:

shapestring = make_shapestring(String, FontFile, Size=100, Tracking=0)
  • Změní textový řetězec na složené písmo s použitím specifikovaného fontu.

The placement of the ShapeString can be changed by overwriting its Placement attribute, or by individually overwriting its Placement.Base and Placement.Rotation attributes.


import FreeCAD as App
import Draft

doc = App.newDocument()

font1 = "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Arial.ttf"
font2 = "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSerif.ttf"
font3 = "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSerifItalic.ttf"

S1 = Draft.make_shapestring("This is a sample text", font1, 200)

S2 = Draft.make_shapestring("Inclined text", font2, 200, 10)

zaxis = App.Vector(0, 0, 1)
p2 = App.Vector(-1000, 500, 0)
place2 = App.Placement(p2, App.Rotation(zaxis, 45))
S2.Placement = place2

S3 = Draft.make_shapestring("Upside-down text", font3, 200, 10)
S3.Placement.Base = App.Vector(0, -1000, 0)
S3.Placement.Rotation = App.Rotation(zaxis, 180)
