Macro Guitar Nut

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Macro Guitar Nut

Create guitar nuts.
Macro di FreeCAD che creerà forme complesse di dado per chitarra. In particolare, può creare un dado con la parte inferiore delle fessure delle corde all'altezza desiderata sopra una tastiera del raggio desiderato. Il diametro di ogni stringa è configurabile e gli slot possono essere configurati per tenere conto deUtilizzo per maggiori dettagli.

Macro version: 0.1
Last modified: 2020-01-27
FreeCAD version: All
Download: ToolBar icon
Author: jsiddall
ToolBar icon
Macro Version
Date last modified
FreeCAD Version(s)
Default shortcut
See also


Guitar Nut Maker è uno script macro di FreeCAD che crea una complessa forma di dado per chitarra.

Questa macro crea un dado con la parte inferiore delle fessure delle corde all'altezza desiderata sopra una tastiera del raggio desiderato.

Le fessure possono essere allargate nella parte posteriore del dado rispetto alla faccia e le fessure possono essere create con l'angolo di interruzione desiderato. Gli slot possono trovarsi su centri uguali o avere lo stesso spazio tra loro.

Il diametro di ogni stringa è configurabile e gli slot possono essere resi una quantità configurabile più ampia della stringa per impedire l'associazione. La parte superiore del dado è sferica e può essere configurata sopra/sotto il punto centrale delle stringhe. I bordi del dado non sono sagomati, né la parte superiore è sagomata dalla faccia alla parte posteriore, ma queste trasformazioni possono essere applicate manualmente in FreeCAD, o addirittura dopo la fresatura della parte.

Risultati usando la macro Guitar Nut Maker


  1. Scarica la macro dal Addon Manager
  2. Eseguire la macro


  • Il codice della macro deve essere modificato con i parametri desiderati prima dell'uso


ToolBar icon


# FreeCAD Guitar Nut Macro
# This macro creates a guitar/bass nut with conical slots at the
# desired spacing and diameter to export to CAM software 

__Name__ = 'Guitar Nut'
__Comment__ = 'This macro creates a guitar/bass nut'
__Author__ = 'Jeff Siddall'
__Version__ = '0.1'
__Date__ = '2020-01-27'
__License__ = 'GPL-3.0-or-later'
__Web__ = ''
__Wiki__ = ''
__Icon__ = ''
__Help__ = 'Macro file must be edited with the desired nut parameters before use'
__Status__ = 'Beta'
__Requires__ = ''
__Communication__ = ''
__Files__ = ''

import FreeCAD, Part, math
from FreeCAD import Base, Vector

class Nut():
    if App.ActiveDocument is None:
        # Create new document called "Nut" if there is no open document
        doc = App.newDocument("Nut")

# Enter desired values below
# Unless specified, units are mm
equalcenters = 0 # If equalcenters = 1 then the spacing of the strings is equal; if 0 then the space between the strings is equal
strings = 5 # Number of strings

# Always enter values below with a decimal point, even if that means adding ".0" on the end!
length = 49.0 # Nut length (neck width); 38.1 mm = 1.5", 41.275 = 1-5/8"
width = 6.350 # Nut width; 3.175 mm = 1/8"; 6.35 mm = 1/4"
fretboardmaxheight = 6.350 # Maximum fretboard height above the bottom of the nut slot; 6.35 mm = 1/4"
radius = 184.15 # Fretboard radius; 184.15 mm = 7.25"; 304.8 = 12"; 406.4 mm = 16"
# List of string thicknesses, starting at bottom string, separated by commas, enclosed in square brackets
# Bottom string 1.143 mm = 0.045" 
# 1.651 mm = 0.065"
# 2.159 mm = 0.085"
# Top string on a 4 string 2.667 mm = 0.105"
# Top string on a 5 string 3.175 mm = 0.125"
stringthickness = [1.143, 1.651, 2.159, 2.667, 3.175] # 5 string bass, 45-125/ 4 string bass 45-105
#stringthickness = [3.175, 2.667, 2.159, 1.651, 1.143] # Reverse string, 5 string bass, 45-125/ 4 string bass 45-105
#stringthickness = [0.254, 0.3302, 0.4318, 0.6604, 0.9144, 1.1684] # 6 string guitar, 10-46
stringheight = 1.1938 # Height of bottom of strings above fretboard; 1.1938 mm = 0.047" or the height of a typical medium/jumbo fret
slotmargin = 0.05 # extra slot width on each side of the string; 0.05 mm = 0.00197"
overhang = 3.0 # Distance from edge of each outside string to end of nut
breakangle = 14.0 # Angle of the nut slot in degrees; this should be greater than the actual string angle to ensure the string only contacts at the leading edge of the nut
slotradincrease = 0.2 # How much bigger the radius of the end of the slot is than the face
slotdepthfactor = 1.3 # Factor to control how deep the slots should be.  Values greater than 1 create deeper slots than default.
toparcoffsetfactor = 1.8 # Factor to control how far off-center the nut top arc is.  Adjust as required.
# End of user configuration variables
# Do not make any changes below this line!

stringindex = 0 # Start at the bottom string
stringspacing = 0

# Find the centers of the outside strings
# Bottom string
center1 = (length / 2) - overhang - (stringthickness[0] / 2)

# Top string
center2 = -((length / 2) - overhang - (stringthickness[strings - 1] / 2))

# Outside string values
outsidestringradiusdiff = (stringthickness[strings - 1] - stringthickness[0]) / 2
outsidestringavgradius = (stringthickness[strings - 1] + stringthickness[0]) / 2 / 2
centerspacing = center1 - center2

# Find the string spacings for both spacing models
if equalcenters:
    # Calculate the correct spacing for equal spaced strings
    stringspacing = centerspacing / (strings - 1)

    # Calculate the space between strings
    totalstringwidth = 0
    stringindex1 = 0
    while (stringindex1 < strings):
        totalstringwidth = totalstringwidth + stringthickness[stringindex1]
        stringindex1 = stringindex1 + 1

    stringspacing = (centerspacing - totalstringwidth + (2 * outsidestringavgradius)) / (strings - 1)

print("Creating nut blank")
# Height is much larger than needed but will be cut down with the "common" operation later
nutshape = Part.makeBox(width, length, ((fretboardmaxheight + stringheight) * 2), Vector(-width, -(length / 2), 0))

print("Creating nut top surface")
# Make a sphere to shape the top of the nut, which should pass through  each string center
# Because the thickness of the strings varies, the Y-position of the sphere needs to be compensated
# The fretboard "z" portion is:
fretboardz = radius - (((radius ** 2) - ((centerspacing / 2) ** 2)) ** 0.5)

# The formula to calculate the effective radius of the center of outside strings is:
# r^2 = z^2 + y^2
# r^2 = ((r - (outsidestringradiusdiff + fretboardz))^2) + ((centerspacing/2)^2)
# r^2 = r^2 - 2r*(outsidestringradiusdiff + fretboardz) + ((outsidestringradiusdiff + fretboardz)^2) + (centerspacing^2)
# 2r*(outsidestringradiusdiff + fretboardz) = ((outsidestringradiusdiff + fretboardz)^2) + (centerspacing^2)
# r  = ((outsidestringradiusdiff + fretboardz)/2) + ((centerspacing^2)/(2*(outsidestringradiusdiff + fretboardz)))
nutradius = ((abs(outsidestringradiusdiff / 4) + fretboardz) / 2) + (((centerspacing / 2) ** 2) / (2 * (abs(outsidestringradiusdiff / 4) + fretboardz)))

# The center of the arc of the nut radius must also be offset
# This formula was derived empirically so might nead adjusting
yoffset = -centerspacing / 2 * toparcoffsetfactor * (outsidestringradiusdiff / (2 * outsidestringavgradius)) * (1 - (nutradius / radius))

top = Part.makeSphere(nutradius, Vector(0, yoffset, (-nutradius + fretboardmaxheight + stringheight + (outsidestringavgradius * slotdepthfactor) + slotmargin)))

nutshape = nutshape.common(top)

cumulativestringwidth = 0 # Add up the amount of string thickness for equal spacing

# Build the slots
while (stringindex < strings):
    print("Creating slot for string " + str(stringindex))
    ypos = 0

    if equalcenters:
        # For equal centers move each string over by the fixed amount of stringspacing
        ypos = center1 - (stringindex * stringspacing)

        # For equal spacing adjust for the thickness of each string

        # Add up the cumulative string thickness
        if stringindex == 0:
            # For the first string the thickness is already included in center1 so don't add anything
            cumulativestringwidth = 0

            # Add half the previous string and half this string
            cumulativestringwidth = cumulativestringwidth + (stringthickness[stringindex] / 2) + (stringthickness[stringindex - 1] / 2)

        ypos = center1 - (stringindex * stringspacing) - cumulativestringwidth

    zstartpos = (((radius ** 2) - (ypos ** 2)) ** 0.5) - radius + fretboardmaxheight + stringheight + (stringthickness[stringindex] / 2) + slotmargin # Cartesian coordinate formula: z = sqrt(r^2 - y^2)
    # calculate the end of the slot based on the string break angle 
    zendpos = zstartpos - (math.tan(math.radians(breakangle)) * width)

    slotstartrad = (stringthickness[stringindex] / 2) + slotmargin
    slotendrad = slotstartrad + slotradincrease

    # Make the string slot as 2 circles offset in the Z axis to create the break angle, then made into a face, then extruded up to allow the slot to protrude to the nut surface
    slotstart = Part.makeCircle(slotstartrad, Vector(0, ypos, zstartpos), Vector(1, 0, 0), 180, 360)
    slotend = Part.makeCircle(slotendrad, Vector(-width, ypos, zendpos), Vector(1, 0, 0), 180, 360)
    slotbottom = Part.makeRuledSurface(slotstart, slotend)
    slotextrude = slotbottom.extrude(Vector(0, 0, ((fretboardmaxheight + stringheight) * 2)))

    nutshape = nutshape.cut(slotextrude)
    stringindex = stringindex + 1

nut = App.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Feature","Nut")
nut.Shape = nutshape
print("Finished creating nut")


Forum discussion Guitar fretboard macro / guitar body