PartDesign MultiTransform

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Ubicación en el Menú
Diseño de Piezas-> MultiTransformación
Entornos de trabajo
Diseño de Piezas, Complete
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'Crea un patrón con una combinación de transformaciones' - Esta herramienta toma un conjunto de una o más operaciones seleccionadas y sus entradas (los 'originales'), y permite aplicarles varias transformaciones en secuencia. Por ejemplo, para producir una brida con una doble hilera de taladros, el taladro (el 'original') se crea primero como un patrón lineal en dirección X, y luego como un patrón polar alrededor del eje Y.

'Make a pattern from combinations of transformations' - The MultiTransform tool takes one (or a set of) part 'features' as its input, and allows the user to apply multiple transformations to that feature (or set of features) progressively, in sequence - creating a combined or compound transformation.

For example, to produce the flange with a double row of holes as pictured below, the user:

  1. selected the hole as the 'feature' (base) in the Model tree
  2. clicked on the MultiTransform icon
  3. added a linear pattern with two occurrences in the X direction
  4. added a polar pattern with eight occurrences around the Y axis.

Flange with double row of holes. Hole pattern created with 'MultiTransform' tool.


Before beginning any of the methods below, make sure the necessary Body object is active; if not, you will receive a pop-up error message stating you need an active Body object before using the MultiTransform tool.

Standard Method

This method starts with no existing transformation features and no selections in the viewport or the Model object tree.
When initiated and completed with this method, the MultiTransform should correctly become the "Tip" of the Body object.

  1. Click on the MultiTransform icon to initiate the operation.
  2. You will be prompted with the Select feature window.
    From the list, select one initial feature to be used for the transformations and click OK to proceed.
    You may add additional features in the next step.
  3. The Transformed features messages and MultiTransform parameters window will appear.
    You will see the label of the feature you selected in the feature list view, below the Add feature and Remove feature buttons.
    If you want to include additional features for the transformations, follow these instructions:
    1. Click the Add feature button in the transform tool
    2. Switch to the Model tree view (Click on Model tab)
    3. Select the feature you want to add, and make it visible(spacebar, or right-click and toggle visibility).
      Note: This will hide the previously visible feature.
    4. Click on anything in 3D view (viewport).
    5. Click on Tasks tab in Combo View to return to MultiTransform parameters window.
    6. You should see the label of the recently selected feature appear in the feature list view.
  4. Below the feature list view is the Transformations list view. Within you should see the text, "Right-click to add".
  5. Add a transformation by right-clicking in the Transformations list view to display the options list.
    1. Add the desired transformation by selecting it in the options list.
    2. The new transformation entry will appear in the Transformations list with corresponding settings appearing below the list.
    3. Adjust the settings for the new transformation. (You will see the preview in the viewport.)
    4. Click the OK button underneath these settings to save the new transformation.
  6. Continue to add transformations in the order you wish to apply them using Step 5 above.
  7. You may also edit, delete, and move (change the order of) the transformations as needed by right-clicking on a transformation in the Transformations list and selecting the corresponding option.
  8. When you are finished adding and editing the transformations, click the OK button at the very top to save the MultiTransform and exit.

Alternate Method 1

This method starts with one existing transformation feature in the Body object.

  1. In the Model tree, within the active Body object, select the existing features to be included.
  2. Click on the MultiTransform icon to initiate the operation.
  3. In the feature list view, you will see the label(s) of the previously selected feature(s).
    To add additional features, see Step 3 in the Standard Method above.
  4. Finish using Steps 5-8 in the Standard Method above.

Alternate Method 2

This method starts with multiple existing, independent feature transformations in the Body object - with the idea of combining them. NOTE: to combine existing transformations, they must be within the same Body object and should all use the same feature or feature set in each.

  1. In the Model tree, within the active Body object, select one of existing transformation of those you wish to include.
  2. Click on the MultiTransform icon to initiate the operation.
  3. Click the OK button at top to save and exit.
  4. In the object tree, select the newly created MultiTransform.
  5. In the Property View window, locate the Transformations property in the Data tab.
  6. Edit the Transformations property by clicking on its value, then click on the ellipse box that appeared to open the Links window for this property.
  7. Select all existing feature transformations that should be included. Multiple selections are permitted using CTRL + click.
  8. Click OK to save and close the Links window.
  9. Click the Refresh button if activated.

When initiated and completed in this way, the MultiTransform might fail to become the "Tip" of the Body object. If you need it to be the "Tip":

  1. Right click on the newly created MultiTransform.
  2. If available, choose "Set tip".

Usage Notes


  • Una transformación de escala no debería ser la primera en la lista
  • La trasformación de escala debe tener el mismo número de ocurrencias que la transformación inmediatamente precedente en la lista
  • Para ver más limitaciones, mira operación de matriz lineal


Cuando se crea una operación de multitransformación, el diálogo de 'parámetros de multitransformación' ofrece dos listas diferentes de listas.

Seleccionar los originales

La lista de los 'originales', muestra las operaciones a partir de las cuales crear un patrón. Designando cualquier operación se añadirá a la lista.

Selecciona las transformaciones

Esta lista se puede rellenar con una combinación de transformaciones simples simetrías, matrices lineales, matrices polares y escalas. Las transformaciones serán aplicadas una tras otra.

El menú contextual ofrece las siguientes entradas:


Permite editar los parámetros de una transformación en la lista (doble clic tendrá el mismo efecto)


Elimina una transformación de la lista

Añadir transformación

Añade una transformación a la lista

Mover Arriba/Abajo

Permite cambiar el orden de las transformaciones en la lista



A partir del pequeño saliente se crea un patrón 3 veces en la dirección del eje X y luego escalado por un factor de escalado de dos (de modo que las tres instancias se escalan con los factores 1.0, 1.5 y 2.0). Luego una matriz polar se aplica 8 veces.


A partir de la cajera se crea una simetría respecto al plano YZ y luego se aplican dos matrices lineales para crear una matriz rectangular.