Part: Esplodi il composto

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 19:40, 10 May 2019 by Renatorivo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Strumento per dividere composti di forme, per rendere ogni forma contenuta (figlio) disponibile come oggetto separato nell'albero del modello. I figli vengono automaticamente...")

Esplodi composto

Posizione nel menu
Part → Composto → Esplodi composto
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Vedere anche
Crea composto, Draft Retrocedi


Strumento per dividere composti di forme, per rendere ogni forma contenuta (figlio) disponibile come oggetto separato nell'albero del modello. I figli vengono automaticamente inseriti in Gruppo se c'è più di un figlio.

It is semi-parametric: the shapes of the children will update as the source compound changes, but if the number of children in the compound is changed, the explosion will be either missing some shapes, or have redundant objects in an error state.

Placements of extracted shapes follow the placements of the originals, plus the Placement property of each child.

The tool will also explode non-compound shapes into their lower-level constituents: compsolids into solids, solids into shells, shells into faces, faces into wires, wires into edges, edges into vertices.

Use cases

  • tweaking positions of shapes made by Draft Array
  • obtaining split pieces from result of Part Slice and Part Cut
  • obtaining individual contours from multi-contour sketches and faces
  • obtaining a pure solid from a solid-in-compound, for use in FEM workbench.